Yarn Dolls! My daughter went to an Activity Day camp for church. Not an overnighter...just 2 days of crafts and spirituality at the church. When she came home she wanted to show me what she learned to make! Yarn dolls! They had made them as a service to donate to less fortunate kids in the world. She paid close attention so she could show me later. (chip off the old block!) We spent some extra time making ours look super cute! And made a couple silly ones for the boys. No worries...these are way easier than these String Dolls we did last year... You'll just need yarn and a book. We used the LDS Hymn book...but it's about 8 inches in width. Begin by wrapping the book 72 times with yarn. Keeping track of your starting yarn tail... So you can tie it off at the top. Then carefully pull the yarn off the book...keeping hold of the loop you made. Get the yarn in a choke hold position! This will make the head of you...