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By STEVE RABSON. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i Press, 2012. ix, 312 p. In: The Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 40/01 (Winter 2014), pp. 136-140.
Ulus-inşa süreçleri tarihe, toplumu bir arada tutacak yeni değerlerin üretilmesi gibi misyon yükler. ‘Öteki’nin kurban edilmesi pahasına ‘biz’ duygusu yaratmayı amaçlayan bu değerlerin yaygınlaştırma ve meşrulaştırma aracı da elbette ki... more
The paper is devoted to issues of emigration to overseas countries the United States and Canada, and of integration of Romanian neo-Protestants from the Serbian Banat into the Diaspora. Since the position of neo-Protestant communities in... more
Executive Summary Until 20 years ago, Greece was considered largely a mono-ethnic, mono-cultural and mono-religious country, a true 'nation-state'where the dominant nation, notably people of ethnic Greek descent and Christian... more
"ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: The present conceptual review explores intercultural healthcare —defined as the integration of traditional medicine and biomedicine as complementary healthcare systems— in minority and underserved... more
Essays by: Stefan Lechner, Andrea Bonoldi, Mariuccia Salvati, Andrea di Michele, Anna Treves, Giorgio Mezzalira, Angelo d'Orsi, Carlo Romeo, Enzo Collotti, Cinzia Villani, Carlo Cresti, Samantha Schneider, Helga Dittrich-Johansen &... more
The Buryats of Mongolia represent the largest part of the Buryat ethnos abroad. The topic of Buryat diasporas in Mongolia, regardless of whether it concerns territories of Mongolian Buryats settlement or causes of Buryat emigration, is... more
Drawing from a wide range of archival and secondary Greek, Bulgarian, Ottoman, and Turkish sources, Islam and Nationalism in Modern Greece, 1821-1940 explores the way in which the Muslim populations of Greece were ruled by state... more
HUNGARIAN–ROMANIAN RELATIONS AND THE GERMAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS IN THE 1920s By Réka Marchut SUMMARY Due to their mutually exclusive nature, the aims of Hungary and Romania were diametrically opposed in the inter-war period. The... more
This dissertation investigates the patterns in the public language use of first-language Arabic speakers in the UK, as well as the intimidation experienced by this group and how it affects their language attitudes towards Arabic and their... more
Storm, Karli-Jo T. (2019). "Who and Where are We? Landscapes as Mediums of Identity Negotiation for Georgia's Azeri-Turks". Demokratizatsiya, 27 (4): 443-478. [Journal article, A1.]
Ali Hüseyinoğlu (2016), Yunanistan’da (Batı Trakya) Türk Azınlığı ve Türkçe, Fahri Türk, ed., Balkanlarda Yaşayan Türk Azınlıkları ve Türkçeye Yönelik Dil Politikaları (Ankara: Astana Yayınları), ss.103-127.
In recent years, Kurdish political parties in Turkey have expressed their strong opposition against the unitary state model and demanded a solution that includes non-territorial autonomy, with cultural and linguistic rights for Kurdish... more
غدت المواطنة الإسرائيليّة من المنظور الفلسطيني تحتوي على حلقتين مركزيتيّن: الأولى - وهي نواتها - تشمل الحقوق السياديّة، وهي حصريّة لليهود؛ والثانية - وهي ثانويّة ومرنة - تحمل يسيرا من الحقوق المدنيّة والاقتصاديّة "غير السياديّة" (وهي... more
The collective fight for self-determination among indigenous peoples around the world has made headlines over the past few years. The exploitation of indigenous territories by settler-states has revived nationalist feelings among the... more
Előadásom célja röviden bemutatni azt a munkát, amely az Amerikai Magyar Református Egyház (AMRE) újonnan alapított misszió gyülekezeteiben történik és amelynek, mint a Missziói Lelkigondozói Szolgálat utazólelkésze, 2012 és 2015 között... more
The purpose of this essay is neither to suggest that the present crisis could be reduced to a simple list of various minority issues nor to critique the idea of minority per se. Similarly, although inevitably centred on the collective and... more
Apart from linguistic competence broadly understood as social, system-ic, communication and pragmatic competence, attention should be paid especially to the cultural competence. In this state of mind, one can fully identify with the... more
The tribal people are often referred to as 'adivasi' which literally means " dwellers from the beginning. " The Mythologies and Epics of India or for that matter any place is considered to be the records of the very beginning of the... more
Dr Navras Aafreedi, an Indo-Judaic scholar, teaches at the Presidency University, Kolkata, He specializes in the history of small communities of foreign origin in India. In a pioneering attempt, he has sought to bring the studies of... more
The portrayals of Palestinian exiles in the English-language novels of Susan Abulhawa and Susan Muaddi Darraj present distinct imaginings of the cross-generational implications of Palestinian displacement in the US context. While Abulhawa... more
This essay discusses the rogue citizen and his/her interrelation with the sovereign within a democratic state, which, in most cases, constitutes his/her exclusion defined as marginalization, stigmatization and ultimately dispossession... more
Aims and objectives: This study examines the language anxiety that occurs in immigrants’ daily lives when speaking the heritage language and the majority language, both in their host country and during visits to their home country. It... more
In this paper, I intend to present a brief history of Maltese people in order for the reader to be familiarized with the ethnic identity's origins. It should be noted that such a " history " will focus on key points, relevant to this... more
‘Ours’ & ‘Theirs’: Cinema & Minority Identities: Seeing from the Mainstream: Gender: Sexuality: Ethnicity: Age
The Mantra of Multiculturalism (MC) has failed flat. 9/11 was only an indicator how even while we live together in the same landscape, our political/cultural ideologies are far deeper to be uprooted by mere liberal rhetoric. This short... more
Abstracts in ENGLISH, ITALIANO, DEUTSCH: The financial provisions of the special Statutes can be modified through a procedure different from the one required for constitutional review. According to art. 104 of the T-AA/Südt. Statute,... more
U radu se ukazuje na neke sociolingvističke pojave u govoru kajkavaca iz Boke, sela u srednjem Banatu, koje su indukovane kontaktom štokavskog i kajkavskog idioma. Navedeni su najvažniji činioci koji određuju stepen etnolingvističke... more
This new four-volume collection from Routledge brings together the major works of scholarship concerned with the ‘language isolates’ of the world. ‘Isolated’ languages are languages without any known relatives, languages which are not... more
this paper examines how the persecution of the ancient, Kurdish-speaking Yezidi people in post-Saddam Iraq is strengthening their sense of distinctiveness from the wider Kurdish population.
Keynote lecture delivered at New Scotland Yard, London, UK. Held 3 December 2014 at the international seminar Crime and Punishment: Gypsies, Travellers and Roma in the Criminal Justice System. Organized by IDRICS, Bucks New University and... more
This article examines the historical process of the demise of Gaelic in Ireland due to the policies developed by England, and compares this to the process Kurdish is currently undergoing in Turkey. This comparison accentuates the threat... more
Molti ricercatori concordano nel rintracciare nella guerra civile, e nel conseguente intervento umanitario occidentale, l’inizio di un processo di costruzione identitaria da parte delle minoranze etniche che abitano l’area meridionale... more
The paper discusses linguistic purism in the Serbian academic discourse. Initially, the problem of purism as a theoretical notion, a language planning device, and linguistic ideology is analyzed. Consequently, it is argued that Serbian... more