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In this introduction, we propose the notion of 'embodied belonging' as a fruitful analytical heuristic for scholars in medical and psychological anthropology. We envision this notion to help us gain a more nuanced understanding of the... more
This special issue brings together scholars who are working on new aspects of the intersection and implications of globalization, privatization, and marginalization. While globalization's relationship to education has been of great... more
Recent scholarship on belonging examines how temporary transnational low-wage migrant workers find belonging in the host country. While this is possible for some migrant groups, it overlooks those groups who cannot. This study examines... more
Despite being recognized as one of the greatest playwrights of all time, Shakespeare is well known to have many problematic relationships to power that are extended into his texts. One example of this is patriarchy and his portrayal of... more
Analysis of how Jeanette Winterson deconstructs notions of women in fairy tales to establish a more truthful portrayal of women, turning the passive female into an active one.
Baril, Alexandre (2018). « Conférence d’honneur : “Vivre avec” la mort : développer une éthique de la reconnaissance et de la responsabilité envers les personnes suicidaires », The Poetics and Ethics of “Living With”: Indigenous,... more
This article discusses how the deep-rooted Shona hegemony across all fields of cultural practice in Zimbabwe has compelled some Ndebele arts performers to use Shona language in order to appeal culturally to a Shona audience. Ndebele... more
Cet article retrace le parcours atypique de Jean Chacornac (1823–1873) dans l’astronomie française du Second Empire. Commis de bazar à Marseille devenu en quelques années astronome titulaire de l’observatoire de Paris, Chacornac est... more
Published as a result of a contributions to a number of international seminars and workshop, this paper gives an overview of conviviality as a critique in response to current issues, a horizon for the future and conclusions for policy and... more
Nos résultats montrent que le personnel infirmier se trouve « coincé » entre une philosophie caritative associée aux idéaux infirmiers (éléments fondateurs) et une philosophie coercitive (sécuritaire) associée au milieu psycho-légal.... more
Focusing on the body as a visual and discursive platform across public space, we study marginalization as a sociocultural practice and hegemonic schema. Whereas mass incarceration and law enforcement readily feature in discussions of... more
Il volume si interroga sul quesito se sia possibile vedere oggi il mar Mediterraneo come nuovo Lago Tiberiade, come immaginava Giorgio La Pira. La risposta è che a un primo sguardo sembrerebbe impossibile: guerre, fughe dai paesi nativi,... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
Stereotypical representations of socially marginalized groups have been historically used towards the ‘othering’ of certain communities. This chapter explores the use of humour in such representations to understand how laughter is... more
Intro: Most people are completely unaware that the form and content of contemporary education, including Aboriginal studies, is rife with a complex interplay between racism and (neo)-colonialism. While some realize that racism towards... more
Frente al tema de los menores en conflicto con la ley penal nos ocurre que llegamos demasiado tarde. Asistimos a una obstinada invisibilización de los procesos de exclusión, abandono y violencia intrafamiliar que ocurren muy precozmente,... more
Diese explorative Kurzstudie, finanziert von der Fraktion der GRÜNEN/EFA im Europäischen Parlament, widmet sich der Informalisierung migrantischer Arbeit in der Schlachtung und Zerlegung am regionalen Beispiel des Oldenburger Münsterlandes.
The idea of the government influencing women’s reproductive rights does not sit well with a lot of people, in particular, women. Although Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey were forms of legislature... more
This article addresses the spatialization and racialization of social exclusion in the post-socialist Romania incorporated into the neoliberal global regime of the 2000s, by analyzing the social and cultural formation of Pata-Rât from the... more
This article attempts to identify the relationship between the persistent polarisation of political opinions and diverse levels of social and economic development. The coexistence of these phenomena may indicate a barrier to inclusive... more
Kapuna-puna sa mga akda ni Jun Cruz Reyes ang mga tauhang binabansagang “baliw,” “sira-ulo,” “retarded,” “abno,” “may toyo,” “may sayad,” at “may tililing.” Susuriin sa papel ang ilang tauhan sa Tutubi, Tutubi, ‘Wag Kang Magpahuli sa... more
For much of the second half of 20th century, student political activism occupied a special place in the history of many countries and Singapore is no exception. Driven by their youthful energy, idealism and romanticism before they were... more
Confi nement of persons, perpetrators of acts that the community deems unacceptable prior to being sanctioned or punished is a phenomenon that goes back to the earliest period of human civilization. It was not until the transition from... more
This study examines the initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adults with physical disabilities from marginalized communities in southeastern Michigan, one of the early pandemic epicenters in the United States. A purposeful sample of... more
En s’appuyant sur une étude de cas réalisée en milieu urbain au Québec, cet article propose une réflexion sur le concept de populations marginalisées et sur les interventions qui leur sont adressées. Après une revue de la littérature sur... more
Simone met Ananya on the morning of July 13, 2018, during the Congress of AESOP, the Association of European Schools of Planning, where Ananya gave the opening keynote speech, titled “Plans for freedom: Borders, cities and the struggle... more
Writers have focused on how Hindutva discriminates against minority religions in India. In this article, I concentrate on a different theme: how the quest for purity in Hindutva marginalizes common practices of popular Hinduism, leading... more
The most vulnerable section of the society are the children in street situations. Being destitute of basic necessities and recipients of abject poverty, they can become easy targets of abuse and violence. A UN general comment on children... more
The term, inclusion, particularly in the educational setting, is still based on a deficit view. Perceptions of 'dis'-ability create barriers to true inclusion and are often reinforced through higher education training programs. To... more
Although international migrations represent a predominantly urban phenomenon in Italy, in recent decades there are many geographies of settlement which, on the contrary, involve the agricultural regions of the Country, especially those of... more
Traditional notions of citizenship have focused on formal membership , including access to rights, in a national community. More recent scholarship has expanded this definition beyond citizenship as a legal status to focus on struggles... more
Whether it is backlash from the publication of controversial papers or calls for no-platforming, the question of freedom of expression in academia seems to be more pertinent than ever. The conflict here seems to then be one of freedom and... more
Los libros de lecturas que forman parte del paquete de libros de texto gratuitos de la SEP contienen ejercicios discursivos que pueden considerarse como el motor de prácticas de exclusión contra identidades que no pertenezcan al ideal... more
Folksongs identify itself with the people of the particular area and surroundings. They are verbally carried out through generations depicting the picture of a particular society and community. The colonial history of Western Assam had... more
Previous scholarship shows that women with disabilities are excluded from national and transnational economic development strategies and depicted, if at all, as passive victims and subjects of charity. In Sub-Saharan Africa, disabled... more