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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Gradin
    (Arch) Any member like a step, as the raised back of an altar or the like; a set raised over another. "The gradines of the amphitheeater."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) gradin
    One of a series of steps or seats raised one above another.
  2. (n) gradin
    An altar-ledge or altar-shelf; one of the steps, ledges, or shelves above and back of an altar, on which the altar-cross or crucifix, flower-vases, candlesticks, etc., are placed. The term gradin seems to have been recently introduced from the French. Before the Reformation the simple name shelf was used. The gradin or gradins collectively are sometimes called a superaltar, or by some confusion of terms a retable (this being distinguished from a reredos).
  3. (n) gradin
    A toothed chisel used by sculptors.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Gradin
    one of a series of rising seats, as in an amphitheatre: a raised step or ledge behind an altar

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. gradin, dim,. of grade,. See Grade

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. gradus, a step—gradi, to step.

Usage in scientific papers

Gradins on D4 have been considered in [DMV08], while the gradings on F4 and on the exceptional simple Jordan algebra (or Albert algebra) have been classified in [DM07].
Gradings on symmetric composition algebras

It turns out that it’s sufficient to consider integer gradin gs instead of RO(G) , in view of periodicity isomorphisms (see [14, Chapter XV, Section 2, p. 157]).
Real Equivariant Bordism for elementary abelian 2-groups

Usage in literature

They're collectin' gradin'-camp drivers an' mule-skinners all up an' down the state. "The Valley of the Moon" by Jack London

They was gradin' and choppin' out the forests ahead to continue the road. "Cabbages and Kings" by O. Henry

It is often patterned with squares and gradines. "The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria" by George Rawlinson

I was high-gradin' on my pardner right and left. "The She Boss" by Arthur Preston Hankins

And he can sleep longer and harder and louder than a corral of gradin' mules on Saturday night! "Overland Red" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

The top of the stone masonry was ornamented with gradines, as at Nimroud. "Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon" by Austen H. Layard

Usage in poetry
But don't blame Doc: he's got all sorts o' cur'ous notions--as
The feller says; his odd-come-shorts, like smart men mostly has.
He'll more'n like be potter'n 'round the Blacksmith Shop; er in
Some back lot, spadin' up the ground, er gradin' it agin.