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Fine Dictionary


Two prints on one sheet. Left: Allegory of the Old and New Testament with the Exaltation of the Tablets of Stone and the Ark of the Covenant on a pedestal. Moses and Aaron as high priest are on either side. Right: Allegory of the New Testament with the glorification of the lamb and the book of seven seals on a medallion held by two putti. Christ and John the Baptist stand on either side of the pedestal with the title. Two small scenes show episodes from the New Testament: The Last Supper and the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan by John the Baptist.
Two prints on one sheet. Left: Allegory of the Old and New Testament with the Exaltation of the Tablets of Stone and the Ark of the Covenant on a pedestal. Moses and Aaron as high priest are on either side. Right: Allegory of the New Testament with the glorification of the lamb and the book of seven seals on a medallion held by two putti. Christ and John the Baptist stand on either side of the pedestal with the title. Two small scenes show episodes from the New Testament: The Last Supper and the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan by John the Baptist.
  1. (v) exalt
    raise in rank, character, or status "exalted the humble shoemaker to the rank of King's adviser"
  2. (v) exalt
    praise, glorify, or honor "extol the virtues of one's children","glorify one's spouse's cooking"
  3. (v) exalt
    fill with sublime emotion "The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies","He was inebriated by his phenomenal success"
  4. (v) exalt
    heighten or intensify "These paintings exalt the imagination"
Allegory: Music exalts the Spirit.
Allegory: Music exalts the Spirit.
The twelve-year-old Christ sits on a platform in the temple. The scribes sit before the exaltation.
The twelve-year-old Christ sits on a platform in the temple. The scribes sit before the exaltation.
A woman gets up and exalted and gives a speech, perhaps representing the personification of the tragedy. Characters from Seneca's tragedies are gathered around her. A city is burning in the background. A portrait medallion of the writer hangs above the scene and 10 medallions hang on either side: one for each tragedy.
A woman gets up and exalted and gives a speech, perhaps representing the personification of the tragedy. Characters from Seneca's tragedies are gathered around her. A city is burning in the background. A portrait medallion of the writer hangs above the scene and 10 medallions hang on either side: one for each tragedy.
Printed from two blocks. Left: group of soldiers. Right: Christ on exaltation is shown by Pilate to bystanders.
Printed from two blocks. Left: group of soldiers. Right: Christ on exaltation is shown by Pilate to bystanders.
Printed from three blocks. Christ is on exaltation. Scribes with books in hand around it. Left and right of the scene architectural ornamentation.
Printed from three blocks. Christ is on exaltation. Scribes with books in hand around it. Left and right of the scene architectural ornamentation.
Gold leather, strip, of so-called exalted gold leather, with ornament of grotesques which includes: fish, dragons, mask, flowers, leaves and C-volutes, framed by a "jeweled edge", painted in green, red, blue and orange / gold against a squared background.
Gold leather, strip, of so-called exalted gold leather, with ornament of grotesques which includes: fish, dragons, mask, flowers, leaves and C-volutes, framed by a "jeweled edge", painted in green, red, blue and orange / gold against a squared background.
Portrait of King Gustav Adolf II of Sweden in exalted gilt leather crowned with a laurel wreath. The portrait is surrounded by a frame of lobe decorations. This frame includes two cartouches with inscriptions at the top and bottom. The Swedish king's coat of arms is incorporated in the four corners, and trophies on the left and right side. The brown leather shows traces of gilding.
Portrait of King Gustav Adolf II of Sweden in exalted gilt leather crowned with a laurel wreath. The portrait is surrounded by a frame of lobe decorations. This frame includes two cartouches with inscriptions at the top and bottom. The Swedish king's coat of arms is incorporated in the four corners, and trophies on the left and right side. The brown leather shows traces of gilding.
Gold leather, skin, of so-called exalted gold leather, with a design of winged spitting dragon, seated on a pied-de-stable, decorated with rocaille and "framed" with 'sprouting' seed beads and flowers, painted in green on a green background. : additional pieces: Deutsches Ledermuseum Offenbach and Schloss Falkenlust near Brühl / Cologne.
Gold leather, skin, of so-called exalted gold leather, with a design of winged spitting dragon, seated on a pied-de-stable, decorated with rocaille and "framed" with 'sprouting' seed beads and flowers, painted in green on a green background. : additional pieces: Deutsches Ledermuseum Offenbach and Schloss Falkenlust near Brühl / Cologne.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Exalt
    To elevate by prise or estimation; to magnify; to extol; to glorify. "Exalt ye the Lord.", "In his own grace he doth exalt himself."
  2. Exalt
    To elevate in rank, dignity, power, wealth, character, or the like; to dignify; to promote; as, to exalt a prince to the throne, a citizen to the presidency. "Righteousness exalteth a nation.", "He that humbleth himself shall be exalted ."
  3. Exalt
    To elevate the tone of, as of the voice or a musical instrument. "Now Mars, she said, let Fame exalt her voice."
  4. Exalt
    To lift up with joy, pride, or success; to inspire with delight or satisfaction; to elate. "They who thought they got whatsoever he lost were mightily exalted ."
  5. Exalt
    To raise high; to elevate; to lift up. "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.", "Exalt thy towery head, and lift thine eyes"
  6. Exalt
    (Alchem) To render pure or refined; to intensify or concentrate; as, to exalt the juices of bodies. "With chemic art exalts the mineral powers."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. exalt
    To raise high; lift to a great or unusual altitude; elevate in space.
  2. exalt
    To elevate in degree or consideration; bring to a higher or more intense state or condition; raise up, as in rank, character, or quality: as, to exalt a person to a high office; to exalt the passions.
  3. exalt
    To attribute or accord exaltation to; make high or elevated in estimation or expression; magnify; glorify; praise; extol.
  4. exalt
    In chem., to purify; refine: as, to exalt the juices or the qualities of bodies.
  5. exalt
    Synonyms Elevate, Lift, etc. See raise.
  6. exalt
    To ennoble, dignify, aggrandize.
  7. exalt
    To glorify.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Exalt
    egz-awlt′ to elevate to a higher position: to elate or fill with the joy of success: to extol:
  2. (v.t) Exalt
    egz-awlt′ (chem.) to refine or subtilise
Robert Browning
'Tis not what man does which exalts him, but what man Would do!
Robert Browning
He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.
Elizabeth Bowen
It is not our exalted feelings, it is our sentiments that build the necessary home.
Elizabeth Bowen
Josh Billings
The more humble a man is before God the more he will be exalted; the more humble he is before man, the more he will get rode roughshod.
Josh Billings
Friedrich Nietzsche
He that humbleth himself wishes to be exalted.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Whatever a man seeks, honors, or exalts more than God, this is the god of his idolatry.
William B. Ullathorne

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. exaltare,; ex, out (intens.) + altare, to make high, altus, high: cf.F. exalter,. See Altitude

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. exaltāreex, altus, high.

Usage in the news

Exalted Ruler Mic McCrory of the Bemidji Elks No 1052, presents a $250 donation to Janet Brademan, director of Headwaters School of Music and the Arts, to be used for music lesson scholarships.

The exalted German cameramaker Leica has been inventing new ways to snap beautiful pictures since 1923.

Ever since the 7th of April, 1805, when the opening pistol-shot chords of Beethoven's "Eroica" proclaimed a new era in composition, the symphony has occupied an exalted place among classical music genres.

Even the most talented filmmakers tend to exalt the already exalted and shovel dirt on the thankfully deceased.

Both can fill us with the oceanic feelings that the grind of everyday life forbids: exaltation, ecstasy, the sense that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

There's no denying that Janet Jackson is one of the most exalted entertainers of our time.

No one knows the undercarriage of your car like James Freund, the maestro of the master cylinder and exalted examiner of exhaust systems.

John Updike's Lyricism Exalted the Everyday and the Unglamorous .

Three ceramic vessels of moderate proportions stand exalted on three tall pedestals in Monterey's Anton Gallery.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church sponsoring 'Christmas Cookie Walk.

(AP) Talk show host Stephen Colbert 's foray into children's books has landed him alongside some exalted literary company.

Design Philadelphia, now in its fifth year exalting all things as pleasing to the eye as they are useful, is getting down with the food crowd with Dining By Design, a new series of events highlighting creativity and innovation in the kitchen.

How Sheldon Souray has gone from exiled to exalted in a year.

Or some other fictionally exalted/mystical shirttail relative in your family.

"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled (ranked below others who are honored or rewarded), and he who humbles himself (keeps a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly) will be exalted (elevated in rank).".

Usage in scientific papers

Despite its success in time series modelling, the Markov property has had a less exalted role in spatial statistics.
Think continuous: Markovian Gaussian models in spatial statistics

God knows I do not like exclamation points. I generally prefer AngloSaxon understatement to the exalted declarations of the Slavic soul.
Review of "Knots" by Alexei Sossinsky, Harvard University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-674-00944-4

Apparently neither the Kuiper Belt nor exoplanets have worked their way into this exalted source yet.
Planetesimals To Brown Dwarfs: What is a Planet?

Usage in literature

She chanced upon novels in which the spurned husband was exalted to the shame of the dishonorable wife. "Otherwise Phyllis" by Meredith Nicholson

As the great emperor of his time, he exalted Buddhism and made it the State religion of India. "India, Its Life and Thought" by John P. Jones

But what is meant by the freedom of the emancipated slaves, on which so many exalted eulogies have been pronounced? "Cotton is King and The Pro-Slavery Arguments" by Various

Indeed, the example of Christ may well terrify the exalted, and those high in authority; and still more the self-exalted. "Epistle Sermons, Vol. II" by Martin Luther

Her senses were exalted, adjusted to the pitch. "The Flaw in the Crystal" by May Sinclair

The majesty of this primeval world exalted me. "A Son of the Middle Border" by Hamlin Garland

This is not degradation, but an unspeakable exaltation. "A Man's Value to Society" by Newell Dwight Hillis

When Don Quixote heard these words, he was stirred into an exalted emotion. "The Story of Don Quixote" by Arvid Paulson, Clayton Edwards, and Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Furthermore the demand of the hour is for us to exalt Christ. "The Lord of Glory" by Arno Gaebelein

Henry, with similar exaltation of genius, read and re-read the pages of Plutarch with the most absorbing delight. "Henry IV, Makers of History" by John S. C. Abbott

Usage in poetry
Exalt the Lord our God,
And worship at his feet;
His nature is all holiness,
And mercy is his seat.
Exalt the Lord our God,
Whose grace is still the same;
Still he's a God of holiness,
And jealous for his name.
Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name,
And in his strength rejoice;
When his salvation is our theme,
Exalted be our voice.
O Lord, our Lord, how wondrous great
Is thine exalted name!
The glories of thy heav'nly state
Let men and babes proclaim.
Jesus, our Lord, how wondrous great
Is thine exalted name!
The glories of thy heavenly state
Let the whole earth proclaim.
"Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry,
"To be exalted thus:"
"Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply,
"For he was slain for us."