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Hogwarts Crest Rubber Stamp DIY!

Hogwarts Crest Rubber Stamp DIY! It's Harry Potter week!  Lots of fun Wizardy ideas all week!  Perfect for leading up to Halloween!  You can make your own Hogwarts Crest Rubber Stamp!  I printed off this image on a laser printer. UNFORTUNATELY...I forgot to reverse the image before I printed it and  it didn't hit me that it was reversed until MUCH later in the process. You will need: Carving Rubber And a Carving Tool I transferred my image onto my rubber using a LESS-THAN-IDEAL method. I used acetone, my printed page and a paintbrush. I set the image on the rubber face down, painted the backside with acetone... Then covered it with a sandwich bag then rubbed down with a scraper. Don't let it sit long because the acetone eats through the rubber!!! (less than ideal, right?) (If I did this again, I would draw with pencil all over the back of the image and then set it on the rubber and trace over every line...then the pencil wo...