
Showing posts with the label skirts

Hi to Lo DIY Skirt Upcycle!

  Okay, here's a super quick upcycle I did. The {subtle} Hi to Lo Skirt.  I got this skirt at Goodwill. Gorgeous.  Full Circle.  Black and sort of tribal.  Sequined and sparkly, $5...and...  A really awkward shin length. I am shin length is not great. (and let's be honest...itty bitty waist!)  I thought I could just cut it shorter and make it cute... like these ones. But I decided try a hi to low skirt variety. (this one ended up more subtle that I imagined, probably more because of my big booty...) Alas, I begun by marking the top edge of the skirt, because I wanted to leave the full design of the skirt at the base. Pinned about 6 inches lower right at the front middle and about 3 inches down on either side.  (can you see those pins...mingled with sequins?) The back would stay the full length.  Just marked with a pin.  You could use several pins to  make sure the taper from sides to center i...

Skirt Refashion Sewing Fest!

I just had a great big sewing fest and fixed up all those  skirts that I've been meaning to fix for years! Yesterday was the extender slip sewing project! I got this darling black and white dress with plum trim  for $6 at the thrift store. And thought that miraculously my chest would  grow and I'd be able to fill it... alas, not even some extra padding made it work. so I cut it in half...lining and all and made it into a gorgeous skirt! I used 1 1/2" elastic and sewed the skirt, lining and all right to it. The elastic doesn't show, because I always untuck.  Here's me wearing it with the slip extender from yesterday. And thanks to my 9 year old photographer...I don't have great pictures!  :) This red skirt I bought at my sister's tiny thrift store in her tiny city for 50 cents... 2 years ago. It was 3X...too large for me. I had planned on removing the waistband, taking in extra fabric and  reworking the waistband for a pe...

Ruffle Tulle Skirt Extender Slips!

Skirt Refashions! I made some extender slips for skirts that just aren't long enough...or need a little peek-a-boo ruffle! I had this old long pioneer type skirt... It was a midi length...I cut it to the perfect length  and sewed the elastic right onto it...stretching while sewing.  Perfect!  Adds a little flounce right to the bottom!  This black skirt can be used as a skirt...but we  use it was a tutu with that tulle edge. I did a I can use it...or my tiny daughter. We used it here to go with her Dalek skirt This was a cheap white dress I got for a dollar on clearance at the mart. I cut off the bodice top, lining and all and sewed on elastic.  A nice ruffle edge for the showing! Could be used as a skirt (if I was brave enough to wear just a white skirt) Linking up to THESE parties this week!

Simple Refashion: Dress to Skirt!

Refashion a dress into a skirt! We begin with a dress that is darling and full...and too small for me... and much to large and revealing for my daughter! But it was the right price--50 cents at a yard sale. I took it home and washed it up. Cut it right under the bust.  Sew on a 3 inch elastic waistband... Stretch the elastic while you sew it on. And ta da!  A fun skirt with lots of movement! So simple! Linking up to THESE parties this week!

Upcycled Tie Skirt!

   Happy Father's Day! Here's a tutorial on my favorite 'father inspired' skirt! After all, dads get tons of ties for Father's day...and when they are old or snagged, they end up in the's a better solution! Start with a pile of ties! (ties can get pricey--even second hand, so find donations!) I knew how long I wanted my finished skirt to be,  so I cut my ties all 2 inches longer than the desired length...just past my knees. I didn't cut the layers or anything...just sew them together! I used 32 ties to get around my just depends on the width of the tie... as they vary quite a bit I found!  This makes a thick skirt!  But I love it! Okay, I trimmed off the top edge of ties so they were all even... Then put in an invisible zipper to connect the last 2 ties together. Then I sewed on one edge of the Double Fold Bias Tape with a zig zag stitch on the inside  to hold it all in place, unfrayed and secur...