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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
Hippos can live up to 40 years in the wild
  1. (adj) up
    out of bed "are they astir yet?","up by seven each morning"
  2. (adj) up
    used up "time is up"
  3. (adj) up
    (used of computers) operating properly "how soon will the computers be up?"
  4. (adj) up
    open "the windows are up"
  5. (adj) up
    (usually followed by `on' or `for') in readiness "he was up on his homework","had to be up for the game"
  6. (adj) up
    extending or moving toward a higher place "the up staircase","a general upward movement of fish"
  7. (adj) up
    getting higher or more vigorous "its an up market","an improving economy"
  8. (adj) up
    being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level "the anchor is up","the sun is up","he lay face up","he is up by a pawn","the market is up","the corn is up"
  9. (adv) up
    spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position "look up!","the music surged up","the fragments flew upwards","prices soared upwards","upwardly mobile"
  10. (adv) up
    to a later time "they moved the meeting date up","from childhood upward"
  11. (adv) up
    to a more central or a more northerly place "was transferred up to headquarters","up to Canada for a vacation"
  12. (adv) up
    nearer to the speaker "he walked up and grabbed my lapels"
  13. (adv) up
    to a higher intensity "he turned up the volume"
  14. (v) up
    raise "up the ante"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
One female mouse can produce up to 100 babies a year
  1. Up
    Aside, so as not to be in use; as, to lay up riches; put up your weapons.
  2. Up
    From a lower to a higher place on, upon, or along; at a higher situation upon; at the top of. "In going up a hill, the knees will be most weary; in going down, the thihgs."
  3. Up
    From a lower to a higher position, literally or figuratively; as, from a recumbent or sitting position; from the mouth, toward the source, of a river; from a dependent or inferior condition; from concealment; from younger age; from a quiet state, or the like; -- used with verbs of motion expressed or implied.
  4. Up
    From the coast towards the interior of, as a country; from the mouth towards the source of, as a stream; as, to journey up the country; to sail up the Hudson.
  5. Up
    Inclining up; tending or going up; upward; as, an up look; an up grade; the up train.
  6. Up
    The state of being up or above; a state of elevation, prosperity, or the like; -- rarely occurring except in the phrase ups and downs. "They had their ups and downs of fortune."
  7. Up
    To or in a position of equal advance or equality; not short of, back of, less advanced than, away from, or the like; -- usually followed by to or with; as, to be up to the chin in water; to come up with one's companions; to come up with the enemy; to live up to engagements.
  8. Up
    To or in a state of completion; completely; wholly; quite; as, in the phrases to eat up; to drink up; to burn up; to sum up; etc.; to shut up the eyes or the mouth; to sew up a rent.
  9. Up
    Upon. "Up pain of death."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
The hump of a camel can weigh up to 35 kilograms
  1. up
    In printing, finished; noting completion of a task: as, the chapter is up; the paper is up.
  2. (n) up
    An abbreviation of United Presbyterian Church.
  3. up
    Of position or direction: In, toward, or to a more elevated position; higher, whether vertically, or in or by gradual ascent; aloft: as, to climb up to the top of a ladder; up in a tree.
  4. up
    Specifically— In or to an erect position or posture; upright: as, to sit or stand up; to set chessmen up on the board; a stand-up collar; in a specific use, on one's feet: as, the member from A—was up—that is, was addressing the House.
  5. up
    Above the horizon: as, the moon will be up by ten o'clock.
  6. up
    At or to a source, head, center, or point of importance: as, to follow a stream up to its source; to run the eye up toward the top of a page; to go up to London from Cornwall; often, in the direction of the north pole: as, up north: sometimes noting mere approach to or arrival at any point, and in colloquial or provincial use often redundant.
  7. up
    At, toward, or to a higher point or degree in an ascending scale, as of rank, quantity, or value: in many idiomatic and colloquial phrases. Noting specifically— Rank, superiority, or importance: as, from a pauper up to a prince; to be up at the head of one's class; to feel set up by success.
  8. up
    At, of, or to a height specified; of a particular measurement upward; as high as: usually with to or at.
  9. up
    At or to a point of equal advance, extent, or scope; abreast (of); so as not to fall short (of) or behind; not below, behind, or inferior (to): as, to catch up in a race; to keep up with the times; to live up to one's income.
  10. up
    Hence In a condition to understand, encounter, utilize, or do something; well equipped with experience, skill, or ability; equal (to): as, to be well up in mathematics; to be up to the needs of an emergency.
  11. up
    In or into activity, motion, operation, etc.
  12. up
    Specifically— Out of bed; risen from sleep.
  13. up
    In or into prominence or consideration; into or to the light: as, a missing article turns up; a question comes up for discussion; to bring up a new topic of conversation.
  14. up
    Onward to or from a specified time: as, an account up to date.
  15. up
    To complete existence, maturity, or age: as, to spring or grow up; to bring up a child properly.
  16. up
    In or into a place of storage, retirement, concealment, etc., as for safe-keeping or as not being used or required at the time; aside; by: as, to put up one's work for an hour or two; to put up medicine in a bottle.
  17. up
    In or into a state of union, contraction, closeness of parts, etc.; together; close: as, to fold up a letter; to shrivel up; to draw up cloth upon a gathering-thread; to shut up an umbrella; to add up a column of figures.
  18. up
    To the required, desired, or uttermost point; to completion or fulfilment; wholly; thoroughly; quite: as, to pay up one's debts; to burn up the fuel; to build up one's constitution; to use up one's patience.
  19. up
    To or at an end; over: specifically, in Great Britain, noting adjournment or dissolution: as, Parliament is up.
  20. up
  21. up
    See the verbs.
  22. up
    See the verbs.
  23. up
    Here and there; to and fro; back and forth; one way and another.
  24. up
    In every particular; completely; wholly; exactly; just.
  25. up
    Downright; bluntly; without mincing matters; “without gloves”: as, to handle a matter up and down; to talk up and down: sometimes used adjectively: as, to be up and down with a person.
  26. up
    On the point of doing; about to do; planning; engaged in.
  27. up
    Upward or aloft in or on; to, toward, near, or at the top of: as, to climb up a tree.
  28. up
    To, toward, or at the source, head, center, or important part of: as, to walk up town; often, toward the interior of (a region): as, the explorers went up country.
  29. up
    Upon or on (in many senses).
  30. up
    Inclining or tending up; going up; upward: as, an up grade; an up train; an up beat in music; an up bow in violin-playing.
  31. (n) up
    Used in the phrase ups and downs, rises and falls; alternate states of prosperity and the contrary; vicissitudes.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The country of Fiji is made up of 332 islands
  1. (adv) Up
    up toward a higher place: aloft: on high: from a lower to a higher position, as out of bed, above the horizon, &c.: in a higher position: in a condition of elevation, advance, excitement, &c.: as far as, abreast of: completely: at an end, over
  2. (prep) Up
    from a lower to a higher place on or along
  3. (adj) Up
    inclining up, upward
  4. (n) Up
    in phrase 'ups and downs,' rises and falls, vicissitudes
  5. (adj) Up
    plain, downright
Growing old is not growing up.
Doug Horton
If you aren't fired up with enthusiasm, you'll be fired with enthusiasm.
Vince Lombardi
People don't fail, they give up
Source Unknown
When you fall, don't get up empty handed
Source Unknown
It's funny, isn't it? How your best friend can just blow up like that?
Monty Python
Winston Churchill
Never, never, never, never give up.
Winston Churchill

A hitch in your giddy-up - If you have a hitch in your giddy-up, you're not feeling well. ('A hitch in your gittie-up' is also used.)

Ace up your sleeve - If you have an ace up your sleeve, you have something that will give you an advantage that other people don't know about.

All dressed up and nowhere to go - You're prepared for something that isn't going to happen.

Balloon goes up - When the balloon goes up, a situation turns unpleasant or serious.

Barking up the wrong tree - If you are barking up the wrong tree, it means that you have completely misunderstood something or are totally wrong.

Be up the spout - (UK) If a woman is up the spout, she is pregnant.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. up, upp, ūp,; akin to OFries. up, op, D. op, OS. ūp, OHG. ūf, G. auf, Icel. & Sw. upp, Dan. op, Goth. iup, and probably to E. over,. See Over

Usage in the news

You may want to sign up for the 'Dunkin' Donuts Start-up Turbo Shot' challenge.

Hitting up family and friends is the most common way to finance a start-up.

When it comes to college costs, what goes up just keeps going up.

D.C.'s 'Toughest Trainer' Calls First Lady's Push-Ups ' Bobbing Up and Down'.

First lady Michelle Obama took on Ellen DeGeneres in a push-up match-up during 'The Ellen Show' and proved she's one fit lady.

The room lights up when Vivian Hansen shows up.

Stay up, bundle up , look up.

The Fed's move to buy up US Treasury bonds sets China and US up for a duel at G20.

Today's weather forecast: Up and up.

It's a known fact, when the grandkids come over, it's up to grandma to come up with the fun.

Bump yourself up to the front of the line today -- as long as you can do so without riling up an angry mob.

"It's been a while since I've seen that trophy up close," Peter Leone quipped as he nudged Lincourt Gino up to the table holding the historic American Gold Cup trophy.

Jake throws his hands up and rolls up his sleeve.

They face up to 90 days imprisonment and fines from $1 up to $1,000 per day per offense.

Bo Fishback, founder of online marketplace Zaarly (we profiled him last year) is willing to put up $500 to sign his neighbors up for Google Fiber.

Usage in scientific papers

J are precisely those which were up before site i flipped up.
Exact Expressions for Minor Hysteresis Loops in the Random Field Ising Model on a Bethe Lattice at Zero Temperature

First, we blow up ∩r∈GDr,1 , then we blow up the proper preimage of ∩r∈GDr,2 , and so on.
McKay correspondence for elliptic genera

Similarly we find there are ∼ 3 times as many 0.5MJ up as MJ up exoplanets.
What can exoplanets tell us about our Solar System?

Now huP ′ u−1h−1 = P ′ hence h−1P ′h = uP ′u−1 = P ′ (recall that u ∈ UP ⊂ P ⊂ P ′ ).
Character sheaves on disconnected groups, II

Z = {(g , x′P ′ , x′′P ′′ ) ∈ G × G0 /P ′ × G0 /P ′′ ; x′−1 gx′ ∈ ¯S ′UP , x′′−1 gx′′ ∈ ¯S ′′UP ′′ }.
Character sheaves on disconnected groups, II

Usage in literature

Atwell's Battery limbered up in hot haste, turned, and dashed in thunder up the road. "The Long Roll" by Mary Johnston

Next afternoon the Consul shows up at our ranch as gay as an up-state deacon who's seeing the town incog. "Shorty McCabe" by Sewell Ford

He drew up his knees and flung his body up and forward. "Bloom of Cactus" by Robert Ames Bennet

The next afternoon the hoist broke and leaving Ernest and Qui-tha to patch it up, Roger plodded up to the alfalfa field. "The Forbidden Trail" by Honoré Willsie

He stood up and walked up and down the edge of the draw. "Laramie Holds the Range" by Frank H. Spearman

They got into the corve, and were drawn up, up, up the deep shaft. "Taking Tales" by W.H.G. Kingston

Wonderful posters were put up. "A Little Girl of Long Ago" by Amanda Millie Douglas

He drew himself up on to it and rested among the piled-up cushions. "The History of Sir Richard Calmady" by Lucas Malet

It is late when the conclave breaks up, but Grandon goes up-stairs with a lighter heart than he has carried in many a long day. "Floyd Grandon's Honor" by Amanda Minnie Douglas

Up and up, round a twisted peak and then, far below, the river. "Still Jim" by Honoré Willsie Morrow

Usage in poetry
Build it up with wood and clay,
Wood and clay, wood and clay,
Build it up with wood and clay,
My fair Lady.
Look up . . .
From bleakening hills
Blows down the light, first breath
Of wintry wind . . . look up, and scent
The snow!
Then up, men! up! man's laws may pass,
But earth and sky remain:
The Eden that has once been made,
Can sure be made again!
And so its azure deepen'd day by day,
And sweet it was to see,
As I went up and down the four-feet way,
The flower peep up at me.
Up, up, warriors, your chieftain has fallen,
Your honor, your father, the joy of your children,
Legend of all the valley, hero of all the land,—
Here he has fallen, will you not avenge him?
Man is a watch, wound up at first, but never
Wound up again; Once down, he's down for ever.
The watch once down, all motions then do cease;
The man's pulse stopt, all passions sleep in peace.