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Resumo Este artigo aborda conceitos essenciais em Estudos Surdos ainda pouco disseminados em Portugal. Descreve o discurso dos membros das Comunidades Surdas ocidentais enquanto minorias linguísticas culturais e explicita os conteúdos... more
The article discusses the multiple discrimination, normalization and stigmatization experienced by deaf LGBT youth in Sicily, Italy, on the basis of a study of their everyday life (specifically school years and peer interactions). So far... more
Understanding deafness not as a disability but as a benefit and vital aspect of humanity’s diversity Through their in-depth articulation of Deaf Gain, the contributors to this pathbreaking volume approach being deaf as a distinct way of... more
Leisure activities of hearing-impaired people Summary Leisure time, the budget allocated for it and making use of it perceived as one of indicators of quality of life is still an up-to-date research issue for representatives of... more
Abstract: Th main aim of the article is to present the conclusions of a series of studies performed over a period of twelve years, dedicated to the tourism of Deaf people who are users of sign language. Th synthesis of the research... more
My thesis research attempts to answer those questions: What is the “deaf economy”? What are its attributes in both United States and Europe? Is the “deaf economy” an “ethnic economic enclave” as Chinese businesses in a Chinatown would be?... more
The transition to adulthood of young people with special educational needs (SEN) has been a recent government policy focus. However, little is known of d/Deaf young peoples’ experiences of transition or statutory transition planning as... more
Le corps sourd est loin de laisser indifférent : la surdité interroge, elle peut surprendre ou même créer de l’inconfort chez ceux qui en sont témoins. Une chose est sûre, elle bouleverse suffisamment l’expérience humaine pour susciter... more
Contents Foreword: Deaf Loss Andrew Solomon Deaf Gain: An Introduction H-Dirksen L. Bauman and Joseph J. Murray Editors' Note on Terminology I. Philosophical Gains 1. Armchairs and Stares: On the Privation of Deafness Teresa... more
This collection of essays, interviews and film addresses the empowerment of people marginalised by racist dominant structures - People of Color, Black persons, non-White migrants and ethnic minorities. By focussing on empowerment these... more
Presentación de los estudiantes de segundo semestre de Diseño de la Comunicación Gráfica de los resultados de su trabajo en vinculación con la cafetería GatoSordo.
The authors argue that Deafhood (a term coined by Dr. Paddy Ladd) is an open-ended concept with an essentialist core. They describe how deaf people who have attended their Deafhood lectures and workshops have perceived different aspects... more
MFA process paper thesis submitted to the Vermont College of Fine Arts. It encapsulates my journey through the two years of the program as well as aspects of my personal philosophy related to visual art from 2016-2018.
این پایان‌نامه به بررسی موقعیت زبان اشاره در ایران و ویژگیهای زبانشناختی آن می‌پردازد. زبان اشاره که زبان اول ناشنوایان ایران است، در مراکز آموزشی و پژوهشی ناشنوایان نادیده گرفته می‌شود. کارشناسان و معلمان ناشنوایان هنوز این زبان را زبانی... more
Starters writing assessment is a systematic process by using appropriate instruments in order to determine learning behavior, placement, and learning in starters writing. Therefore, certain difficulties could be detected early. This study... more
Summary of modern viewpoints from Deaf authors collaborated with a Hearing ally.
La sociedad contemporánea es mayoritariamente urbana y las ciudades en que vivimos son y seguirán siendo plurilingües y pluriculturales. Sin embargo el sentido común parece llevarnos al ocultamiento de esta realidad. Una de estas minorías... more
“[Audism] appears in the form of people who continually judge deaf people’s intelligence and success on the basis of their ability in the language of the hearing culture” (Bauman, 2004). This dissertation analyses the data collected from... more
The aim of this graduate thesis is to investigate how deaf educators became members of the permanent teaching staff at the Brazilian National Deaf Education Institute (INES) and to understand how their integration as deaf individuals... more
İşitme engelli bireyler, başta sağlık, eğitim, ekonomik ve hukuki alanlar olmak üzere hayatın her alanında birçok sorunla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Bu sorunların kaynağında iletişim yer almaktadır. İşitme engelli bireylerin yaşadığı... more
This is the introduction to the book "It's a Small World: International Deaf Spaces and Encounters". We start this introductory chapter with an analysis and discussion of the different kinds of international deaf spaces. In doing so, we... more
Título de la Comunicación: “MUSACCES busca hacer accesible el patrimonio cultural del Museo del Prado a invidentes, personas sordas y reclusos en cárceles” JMSG, Jesús Cantera Montenegro, Víctor Rabasco
Landlord defames deaf disabled senior citizen after her disabled parking space is blocked three times in one month by three different drivers. Two of these incidents were planned but landlord gave no 24 written notice as required by law.... more
Led by a team made up of Deaf, disabled, and allied researchers and artists from various university milieus and practice circles, this study aimed to provide a better understanding of : 1. issues surrounding Deaf and disability arts ;... more
"Deafness [is] a cultural category with medical considerations rather than a medical condition with cultural ramifications."-K.M. Christensen (2010, p. 82) "What good are deaf people to society? [This difficult question] must now be... more
Comment les personnes sourdes vivent-elles l’oppression au jour le jour? Voilà l’une des questions explorées dans "C’est tombé dans l’oreille d’une Sourde", une bande dessinée bilingue en langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) et en français... more
An arts based enquiry provides an account of how a Deaf teacher negotiated her identity within an audist educational environment. This enquiry is supported by autoethnographic data gleaned from personal journals and a brief discourse... more
Abstrakt: Celem badań było rozpoznanie biografii turystycznych osób niesłyszących, dla których podstawowym sposobem komunikowania się jest język migowy. Analizie poddano autobiografie spisane przez cztery kobiety i trzech mężczyzn,... more
Les sourds comme figures de tensions identitaires L’identité sourde contemporaine, comme enjeu de la « culturalisation » de la surdité exprimée à travers la figure du Sourd, met en dialogue plusieurs logiques sociétales. Le présent... more
Key words: deaf, Deaf culture, social integration. Abstract: The social policy of many countries is moving towards preventing the social exclusion of people with a disability (PwD) through increasing social integration. In order to... more
Menée par une équipe de chercheur-es et d'artistes, sourd-es, handicapé-es et allié-es, issu-es de divers milieux universitaires et de pratiques, cette recherche avait pour objectif de favoriser une meilleure compréhension : 1. des enjeux... more
Deaf learners acquire new knowledge through the use of Sign Language but are currently struggling to achieve recognised Higher Education qualifications through the UK’s educational system, which demands that the English language comes... more
Chaibue e Aguiar (2016) submitted statistical data to demonstrate major difficulties on the part of the Sign Language Translators/Interpreters when translating from Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) to Oral Portuguese (LPO). I will... more
This paper presents a review of the use of auto-driven photo-elicitation interviews in research with young d/Deaf people as a tool for equalising power imbalances caused by linguistic difference. A brief review of the ways in which other... more
Black Deaf children’s language has been, and continues to be, a source of oppression and struggle. This paper considers how discourse around language contributes to naturalising white supremacy; that is, the concept that white language,... more
Book Chapter In K. Ellis, G. Goggin et B. Haller (dir.). 2020. Routledge Companion to Disability and Media. Londres et New York : Routledge. Alfred Metallic, who wrote and defended the first Indigenous-language thesis in Canada, reflected... more