
Showing posts with the label hibiscus

How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally with Hibiscus Flower Tea

How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally with Hibiscus Flower Tea Easter is on April 4th this year and I'm so excited! I love to feel the shift away from cold Winter blossoming into Spring! I love painting and decorating eggs for Easter and this year decided to do something natural to dye them blue. Hibiscus flowers are my most favorite flower and last year we planted 8 plants. The blossoms appear around August and only last one day! I saved all the little blooms that fell off the plant and decided to use them as a natural dye for eggs. The natural effect is so cool but doesn't really happen until the eggs are left to cool down. Then these cool crystalline formations appear.  This is a great craft to do with the kids. Turn it into a fun school science lesson about dyes and where colors come from. Have them guess what color the eggs will turn using these bright red flowers. Did they guess blue or purple??? I love incorporating crafts into home school curriculum!  This post is part of a...

Hibiscus Tea Dyed Face Masks DIY

Hibiscus Tea Dyed Face Masks DIY! My favorite flower is the hibiscus! My neighbor gave me a bag full of hibiscus blossoms to make hibiscus tea. Little did he know I was going to turn it into a full Do-it-Yourself post on tea dying...especially because I don't drink tea and I'm allergic to smelly flowers, so drinking perfume does not sound pleasing. Use fresh hibiscus tea and tie dye face masks for the perfect natural dye! Hibiscus come in many varieties ranging from warm temperate climates to tropical. I think they must be my favorite flower because they are tropical and I love the tropics. I love their bright petals and delicate look.  Did you know that a hibiscus blossom only lasts one day? They stay pretty bundled for a while and then--boom! They burst open and smile for just one day.  I bought 8 hardy hibiscus plants rated for my temperate zone (even though we get snow in Utah, these are rated for my area) and planted them in my fairy garden.  ...

Hibiscus Swim Shirt with SportFlex Iron-on Vinyl with Cricut

Hibiscus Swim Shirt with SportFlex Iron-on Vinyl with Cricut Hey Doodlecrafters, I love Hibiscus!  If you've been around here long, then you'd know how much I love this gorgeous tropical flower.  I decided to spruce up an old athletic shirt so I can wear it as a swim cover up.  This hibiscus swim shirt is easy to make in less than 15 minutes!  Stick around--the best part is a huge CRICUT giveaway at the end of this post!  SportFlex iron-on from Cricut is my favorite type of iron on! It's got stretch, so it's perfect for anything with some stretch. It is simple to cut and weed. SportFlex comes in a bunch of different colors now, so it's time to add vinyl to all the things. Do you have a Cricut Maker? It's my favorite crafting tool! Considering one?...Check out this post on Making Money with the Cricut. Cricut just released 4 new tools to fit in the adaptive tools set of the Maker! I can't wait to use them.  Supplies N...