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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
Pine, spruce, or other evergreen wood should never be used in barbecues. These woods, when burning or smoking, can add harmful tar and resins to the food. Only hardwoods should be used for smoking and grilling, such as oak, pecan, hickory, maple, cherry, alder, apple, or mesquite, depending on the type of meat being cooked.
  1. (v) barbecue
    cook outdoors on a barbecue grill "let's barbecue that meat","We cooked out in the forest"
  2. (n) barbecue
    a rack to hold meat for cooking over hot charcoal usually out of doors
  3. (n) barbecue
    a cookout in which food is cooked over an open fire; especially a whole animal carcass roasted on a spit
  4. (n) barbecue
    meat that has been barbecued or grilled in a highly seasoned sauce
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Barbecue
    To dry or cure by exposure on a frame or gridiron. "They use little or no salt, but barbecue their game and fish in the smoke."
  2. Barbecue
    To roast or broil whole, as an ox or hog. "Send me, gods, a whole hog barbecued ."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) barbecue
    A wooden framework used for supporting over a fire meat or fish to be smoked or dried.
  2. (n) barbecue
    An iron frame on which large joints are placed for broiling, or on which whole animals are roasted; a large gridiron.
  3. (n) barbecue
    The carcass of an ox, hog, or other animal, roasted whole.
  4. (n) barbecue
    A large social or political entertainment in the open air, at which animals are roasted whole, and feasting on a generous scale is indulged in.
  5. (n) barbecue
    An open floor or terrace smoothly covered with plaster or asphalt, on which to dry coffee-beans, etc.
  6. barbecue
    To cure by smoking or drying on a barbecue (which see).
  7. barbecue
    To dress and roast whole, as an ox or a hog, by splitting it to the backbone, and roasting it on a gridiron.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Barbecue
    bärb′e-kū to roast whole, as a pig: to cure flesh by exposing it on a barbecue
  2. (n) Barbecue
    a framework on which to dry and smoke meat above a fire: an animal roasted whole: an open floor on which coffee-beans and the like are spread out to dry:
  3. (n) Barbecue
    (Amer.) a large social or political entertainment, where the hospitalities are on a lavish scale
Kids are wonderful, but I like mine barbecued.
Bob Hope
Usage in the news

This home now offers its occupants the perfect environment to relax by the pool with family barbecues and enjoy state-of-the-art entertainment.

Pair it with anything from the barbecue.

Yogurt, plain 3 cups Cattlemen's® Original Barbecue Sauce 1 cup Frank's® RedHot® Buffalo Sandwich Sauce 24 garlic cloves, crushed 3 Tbsp.

WXYC Backyard Barbecue with Caltrop , Black Skies, Fin Fang Foom.

Sponsored by WXYC's "Backyard Barbecue," this showcase digs into Chapel Hill's fertile hard rock underground.

You can find cedar planks at a gourmet food or barbecue specialty shop.

Man's vehicle was stolen from a barbecue event in Caruthersville and later returned to Memphis over the weekend.

So begins the 36-page feature on North Carolina barbecue in Our State magazine's September issue.

Mary Caraway receives the Grand Champion plaque from Daryl Haley as a part of the Last Chance Barbecue event at the Franklin County Sheriff's Posse Rodeo Arena on Saturday, Nov 15.

Cary Grant Oven-Barbecued Chicken cary-grant -oven-barbecued-chicken-1.

Cary Grant Oven-Barbecued Chicken Recipe cary-grant -recipe.

Cary Grant Oven-Barbecued Chicken cary-grant -oven-barbecued-chicken-2.

Cary Grant 's Oven-Barbecued Chicken.

Barbecue grills are like cast-iron skillets: they get better and more seasoned, the more you use them.

It can add a variety of textures and be prepared several ways: sauteed, steamed, fried or barbecued.

Usage in scientific papers

De koffiepauzes, sociale activiteiten, voetbalwoensdagen, avondlijke afspraken, kerstfeestjes, barbecues en zoveel meer hebben ertoe bijgedragen dat ik mij thuis gevoeld heb.
Faddeev Random Phase Approximation applied to molecules

Usage in literature

Why, a barbecue couldn't be named beside it for fun! "A Voice in the Wilderness" by Grace Livingston Hill

From the necessity of supplying the barbecue every now and then with fresh embers, a large fire had been kept up during the day. "The Boy Hunters" by Captain Mayne Reid

Den us went to barbecues after de mornin' chores was done. "Slave Narratives Vol. XIV. South Carolina, Part 2" by Works Projects Administration

This is where he meant to put his fish to keep them fresh for the barbecue. "St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls, Vol. 5, July 1878, No. 9" by Various

It's not really any hotter than at a barbecue at home. "The Long Roll" by Mary Johnston

He could catch turkeys with a noose, and young pigs to barbecue. "The Hour and the Man" by Harriet Martineau

They say the hogs walkin' round already barbecued. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Arkansas Narratives, Part 4" by Work Projects Administration

In the New England capital there was a grand barbecue. "Washington and the American Republic, Vol. 3." by Benson J. Lossing

Den I busts loose, an' some Indian boys starts in to barbecue me. "Lady Luck" by Hugh Wiley

He is the only man of whom Barbecue was afraid. "Peter and Wendy" by James Matthew Barrie

Usage in poetry
Nor that road through weed and berry
Drowsy days led me and you
To the old-time barbecue,
Where the country-side made merry.