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Hip-hop in South Africa has been on a roller coaster ride since its emergence as a protest tool among non-white youths against apartheid in the early 1980s. Although the collapse of apartheid in the early 1990s opened up an era of... more
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
I reassess the novel in the light of Marx’s ideas about the psychology of oppressed peoples (to which the title allude). The ‘dreamers’ are the Friulian peasantry, and their dream is emancipation and material wellbeing. Despite being... more
Since the colonial era, specific legal frameworks were introduced in the Northeast region to protect the rights of the people. These continued even after independence. But the people have been de- prived of their basic rights especially... more
1. Introduction. The endangered plurality of the contemporary Middle East 2. Competing identity politics in a fragmented regional context: the slippery concept of minorities, the role of the mythomoteur and the exploitation of identity by... more
Since 2013, the wars in Iraq and Syria have revived the persecution of Christians of the Middle East as an issue in Europe, in the context of Islamist targeting of religious minorities. The French case is especially revealing of the NGO,... more
This article is the Arabic translation (with minor modifications approved by the author) of an English original ("The KRG's Relationship with the Yazidi Minority and the Future of the Yazidis in Shingal") that was published by NRT, a... more
This newspaper column from 2003 examines how Indians in Trinidad and Tobago are misled, guided by so many fears, the encouragement of feelings of victimhood, and smallness of vision. There is an important contribution for Indians to make... more
The start of the Great War and the tumult it generated continued until the foundation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Among the tragedies that happened in Turkish regions, that of Pontus, was characterised by massive killings,... more
Jelen tanulmány legfőbb célja rávilágítani a választójog mint alapjog, egyik aspektusa, a választójog egyenlősége szerepére a jogállamiság koncepciójában, felvázolva a tudomány jeles képviselőinek erre vonatkozó álláspontját. A magyar... more
הקהילה החרדית בישראל עוברת שינויים משמעותיים בעשורים האחרונים במגוון תחומים. שינויים אלה משפיעים על מעמדן של נשים בקהילה, על סוגי המטרות שנשים מציבות לעצמן, ועל הדרכים המגוונות בהן הן פועלות למען השגת מטרותיהן. במאמר הנוכחי אנו בוחנות את... more
Bu yazı Şule GÖKÇENAY’ın (2009) Lozan Antlaşması’dan AB Sürecine Türkiye’de Azınlık Hakları başlıklı yazısı okunduktan sonra “konsept maping” çalışması yapmak amacı ile yazılmıştır. Ülkemizde Azınlık Hak ve Hukuku çalışmalarının Lozan... more
This chapter discusses the evolution of minority policies in Poland after 1945 in the context of the processes of ethnic homogenization and nationalization of the Polish state. It analyses the impact of political changes and ethnic... more
Pędziwiatr, K.. (2015). Will Kymlicka, Eva Pföstl (eds) (2014), Multiculturalism and Minority Rights in the Arab World, Central and Eastern European Migration Review (2), 122-126.
Diese Hausarbeit untersucht die Beteiligungsmuster der politischen Beteiligung von Minderheiten in Deutschland. Im Rahmen einer Umfrage wurde die türkischstämmige Minderheit befragt.
Picture tell stories. They also bring people together. The pictures presented in this book depict the transformations that have occurred in the highland of Northern Thailand over the last fifty years. They come from private collections of... more
Throughout the history of psychology, the contributions of minority theorists, such as African Americans and females, have often been overlooked. This paper analyzes these omissions and discusses how they have affected the field of... more
This project aims to give a simple and multi-layered presentation of the Muslim minority of Western Thrace and the relation between the Orthodox and the Muslim communities of Western Thrace. It was first observed that in Komotini,... more
The visibility of religious identities in workplaces has become a recurrent topic of certain public debates and tensions in France. It is generally the visibility of Muslim identities and practices of Islam that are at the centre of these... more
"מחויבות יהודית למיעוטים במדינת הלאום" – זו כותרתו של רב־שיח שנערך במכון ון ליר בירושלים ואשר התפרסם בגיליון 3 של כתב העת זהויות בשנת 2013. יחסי רוב ומיעוט במדינת הלאום הם בראש ובראשונה שאלה של זהות. הכותרת מביעה עמדה שיפוטית מובהקת שלפיה... more
The fall of Saddam Hussein's regime allowed change in the negotiation stance regarding powersharing for major Kurdish, Shiite and Sunni groups, the conflict among the different political currents of these groups (Kurds, Shiites and... more
Disabled and minorities visit to L'Iber museum of Toy soldiers I am editor of this book with Fundación Libertas 7 the coauthor is Andrew Pinder (I don't want to provide his email) but the new design of Academia doesn't let me provide... more
"What is secularism? Can secularism be compatible with post-colonial democracies? In the last years, a wide literature emerged in post-colonial societies has been focused on the notion of secularism and its relation with democracy. In... more
Kolektivni identiteti Slovaka u Srbiji: značaj slovačkih kulturnih i prosvetnih institucija i konfesionalnog identiteta za konstruisanje i refleksije nacionalnog identiteta Slovaka u Srbiji – Kolektívne identity Slovákov v Srbsku: Význam... more
Tribalism and the feminine maintenance of a threatened people. How can the traditionalist societal structures of Jewish women in Morocco help explain the support of misogyny by American women