
Showing posts with the label indoor gardening

Geometric Succulent Terrarium DIY!

 Geometric Succulent Terrarium DIY! Can you tell how I made this!? I bet you can't guess. The best part is it is CHEAP!  It was a lot more work than I anticipated. Maybe there's a better way...if you think of one, let me know in the comments!  You will need: Rotary cutter and mat Old CD CASES (didn't see that one coming, did you!?) Stained Glass foiling tape in copper You'll also need hot glue/gun and some pliers. This terrarium is a dodecahedron...a 12 sided shape. You'll need this pentagon pattern.  Print it off your desired size. You'll need 11 will be open. 11. That's not as easy as it sounds...but it's cheap, right!? DIY's are sometimes more work than just buying it. For the 11 that I got cut the right shape, there was at least 13 that didn't work. Fractured, broken, chipped, cracked and wrecked. This was discouraging and I was going to chalk it up in the "fail" category... ...

Belle's Chipped Teacup Turned Succulent Planter!

 Belle's Chipped Teacup Turned Succulent Planter! Remember Once upon a Time? I made Belle's chipped cup...she dropped it in front of Rumpelstiltskin and it got a little chip in it. I found a teacup and painted it to look just like the movie prop! Here's the full tutorial on changing china patterns! I decided to use this teacup as a succulent planter!  I put some gravel fill in the base of the cup.  Then added some soil I had...  Dig out a little cavern.  Pull the plant out of the pot and remove excess dirt around the plant roots. Then place it in the teacup and press the soil around the plant.  Add a little water and ta da!  Cuteness for days! Don't you just love succulents!??   Succulents need about 6 hours of sunlight per day.  They are so adorable and pretty easy to take care of! This post published on Doodlecraft first