
Showing posts with the label grateful

Thankful Freebies and Scripty Fonts!

 In every thing Give Thanks! Right click to save off--personal use only.  Make a joyful noise unto the Lord  ~ You get what you get and you don't throw a fit  It isn't HAPPY people who are thankful, it is THANKFUL people who are happy I love making wall art and freebies for you! I just got a bundle of fantastic fonts! The Hungry Jpeg  has bulk bundles of high quality, scripty fonts! If you are looking for some for invitations for a fancy wedding, or just for fun vinyl... Check these out! All these fonts are the HUGE September Bundle for only $29!  Plus you can send a tweet and get 10% off too! A little less than a week left to get this bundle! It includes hundreds of fabulous graphics--like  the ones I used in my first 2 pictures above. I purchased my first bundle (August) from them and then they sent me the second bundle to review. I love having glorious fonts to pick from! They just email you the files and you unzi...