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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
There were no red colored M&Ms from 1976 to 1987
  1. (adj) m
    denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units
  2. (n) M
    concentration measured by the number of moles of solute per liter of solution
  3. (n) M
    the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet
  4. (n) m
    the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet
  5. (n) M
    a unit of information equal to 1024 kibibytes or 2^20 (1,048,576) bytes
  6. (n) M
    a unit of information equal to 1000 kilobytes or 10^6 (1,000,000) bytes
  7. (n) m
    the basic unit of length adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites (approximately 1.094 yards)
  8. (n) M
    the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Southbridge, Massachusetts, makes it illegal to read books or newspapers after 8 p.m. in the streets.
  1. M
    (law) A brand or stigma, having the shape of an M, formerly impressed on one convicted of manslaughter and admitted to the benefit of clergy.
  2. M
    (Print) A quadrat, the face or top of which is a perfect square; also, the size of such a square in any given size of type, used as the unit of measurement for that type: 500 m's of pica would be a piece of matter whose length and breadth in pica m's multiplied together produce that number.
  3. M
    As a numeral, M stands for one thousand, both in English and Latin.
  4. M
    M, the thirteenth letter of the English alphabet, is a vocal consonant, and from the manner of its formation, is called the labio-nasal consonant. See Guide to Pronunciation, §§ 178-180, 242.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
The estimated number of M & M's sold each day in the United States is 200,000,000.
  1. m
    The thirteenth letter and tenth consonant in the English alphabet. It had a corresponding position in the Latin and Greek alphabets, and in their source, the Phenician. The conspectus of forms in these three alphabets, with the Egyptian characters from which many believe the M to be derived (see A), is as follows: M represents a labial nasal sound, the corresponding nasal to b and p, as n to d and t, and ng to g and k. That is to say, in its production the lips are pressed together, or form a mute closure, as in p and b, and the vocal chords are set in sonant vibration, as in b; but the passage from the pharynx into the nose is open, so that the tone rings in the nasal as well as in the oral cavity, and this gives the peculiar quality which we term nasal. (See nasal.) Since the nose is incapable of complete closure (except by external means, as the fingers), the sound thus produced is resonant and continuable, and hence m and n are ordinarily reckoned as semivocal, or liquid, or the like. But m does not win, like n, an actual vowel value in English syllabication; though in vulgar pronunciation words like elm, spasm, etc., are sometimes resolved into el-um, spazum, etc. The sound m, especially as initial, is a very stable element in Indo-European language-history: compare mean, mind, Latin mens, Greek μενος, Sanskrit √ man; or mother, oldest traceable form mātar (compared with the altered father, brother, oldest pātar, bhrātar). M has no varieties of pronunciation, and is silent only in a few foreign words, as mnemonic; it is doubled under the same circumstances as the consonants in general, as in dimmer, dimming, dimmed, etc., from dim.
  2. m
    As a numeral, in the Roman system, M denotes 1,000. With a dash or stroke over it (M), it stands for a thousand times a thousand, or 1,000,000.
  3. m
    As a symbol
  4. m
    In the mnemonic words of logic (see mood), m indicates a transposition (metathesis) of the premises in the reduction.
  5. m
    Formerly, M was a brand impressed on one convicted of manslaughter and admitted to the benefit of clergy.
  6. m
    As an abbreviation
  7. m
    In titles, M. stands for Magister or Master, as in A. M.; for Medicinæ or Medicine, as in M. D.; or for Member, as in M. C, member of Congress, and M. P., member of Parliament.
  8. m
    In mech., m. stands for mass.
  9. m
    In dental formulæ, in zoöl., m. stands for molar, and dm. for deciduous molar.
  10. m
    In mathematics, M or μ stands for modulus; in higher geom., m or μ for the degree of a curve.
  11. m
    In astronomy and metrology, m. stands for minute (of time), and for meter; mm. for millimeter; and μ for micron or micromillimeter.
  12. m
    In musical notation, M. stands for mano (main), mezzo, metronome, and in organ-music for manual. See M. D., M. M., M. S.
  13. m
    In a ship's log-book, masculine is an abbreviation of mist.
  14. m
    In printing, the square or quadrate of any body of type: more commonly spelled out, em (which see).
  15. (n) m
    See A. M. .
  16. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Member of Congress.
  17. (n) m
    An abbreviation of the Latin Medicinæ Doctor, Doctor of Medicine (see doctor, 2); in musical notation, of mano destra (Italian) or main droite (French), ‘right hand,’ indicating a passage to be performed by the right hand.
  18. m
    An abbreviation of Methodist Episcopal; of Mining Engineer: as, John Smith, M. E.; of Middle English: used (as Middle English) in the etymologies of this work.
  19. m
    An abbreviation of Major-General.
  20. m
    In musical notation, an abbreviation of the French main gauche (left hand), indicating that a note or passage is to be played with the left hand.
  21. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Middle Latin or Medieval Latin.
  22. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Maelzel's metronome. See metronome.
  23. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Member of Parliament.
  24. (n) m
    In music, an abbreviation of mano sinistra, ‘the left hand,’ noting a note or passage to be played with the left hand.
  25. m
    As a symbol:
  26. m
    M denotes magnetic moment: usually printed in old English; a gaseous pressure of the millionth of an atmosphere.
  27. m
    μ denotes magnetic permeability or the specific conductivity of any substance for lines of magnetic force; the coefficient of friction.
  28. m
    m stands for the intensity or strength of a magnetic pole.
  29. m
    m stands for square meters, m for cubic meters.
  30. m
    As an abbreviation:
  31. m
    In titles, M. stands also for Marquis, Matthew (a book of the New Testament), and Monsieur.
  32. m
    In a ship's log-book, masculine is an abbreviation of moderate.
  33. m
    In a chart, masculine stands for mud; in meteorology, for mist; in ophthalmol., for myopia.
  34. m
    In pharmacy, M. or masculine stands for macerare (macerate), manipulus (a handful), mensura (measure or by measure), minimum (minim), misce (mix), mistura (mixture).
  35. m
    In astronomical tables, M. or masculine (abbreviation of L. meridies) indicates meridian or meridional: 12 M. stands for noon. See A. M. and P. M.
  36. m
    In astronomy, M. stands for Messier, referring to his catalogue of 103 nebulæ and star-clusters: thus, 51M. or M.51 is the famous whirlpool nebula.
  37. m
    M. stands for Monday; M. or masculine, for mile or miles, mill or mills, month or months, moon, muster; m., for married, masculine, middle, minutes, morning, and the Latin mille (a thousand).
  38. (n) m
    An abbreviation of the Latin Medicinæ Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Medicine;
  39. (n) m
    of the Latin Musicæ Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Music;
  40. (n) m
    of “mark of the beast,” in allusion to the popular belief that the garment described below smacked of popery.
  41. (n) m
    An abbreviation of the Latin Magister Chirurgiæ, Master of Surgery;
  42. (n) m
    of Master of Ceremonies.
  43. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Middle Dutch;
  44. (n) m
    of months (after) date.
  45. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Master of Engineering;
  46. (n) m
    of Mechanical Engineer;
  47. (n) m
    of Military Engineer;
  48. (n) m
    of Most Excellent.
  49. (n) m
    An abbreviation
  50. (n) m
    of Latin Musicæ Graduatus. Graduate of Music.
  51. (n) m
    Abbreviations of Mœsogothic.
  52. (n) m
    An abbreviation
  53. (n) m
    of Master of Horticulture;
  54. (n) m
    of Most Honorable.
  55. m
    An abbreviation
  56. m
    of Master of Laws;
  57. m
    of Master of Literature;
  58. m
    of muzzle-loading.
  59. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Master of Oratory.
  60. (n) m
    An abbreviation
  61. (n) m
    of Master of Painting;
  62. (n) m
    of man-power;
  63. (n) m
    of Member of Police;
  64. (n) m
    of Methodist Protestant;
  65. (n) m
    of Metropolitan Police;
  66. (n) m
    of the Latin millia passuum, a thousand paces: the Roman mile;
  67. (n) m
    of Municipal Police.
  68. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Master of the Rolls.
  69. (n) m
    An abbreviation of Master of Science;
  70. (n) m
    of Master of Surgery;
  71. (n) m
    of month's sight;
  72. (n) m
    of Latin Memoriæ Sacrum, sacred to the memory (of, etc.).
  73. (n) m
    An abbreviation of mean time.
  74. (n) m
    An abbreviation
  75. (n) m
    of the Latin Medicus Veterinarius, veterinary physician;
  76. (n) m
    in music, of the Italian mezza voce, with half the force of the voice;
  77. (n) m
    in experimental psychology, of mean variation.
  78. (n) m
    An abbreviation
  79. (n) m
    of Most Worshipful;
  80. (n) m
    of Most Worthy.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Thomasville, North Carolina, prohibits airplanes from flying over the town on Sundays during the hours between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
  1. M
    the thirteenth letter of the alphabet, belonging to the labio-nasal class of consonants. M=1000;
Tony Bennett
I think one of the reasons I'm popular again is because I'm wearing a tie. You have to be different.
Tony Bennett
Jerry Garcia
I'm shopping around for something to do that no one will like.
Jerry Garcia
Clarence Darrow
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. Now I'm beginning to believe it.
Clarence Darrow
I'm the only president you've got.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Mark Messier
The only pressure I'm under is the pressure I've put on myself.
Mark Messier
Abraham Lincoln
I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back.
Abraham Lincoln

I may be daft, but I'm not stupid - I might do or say silly things occasionally, but in this instance I know what I am doing (Usually used when someone questions your application of common-sense).

Usage in the news

When I'm in the car, I'm focused 100 percent on what I'm doing.

Monday 10 am - 8 p.m. Tuesday 10 am - 8 p.m. Wednesday 10 am - 8 p.m.

Monday 8 am - 5 p.m. Tuesday 8 am - 5 p.m. Wednesday 8 am - 5 p.m. Thursday 8 am - 5 p.m.

"They see what I'm doing and probably realize I'm not getting the coaching I shoud be getting, but I'm doing pretty good for what I've been given".

Monday 9 am - 9 p.m. Tuesday 9 am - 9 p.m. Wednesday 9 am - 5 p.m.

Monday 9 am - 8 p.m. Tuesday 9 am - 6 p.m. Wednesday 9 am - 6 p.m.

Sun 11 am to 10 p.m. Mon 11 am to 10 p.m. Tue 11 am to 10 p.m.

Monday 9 am to 5 p.m. Tuesday 9 am to 5 p.m. Wednesday 9 am to 5 p.m.

Monday 8 am - 8 p.m. Tuesday 8 am - 8 p.m. Wednesday 8 am - 8 p.m. Thursday 8 am - 8 p.m.

CSAT at Akron, 4:30 p.m. Wilson at Albion, 4:30 p.m. South Park at Burgard, 4:30 p.m.

Sun 11 am to 7 p.m. Mon 11 am to 7 p.m. Tue 11 am to 7 p.m.

Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 9 a.m.-5 pm, Sun 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 740 University Ave, Rochester Neighborhood of the Arts NY.

"I can remember saying 'I can't imagine that I'm going to be doing this when I'm 45' — and I'm 45," Dave Matthews says.

Sunday 9 am to 5 p.m. Friday 9 am to 5 p.m. Saturday 9 am to 5 p.m.

On Sundays the restaurant hosts a margaritas and mariachi band brunch from 11 am to 3 p.m. Sun 4 pm to 9 p.m. Mon 4 pm to 9 p.m. Tue 4 pm to 9 p.m.

Usage in scientific papers

Since M and M ′ are isomorphic to restrictions along π , χ = φ−1 ◦ (πRes ˆχ) ◦ φ′ , where φ : M ∼= πRes ˆM , φ′ : M ′ ∼= π Res ˆM ′ , and ˆχ : ˆM → ˆM ′ .
Abelian extensions of algebras in congruence-modular varieties

A) → X(M ) × C ∞ (M , R) (resp. (ρ∗ , X0) : Γ(A∗) → X(M ) × C ∞ (M , R)) is the homomorphism of C ∞ (M , R)-modules given by (3.12) and (ρ, φ0)∗ : Ω1 (M )×C ∞ (M , R) → Γ(A∗) (resp. (ρ∗ , X0)∗ : Ω1 (M ) × C ∞ (M , R) → Γ(A)) is the adjoint operator of (ρ, φ0 ) (resp. (ρ∗ , X0)).
Generalized Lie bialgebroids and Jacobi structures

I − P[D (m) ]⊕Γ(m where P[D(m) ]⊕Γ(m is the projection onto [D (m) ] ⊕ Γ(m and Γ(m = Γ(H ⊖ H(m+1) ).
Filtered random variables, bialgebras and convolutions

We have simple relations: (j + m)!(j − m)! αn (m, −k) = αn (k , −m), (j + k)!(j − k)! αj−m−n(m, k) = (−1)j−mαn (m, −k).
Integrable Submodels of Nonlinear $\sigma$-models and Their Generalization

Consider complete manifolds (M n , g ) (M ′ n , g ′) and C ∞,m(M , M ′ ). A diffeomorphism f : M −→ M ′ will be called m–bibounded if f ∈ C ∞,m(M , M ′ ) and f −1 ∈ C ∞,m(M ′ , M ).
Relative Zeta Functions, Determinants, Torsion, Index Theorems and Invariants for Open Manifolds

Usage in literature

By F. H. COLSON, M.A., and G. M. GWYTHER, M.A. "The Jacobite Rebellions (1689-1746)" by James Pringle Thomson

I'm just handing you this so you'll know the sort of thing I'm up against. "The Heart of Unaga" by Ridgwell Cullum

Antoine has two brothers and one is at Brouage, where M. de Champlain was born. "A Little Girl in Old Quebec" by Amanda Millie Douglas

I'm so dull that I'm really grateful to him, but I'm so dull that I have to tease him, too. "Moor Fires" by E. H. (Emily Hilda) Young

I'm afraid I'm not very heroic. "The Root of Evil" by Thomas Dixon

I'm an old man and I'm likely to go any time. "Still Jim" by Honoré Willsie Morrow

I'm on the high seas, and I'm talking to fit the occasion. "Blow The Man Down" by Holman Day

I'm as sure of it as that I'm standing here. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

I'm bound to know, for I'm in your father's place at present. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1909 to 1922" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

But in this other church (w^ch must be y^e subjecte of our discourse) besids other worthy men, was M^r. "Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation'" by William Bradford

Usage in poetry
An sic a weary buryin,
I'm sure ye never saw,
As wis the Sunday after that,
On the muirs aneath Harlaw.
And now I'm a' his ain--
In a' his joys I mingle;
Nae for the wealth of warlds
Wad I again be single!
Oh, this love!
An' who, you mid ax, be my praïses
A-meäkèn so much o',
An' oh! 'tis the maïd I'm a-hopèn
To wed in the Spring.
Though to leave your pretty song,
Little birds, it gives me pain,
Yet to-morrow is not long,
Then I'm with you all again.
An if they know mi mammy sleeps,
Soa cold, an white, an still,
Aw'm feeard they'll come an fotch her, sir;
O, sir, aw'm feeard they will!
"I'm not, I'm not!
You make me angry. I'll come down to you.
God, what a woman! And it's come to this,
A man can't speak of his own child that's dead."