
Showing posts with the label how to dye

How to Dye Fabric with Watercolors!

 How to Dye Fabric with Watercolors! Watercolor on material! This is really genius and super fun! It doesn't take a lot of supplies to make it permanent!  You will need some fabric. I don't know what the parameters have to be...I just used some that I had in my stash.  It was white and silky and gets super wrinkly. Also you will need watercolors A big paint brush and Fabric Medium Fabric Medium is fabulous and makes it so any paint you use adheres to textiles. Awesome, right!? Usually you mix it half and half with paint. Not this time. Get your fabric and your watercolors wet. I washed my fabric but did not dry it. I have a fabulous acrylic table so it's easy to paint and get water on and then clean, that's awesome. If you don't have an easy clean up/waterproof surface... maybe take it outside on the cement. Just get it really wet and add color. Splatter, splash, splotch and mix! Fabric bleeds and blends much more tha...