Way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and epilators were first introduced, my friend bought one which she kindly lent to me so I could try it out before buying myself one - hair removal without razors or messy creams sounded heavenly! A big NOT on that one, it was one of the most painful things I ever experienced and I only made it through half a leg before I gave it back to her and vowed never to use one of those torture devices again!
Time marched on and advances in technology were made and I broke my vow and have been using a Braun epilator for many years now. I thought it was doing a pretty good job so when I was given the opportunity to test out the new Philips SatinPerfect model I figured I was a good person to give an opinion on it.
I tried the Luxury for Legs model and they also carry a model that can be used all over your body including your face and bikini area.
Like I said, I have used a Braun one for years which I thought was good but the Philips one actually has some features that I didn't know Braun lacked or that I was missing out on until I tried it. For starters the Philips model has a wide, slightly curved head, so not only does it cover more area in one pass making the whole process quicker, it also follows the curve of your leg better. Philips has also done something brilliant - they added a light so you can see the hairs, even the tiny light ones, like a headlight for your epilator! It also comes with a couple of detachable caps that lift the hairs and massage, a cleaning brush and a pouch to store it all in.
Now I know for every newbie the concern is the pain factor - and I figured my legs were pretty immune to how much it may or may not hurt considering how long I have been using one. On my legs it's the faintest of stings but of course the longer you use one of these, the less the pain gets as you kill off the hair root. So I tried it on my arms which is not a place I normally remove hair from so they are not immune! There was a light sting but nothing I would call painful - and I'm a total wimp so someone who has gone through childbirth probably wouldn't feel anything at all!
So overall, I would totally recommend the Philips Epilator - it was quick, it was easy, it was fairly painless and of course the best part with using a epilator, the results last for a couple of weeks, not a couple of days like shaving and the like. I'm even thinking I will upgrade myself to the all over model!
The Philips Luxury for Legs Epilator is available at Zellers, The Bay, Jean Coutu and Personal Edge among others for $89.99 - you can get more details at
- Lisamarie -