Kitchen Reveal!!! This is my favorite part of the house! This project also took the longest. When we walked through the house the first time I knew there was so much work to be done. First off, I was not going to be confined in the kitchen/prison while everyone else had loads of fun in the living room. Next, those cabinets...such a waste of space above them...they were ugly and painted dozens of times. I could have painted them again, but they still would look ugly. The oven was where the fridge should be...and the fridge was jammed in the corner so the freezer door couldn't even open all the way. I could not live like that. So, first order of business was to remove this wall! And quickly rip off all the cabinet doors. I have always loved the open shelf look. Always. I loved it before it was cool. I have a thing with slightly ajar doors...I know. So, we enlisted some help from Mike's dad and uncle and they cut the wall op...