the like
ðə laɪk-
the like
a similar kind "dogs, foxes, and the like", "we don't want the likes of you around here"
Looks like we're the last dogs hung - When you are the last people left in the hall after an event. You look around and say..."looks like we're the last dogs hung."
No time like the present - If people say that there's no time like the present , they believe that it is far better to do something now than to leave it for later, in which case it might never get done.
Motorola clearly never envisioned the likes of Redneck Island.
I have been checking into the likely hood of doing a phesant hunt on this reservation.
Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Terry Collins will see the likes of Adam Dunn, Justin Verlander and Billy Butler in 2013.
A utility rate hike and the likely sale of land by Lewisburg to the city's water utility are among the topics facing the City Council when it convenes on Tuesday night in City Hall.
The likeness of former President George W Bush appears on a severed head.
Entertainment icons the likes of Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra have shared stories with him, but Joe Micale — owner of Beverly Hills Hair Design in South Fort Myers — will tell you that he treats every customer like a star.
Just because Republican strategist Ken Mehlman is gay and actively lobbying for marriage equality from New York to Maryland doesn't mean he's stopped supporting the likes of John Boehner.
Beyoncé is joining the likes of Jennifer Lopez and Lady Gaga in expanding her perfume collection.
I buy the basic stuff down to our A&P, of course: ground turkey, chicken breasts and the like.
Most of $7.8 billion goes to care of Georgians with disabilities, mental illness and the like.
This year he surprised many by taking the lead in the renowned American Windsurfing Tour, above the likes of Kevin Pritchard and Josh Stone, Professional Windsurfing Association World Champions.
He said my "weakness and stiffness" are the likely culprits, so I got a trainer to help me.
I'm not the most comfortable with any of the other horror franchises, but have always been able to get through Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween and the like.
It's clear that Chrysler is moving in the right direction by giving the Avenger so much attention, but this car is going to need further improvement before it can compete with the likes of the Honda Accord and the Toyota Camry.
Randy Genung invited me to attend the dinner for the Redlands High Hall of Fame… which has apparently reached the state where it's inducting the likes of, well, Randy Genung.
In Fig. 1b we show the values of the fit parameters as functions of R0 for a Gaussian as well as the θ -like weight factors.
Modelling Bose-Einstein effect from asymmetric sources in Monte Carlo generators
The likely source of this slight discrepancy is an underestimate of the dominant, systematic uncertainties in the 4He observations, which now seems affirmed with the CMB determination of Yp .
Precision Primordial $^4$He Measurement with CMB Experiments
In our original paper, we calculated the likely size of the Galactic DNS population in two stages.
The Cosmic Coalescence Rates for Double Neutron Star Binaries
This scatter is the likely origin of the observed dispersion of σ=0.7 in the distance modulus for Westerlund 1.
A census of the Wolf-Rayet content in Westerlund 1 from near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy
The complexity of this conceptual problem is increased by specific technical difficulties related to the presence of continuous-spectrum operators, infinite-norm states, gauge-groups having infinite volume, and the like.
Multiple-event probability in general-relativistic quantum mechanics: a discrete model
Was there ever the likes of him? "Chatterbox, 1906" by
Now, like the Indian, he had become subdued with age and conquest; but like the Indian, too, stubborn and resentful. "Land of the Burnt Thigh" by
He carried himself like an Indian and his strength was like that of the lover in Solomon's song. "Still Jim" by
Shall we not try to be like the Father of our spirits, and seek for His grace, to bear the likeness of sons? "Expositions of Holy Scripture" by
She seemed to him like a flower in the wilderness, and aroused all the romance of his nature. "The Day of Judgment" by
I'd 'a been ashamed to be seen in the like of theirs. "The Manxman A Novel - 1895" by
I would like for him to remember it, because the Indian boy liked me, and an Indian killed my grandfather. "In The Boyhood of Lincoln" by
He is not only to lose his own recollection of grief and wrong, but to destroy the like memory in all whom he approaches. "The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete" by
It is since spoken to such wealthy maidens upon the like occasion. "The Proverbs of Scotland" by
Everything was like a wide, blooming meadow, or like the most charming garden. "What the Moon Saw: and Other Tales" by
Whence I come and whither I go,
And where I abide when my voice is still,
You know not, and never shall know.''
No longer know the love our blood enjoys.
You have forgoten there's a love on Earth
That burns like fire and, like all fire, destroys.
His bride followed after, an angel most bright,
With gay troops of ladies, the like ne'er was seen
As went with sweet Bessy of Bethnal Green.
When death like evening calls them to repose;
Then mystic smiles may break from deep disguise,
Like Vesper's torch transpiring in the skies.
Whiten like lilies floating above,
Blown wild about like a flock of white geese!
But never, O never; so cease! so cease!
Never as white as the throat of my love!
And it doth not yet appear what we shall be;
But we know that when He shall appear;
We know that when He shall appear,
We shall be like Him, we shall be like Him,
For we shall see Him as He is.