
Showing posts with the label foam

My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Shoe Wings!

 My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Shoe Wings! Make your shoes 20% cooler with this easy DIY! My daughter is 11...but she is as tall as me...and her feet are as big as mine! She is still very much a fluffy girly girl...BUT Stores and marketing would have her size wearing either very scanty clothing, or very boring "mom" clothes. ~ In an effort to keep her youthful and cute, we do lots of DIY! Make a cute statement on your favorite kicks! You can design them however you dream...we're doing a Rainbow Dash-ish wing! And they would make the god Hermes proud too!  These are so easy and take only 15 minutes!  You will need: Craft Foam Eyelets and Setter Hot Glue/Gun  And this pattern! Just right click to save off and print out. These were made to fit a women's size 6 shoe, so you may need to alter the size based on the shoe. Or draw your own.  Start with the big outside wing. Place pattern on foam and cut it out!  Cut one more o...

Pumpkin Spider Halloween Wreath!

This is a sponsored post by Floracraft®.  Pumpkin Spider Halloween Wreath! I'm happy to be part of the FloraCraft® Make It: Fun® Foam Halloween Blitz!   Check out all these fun Halloween Crafts in the free Full E-Book!  I picked the adorable Pumpkin and Spider wreath to make with my own spin on it! Floracraft sent me a box full FloraCraft Make It: Fun® Foam and FloraCraft® Simple Style® Decorative Mesh in orange and green! With all this Fun® Foam, I'm going to have many more great projects in the future!  I used this 14 inch foam wreath with a 3 inch ball and a 1.5 inch ball.  I used orange and black felt as well...and some pipe cleaners.  I wrapped the foam around the wreath form. This just keeps the foam contained...and the under color orange too.  There are places where the foam doesn't cover, but no worries.  Just wrap the FloraCraft® Simple Style® Decorative Mesh around the wreath. I love how it looks! ...