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The Beneš Decrees, laws punishing the German and Hungarian communities of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War, are usually described as a historical phenomenon. This article shows that recently they have become a current legal issue... more
The topic of the article is the role of the so-called Beneš Decrees in the formation of bilateral relations between Slovakia and Hungary, as well as between Slovakia and the members of the local Hungarian minority after 1993. In addition... more
Članak se bavi borbom Socijaldemokratske stranke Hrvatske i Slavonije za opće pravo glasa u narodnome pokretu 1903. godine. Na početku se analizira potpora koju je Stranka u to vrijeme imala među stanovništvom Banske Hrvatske i njezina... more
The paper examines the impact of the Lausanne Peace Treaty and other bilateral treaties on the protection of minority rights in the Balkans. The article provides an in-depth analysis of the recognition and protection of minority rights... more
This article analyzes the frames of the Wadi Salib events in the postcolonial perspective. The aim of this article is to show how to take historic events and analyze them according to a new perspective in media research. The events of... more
The present study examined the influence of perceived discrimination on the subjective well-being of Turks in Bulgaria. Based on Meyer‟s (2003) Minority Stress Model, the role of group resources namely collective self esteem, Turkish... more
The book describes one of the most characteristic phenomena accompanying bilingualism – the change of language within a communication situation on the material of a particular community: the Polish language island in Siberia, the village... more
Batı Trakya yaklaşık 550 yıl boyunca Osmanlı Devletinin egemenliği altında kalmıştır. Asırlar boyunca her metrekarede Türklük var olmuş ve her alanda yapılan hizmetler günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Balkan Savaşları sonrasında bölgeden devlet... more
In this article, Kwawukumey looks at the genre of sports anthems to understand how the Chelsea anthem text conveys loyalty and fanaticism. Kwawukumey also explores how the issues of loyalty and fanaticism are part of how a particular... more
The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly interrupted the traditional education process and imposed the need to switch to online education. Children living in poverty without proper IT infrastructure have been substantially excluded from the... more
Mats Ekman (1865–1934) was a Swedish-speaking songwriter living in Rickul, which today belongs to the Noarootsi/Nuckö municipality in Läänemaa county, western Estonia.1 During his lifetime, Ekman’s song poetry aroused a certain interest... more
En esta entrada de blog, presento el flamante libro "La autodeterminación de los pueblos: controversias en Europa y las Américas", editado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Aprovecho para ofrecer unas consideraciones sobre... more
Der Umgang mit Menschen mit körperlichen oder geistigen Gebrechen im besetzten Luxemburg zählt zu den unbeachteten Schicksalen der NS-Zeit. Das Escher Resistenzmuseum hat sich im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Vergessene Opfer des NS-Regimes in... more
In this unusual contribution, three prominent younger scholars of the post-Yugoslav region discuss through a series of letters what was socialist Yugoslavia as political community and what came to replace it. Igor Štiks claims that every... more
Elemzésem tárgya a társadalomtudományi kutatásokhoz kapcsolódó alkalmi munkák elosztásának folyamata. Célom elsősorban e sajátos munkaerőpiac szerkezetének és működésének leírása, de — úgy vélem — levonható ebből néhány olyan... more
Por medio de un acercamiento sociológico, este ensayo demuestra cómo la trama del libro de Ester revela características propias de las relaciones entre grupos mayoritarios (i.e., ciudadanos del imperio persa) y grupos minoritarios (i.e.,... more
Bu çalışma, tarihsel süreç içerisinde Bulgaristan'daki Türk ve Müslüman nüfusun demografik değişimlerine odaklanmakta ve 2011 ile 2021 yıllarına ait nüfus sayımlarının karşılaştırmalı analizini yapmaktadır. Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı (1877-1878)... more
Questo volume nasce da una ricerca collettiva finalizzata a elaborare strumenti analitici e operativi per la prevenzione e il contrasto dei processi di istituzionalizzazione che coinvolgono le persone con disabilità in Italia, soprattutto... more
In this paper, I introduce and analyze the Hungarian Educational Act for Non-State Financed Elementary Schools enacted in 1907, also referred to as Lex Apponyi. The law, named after the then-Minister of Education, Albert Apponyi, marked a... more
Výkon politík založený na dátach sa v poslednom desaťročí stáva nepopierateľnou premisou verejnej politiky aj v kontexte Slovenskej republiky. Presné a spoľahlivé informácie a dáta sú základom pre správne rozhodnutia. Na Slovensku práve v... more
Knjiga Ženski identiteti u muzičkom životu austrougarskog Sarajeva prva je publikacija u oblasti muzikologije Bosne i Hercegovine u čijem fokusu je uloga i značaj žena u muzičkom životu. Problematizirajući rodne uloge i njihov utjecaj na... more
This report documents research findings relevant to understanding the experiences of South Asian women who have survived domestic violence and who have No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF), the “forgotten women”. This study was sponsored by... more
Three years after the end of the Second Karabakh War between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the issue of refugees returning to their homes remains unresolved. Despite multiple efforts in the diplomatic arena, Armenia has been unwilling to... more
monograf edebiyat eleştirisi dergisi t ü r t a r t ı ş m a l a r ı 2 0 1 6 S a y ı : 6 Yayın Türü Hakemli, Uluslararası, Süreli e-dergi (Kış ve Yaz olmak üzere yılda iki sayı olarak yayımlanır.) Telif Hakkı Bütün yayın hakları saklıdır.... more
Results of a survey conducted among Hungarian communities living abroad.
In memoriam Zsuzsanna Répás (1966–2023)
“I was in a difficult but at the same time favorable position because I had the opportunity to build kin-state policy from scratch.”— Zsuzsanna Répás; interview with Dániel Gazsó, February 14, 2019.
Book review: Ludányi András: Amerikai életutam. A második világháborútól a huszonegyedik századig [ford. Forgács Ildikó], Kisebbségekért – Pro Minoritate Alapítvány – Méry Ratio Kiadó, Budapest – Somorja, 2020, 192 oldal.
Dalits, aboriginals, subalterns, slaves, serviles, tribals, etc., are connected with an umbilical cord of the same section of the hapless society. Dalits and subalterns in India, aboriginals in Australia and Canada, Afro-Asians in the UK... more
Séminaire animé par Claire Soussen (Sorbonne Université) et François Foronda (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) en Sorbonne, Bibliothèque Boutruche Sorbonne, escalier F,  2 e étage, le mardi de 16h à 18h
Gençliğinde edindiği siyasi tecrübelerin ışığında her zaman doğru yerde bulunmaya gayret eden, aydın namusundan hiç taviz vermeyen ve Çanakkale muharebeleri ile ilgili çalışma yapan herkesin yardımcısı olan merhum Şahin Aldoğan’ın anısı... more