talk in a monotonous voice -
make a monotonous low dull sound "The harmonium was droning on" -
stingless male bee in a colony of social bees (especially honeybees) whose sole function is to mate with the queen -
a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone -
an aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote control -
an unchanging intonation -
someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
A humming or deep murmuring sound. "The monotonous drone of the wheel." -
(Mus) A monotonous bass, as in a pastoral composition. -
One who lives on the labors of others; a lazy, idle fellow; a sluggard. "By living as a drone ,to be an unprofitable and unworthy member of so noble and learned a society." -
To love in idleness; to do nothing. "Race of droning kings." -
To utter or make a low, dull, monotonous, humming or murmuring sound. "Where the beetle wheels his droning flight."
To roar; bellow. -
To give forth a monotonous, unvaried tone; utter a dull humming sound; hum or buzz, as a beetle or a bagpipe. -
To use a dull, monotonous tone: as, he drones in his reading. -
To give forth or utter in a monotonous, dull tone: as, he drones his sentences. -
A monotonous, continued tone or sound; a humming: as, the drone of a bee. -
In music: A pipe in the bagpipe which gives out a continuous and invariable tone. -
A drone-bass. -
The male of the honey-bee. It is smaller than the queen bee, but larger than the working bee. The drones make no honey, but after living a few weeks and impregnating the queen they are killed or driven from the hive by the workers. See bee. -
Hence An idler; a sluggard; one who lives on the labor of others. -
To live in idleness. -
The tone emitted by the drone of a bagpipe.
drōn the male of the honey-bee: one who lives on the labour of others, like the drone-bee: a lazy, idle fellow -
drōn to make a low humming sound -
the bass-pipe of a bagpipe
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. (for sense 1) D. dreunen, G. dröhnen, Icel. drynja, to roar, drynr, a roaring, Sw. dröna, to bellow, drone, Dan. dröne, Goth. drunjus, sound, Gr. dirge, to cry aloud, Skr. dhran, to sound. Cf. Drone (n.)
BOSTON (AP) — For anyone who's ever been tired of listening to someone drone on and on and on, two Japanese researchers have the answer. gloucestertimes.com
The MATA Festival Brings Brooklyn's Drones And Whirs To Roulette. villagevoice.com
Drone Czar Hit by Surgical Journalistic Strike. theatlantic.com
CNN gets rare up-close look at Predator drones. cnn.com
CNN's Brent Sadler stands at the airfield, while a drone targets him from above. cnn.com
For hours, she records the subterranean drone of the ice thawing in the strangely warm winter. citypages.com
South Korea developing ' kamikaze ' attack drone. foxnews.com
A suicide drone capable of a strike in North Korea, is under development in South Korea. foxnews.com
Underwater kamikaze drones rushed to the Gulf to deal with Iranian mines. globalpost.com
The Strait of Hormuz, where the US is sending underwater drones in case of Iranian counter-economic attack. globalpost.com
Deploys Kamikaze Drones to Attack Afghan Taliban Targets. businessweek.com
Pakistan keeps Khyber Pass closed as US strikes drone on. csmonitor.com
Download Supreme Cuts' Remix of Physical Therapy's 'Drone On' WIth Jamie Krasner . spin.com
Houston-area lawman tells Congress the feds refused to approve emergency drone flight. blog.chron.com
INTERVIEWS Hear ' Ley Lines,' Dubby Drones Via David Daniell and Tortoise's Douglas McCombs. spin.com
Also, in this regime one obtains the following picture for asymptotics of the probabilities at t → +∞: all the ‘activated’ (i.e., with ρn 6= 0) probabilities with the maximal value of the decay parameters rise droningly, whereas all the remaining probabilities fall to the zero ones.
Arrow of time in generalized quantum theory and its classical limit dynamics
The regular droning of the old clock sounded distinctly in the stillness. "The Voice of the People" by
Knocks on the wall, a sawing noise, and a droning and a wailing are all we have heard. "The Alleged Haunting of B---- House" by
The throb accelerated as distance dimmed the roar, until once more the droning thrum dominated. "Skyrider" by
Other peasants danced slowly, in a circle, to the drone of the somniferous Servian bagpipe. "Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family" by
Already from the outside one caught a droning voice. "Romance" by
There were a few swift motions, a pop distinctly heard above the drone of the orchestra. "Ben Blair" by
It droned and droned, very gradually becoming louder. "Operation Terror" by
Now it was the Swifts' top-secret rocket base, tightly guarded by drone planes and radar. "Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X" by
Through it all, now soft, now loud, sounds the drone of the war-drum. "Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People" by
It came droning, droning up the forty-odd thousand miles from the planet. "This World Is Taboo" by
And the weavers stir:
Once again the wild looms
Drone and whir.
The right to live each owns;
But he to earn that right
Must work with all his might.
The air with its low tone?"
"Thou hear'st the tinkle of the rills,
The insect's vesper drone."
To win her for herself alone;
What potent spell could Love have wrought
To draw her to a tactless drone?
The flail-beat chiming far away,
The cattle-low, at shut of day,
The voice of God in leaf and breeze;
Give o'er the godless, cruel strife!
As well o'ertake the hurricane:
Despair and love fly there for life.