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Fine Dictionary


Several market stalls during a night market including a greengrocer, a fan seller, a geta (shoe) stall with musicians, a chrysanthemum seller and a man with goldfish.
Several market stalls during a night market including a greengrocer, a fan seller, a geta (shoe) stall with musicians, a chrysanthemum seller and a man with goldfish.
  1. (v) shoe
    furnish with shoes "the children were well shoed"
  2. (n) shoe
    a restraint provided when the brake linings are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to retard the wheel's rotation
  3. (n) shoe
    U-shaped plate nailed to underside of horse's hoof
  4. (n) shoe
    footwear shaped to fit the foot (below the ankle) with a flexible upper of leather or plastic and a sole and heel of heavier material
  5. (n) shoe
    (card games) a case from which playing cards are dealt one at a time
A young man kneels in front of Cinderella with a lady's shoe in his hand. In turn she holds up her foot to adjust the shoe. In the background a view of a ballroom with dancing people. This print was made for the story of Cinderella from "Tales of Mother the Goose - Contes du tems passé de ma mere l'oye" by Charles Perrault.
A young man kneels in front of Cinderella with a lady's shoe in his hand. In turn she holds up her foot to adjust the shoe. In the background a view of a ballroom with dancing people. This print was made for the story of Cinderella from "Tales of Mother the Goose - Contes du tems passé de ma mere l'oye" by Charles Perrault.
The shoemaker's workshop. The old shoemaker busy making or repairing shoes in the workshop. Next to him his wife is spinning wool, on the left an apprentice. On the wall hangs a drawing of a masn head, in the background to the right a group of men playing cards around a table.
The shoemaker's workshop
Tobias and the angel at the Tigris, where Tobias takes off his shoes to wash his feet. In the background a ruin. Numbered bottom right: 9.
Tobias and the angel at the Tigris, where Tobias takes off his shoes to wash his feet. In the background a ruin. Numbered bottom right: 9.
A man cuts leather, standing behind a table and a seated man makes a shoe in a shoemaker's shop.
A man cuts leather, standing behind a table and a seated man makes a shoe in a shoemaker's shop.
Old man in white robes with staff, gets a shoe from a kneeling younger man. With four poems.
Old man in white robes with staff, gets a shoe from a kneeling younger man. With four poems.
Polychrome mold model (starboard) of a ketch. The skin above the barwood is closed. The skeg is low and gives room for a gun on a roller horse in the bow. The deck is closed and has notches for fifteen row benches, on the gunwale fifteen row rolls; the aft deck is lowered and has a bench in the side as in a cabin. Flat mirror; straight rudder with tiller in the cabin. Sheer ascending to both ends, a bar wood and a roe wood. Peaked round bilge, low and flat, sharp fore and aft.
Half model of a gun shoe of 1 piece
Woman in a yellow-brown cloak with leaf motif; collar and cuff of fur. Shoes with heels. Print from the fashion magazine Les Modes (1901-1937).
Woman in a yellow-brown cloak with leaf motif; collar and cuff of fur. Shoes with heels. Print from the fashion magazine Les Modes (1901-1937).
Polychrome mold model (starboard). Twisted mirror, hollow wulf, no details of the fence, no side gallery; straight rudder with square rudder stock. Sheer ascending to both ends, one bark wood and one roe wood. No traces of the rig. Peaked round bilge.
Polychrome mold model (starboard). Twisted mirror, hollow wulf, no details of the fence, no side gallery; straight rudder with square rudder stock. Sheer ascending to both ends, one bark wood and one roe wood. No traces of the rig. Peaked round bilge.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The word "vamp" is used to describe the upper front top of a shoe
  1. Shoe
    A band of iron or steel, or a ship of wood, fastened to the bottom of the runner of a sleigh, or any vehicle which slides on the snow.
  2. Shoe
    A covering for the human foot, usually made of leather, having a thick and somewhat stiff sole and a lighter top. It differs from a boot on not extending so far up the leg. "Your hose should be ungartered, . . . your shoe untied.", "Spare none but such as go in clouted shoon ."
  3. Shoe
    A drag, or sliding piece of wood or iron, placed under the wheel of a loaded vehicle, to retard its motion in going down a hill.
  4. Shoe
    A plate or rim of iron nailed to the hoof of an animal to defend it from injury.
  5. Shoe
    A plate, or notched piece, interposed between a moving part and the stationary part on which it bears, to take the wear and afford means of adjustment; -- called also slipper, and gib.
  6. Shoe
    A trough-shaped or spout-shaped member, put at the bottom of the water leader coming from the eaves gutter, so as to throw the water off from the building.
  7. Shoe
    An inclined trough in an ore-crushing mill.
  8. Shoe
    An iron socket or plate to take the thrust of a strut or rafter.
  9. Shoe
    An iron socket to protect the point of a wooden pile.
  10. Shoe
    Anything resembling a shoe in form, position, or use.
  11. Shoe
    The outer cover or tread of a pneumatic tire, esp. for an automobile.
  12. Shoe
    The part of an automobile or railroad car brake which presses upon the wheel to retard its motion.
  13. Shoe
    The trough or spout for conveying the grain from the hopper to the eye of the millstone.
  14. Shoe
    To furnish with a shoe or shoes; to put a shoe or shoes on; as, to shoe a horse, a sled, an anchor.
  15. Shoe
    To protect or ornament with something which serves the purpose of a shoe; to tip. "The sharp and small end of the billiard stick, which is shod with brass or silver."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
The best time for a person to buy shoes is in the afternoon. This is because the foot tends to swell a bit around this time
  1. (n) shoe
    A covering for the human foot, especially an external covering not reaching higher than the ankle, as distinguished from boot, buskin, etc. Shoes in the middle ages were made of leather, and of cloth of various kinds, often the same as that used for other parts of the costume, and even of satin, cloth of gold, and other rich fabrics for persons of rank. They were sometimes embroidered, and even set with precious stones. The fastening was usually of very simple character, often a strap passing over the instep, and secured with a button or a hook. Buckled shoes were worn in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. At the present time shoes are commonly of leather of some kind, but often of cloth. For wooden shoes, see sabot; for water-proof shoes, see rubber and galosh. See also cuts under cracow, poulaine, sabbaton, sabot, and sandal.
  2. (n) shoe
    A plate or rim of metal, usually iron, nailed to the hoof of an animal, as a horse, mule, ox, or other beast of burden, to defend it from injury.
  3. (n) shoe
    Something resembling a shoe in form, use, or position. A plate of iron or slip of wood nailed to the bottom of the runner of a sleigh or any vehicle that slides on the snow in winter.
  4. (n) shoe
    A drag into which one of the wheels of a vehicle can be set; a skid. It is usually chained to another part of the vehicle, and the wheel resting in it is prevented from turning, so that the speed of the vehicle is diminished: used especially in going downhill.
  5. (n) shoe
    The part of a brake which bears against the wheel.
  6. (n) shoe
    An inclined trough used in ore-crushing and other mills; specifically, a sloping chute or trough below the hopper of a grain-mill, kept in constant vibration by the damsel (whence also called shaking-shoe), for feeding the grain uniformly to the mill stone. See cuts under mill.
  7. (n) shoe
    The iron ferrule, or like fitting, of a handspike, pole, pile, or the like.
  8. (n) shoe
    Milit., the ferrule protecting the butt-end of a spear-shaft, handle of a halberd, or the like. It is often pointed or has a sharp edge for planting in the ground, or for a similar use.
  9. (n) shoe
    In metallurgy, a piece of chilled iron or steel attached to the end of any part of a machine by which grinding or stamping is done, in order that, as this wears away by use, it may be renewed without the necessity of replacing the whole thing.
  10. (n) shoe
    A flat piece of thick plank slightly hollowed out on the upper side to receive the end of a sheer-leg to serve in moving it.
  11. (n) shoe
    The step of a mast resting on the keelson.
  12. (n) shoe
    The outer piece of the forefoot of a ship.
  13. (n) shoe
    In printing. a rude pocket attached to a composing-stand, for the reception of condemned type.
  14. (n) shoe
    In ornithology, a formation of the claws of certain storks suggesting a shoe.
  15. (n) shoe
    A broad triangular piece of thick plank fastened to an anchor-fluke to extend its area and consequent bearing-surface when sunk in soft ground.
  16. shoe
    To fit with a shoe or shoes, in any sense: used especially in the preterit and past participle.
  17. shoe
    To cover or arm at a point, as with a ferrule.
  18. shoe
    A dialectal form of she.
  19. (n) shoe
    A sliding-contact device for connecting the moving car on an electric railway with the third rail or with an underground insulated conductor.
  20. (n) shoe
    In China, a silver or gold ingot said to be derived from the Dutch goudschuit, boat of gold, applied to the ingots imported from India into China in the seventeenth century.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Shaquelle O'Neal [AKA Shaq] wears a size 22EEE shoe.
  1. (n) Shoe
    shōō a covering for the foot, not coming above the ankle: a rim of iron nailed to the hoof of an animal to keep it from injury: anything in form or use like a shoe
  2. (v.t) Shoe
    to furnish with shoes: to cover at the bottom:—pr.p. shoe′ing; pa.t. and pa.p. shod
A vigorous temper is not altogether an evil. Men who are easy as an old shoe are generally of little worth.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes -- until I met a man who had no feet.
Jewish Proverb
Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes.
Source Unknown
Old friends are best. King James used to call for his old shoes; they were easiest for his feet.
John Selden
He that waits for a dead man's shoes may long go barefoot.
French Proverb
Henry Courtney
The bigger a man's head gets, the easier it is to fill his shoes.
Henry Courtney

Dead men's shoes - If promotion or success requires replacing somebody, then it can only be reached by dead men's shoes' by getting rid of them.

Goody two-shoes - A goody two-shoes is a self-righteous person who makes a great deal of their virtue.

If the shoe fits, wear it - This is used to suggest that something that has been said might apply to a person.

In another's shoes - It is difficult to know what another person's life is really like, so we don't know what it is like to be in someone's shoes.

Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches - This means that it's hard to know how much someone else is suffering..

Put yourself in someone's shoes - If you put yourself in someone's shoes, you imagine what it is like to be in their position.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. sho, scho, AS. scōh, sceóh,; akin to OFries. skō, OS. skōh, D. schoe, schoen, G. schuh, OHG. scuoh, Icel. skōr, Dan. & Sw. sko, Goth. skōhs,; of unknown origin

Usage in the news

Bakers Shoes and Seventeen's Fall Shoes Giveaway.

Chinese workers manufacture sports shoes at a shoe factory in Jinjiang in southeast China's Fujian province Friday Nov 9, 2012.

Kai Forbath's kicking shoe is three sizes smaller than his regular shoe.

Pampa Hi Leather Camo , $120, at The Shoe Market, Top 10 Shoes and The Shoe Gallery.

A lot of famous shoe designers are men and one of the criticisms aimed their way is they don't have to wear the shoes, so comfort never seems to be factor in their design process.

So not everybody can be an Avenger, but your feet can at least feel like they've slipped into a shoe version of Mjölnir with Reebok's exclusive shoe line.

Fred's Shoes+ offers a variety of services — including fashioning shoes from scratch .

Recently, as my daughter and I were gazing into the window of the fourth shoe store in a five minute span, hubby asked, "How can there be so many different pairs of shoes.".

Police say three men busted into the Jimmy Choo designer shoe store on Oak Street and stole designer shoes and handbags, Thursday, Dec 6, 2012.

For months now, we've been waiting for Democratic Governor Jerry Brown to drop the other shoe--the outraged shoe.

Keyshia Cole-Gibson has teamed up with famed shoe brand Steve Madden for a three-pair shoe collection, one of which she debuted on 106 & Park earlier this week.

Andrew Bellavia Mullinax general manager left, Patrick George finance director, and Dino Costi sort shoes donated at to a charity started by Costi to collect shoes for the poor.

Go home with a shoe full of surprises after you explore shoes from around the world at our the Museum's new exhibit: Global Shoes.

The Nike Foamposites are pretty much the unofficial shoe of Washington DC These amazing custom Foams, made by Sole Swap, might be the most DMV shoe to date.

Products & Services: Men's Shoes, Men's Suits, Menswear, Ties, Women's Shoes, Womenswear.

Usage in scientific papers

Sometime Soc G is not big enough and then we use the shoe of G, that is, the subgroup of G generated by the intersection of the normalizers in G of the minimal normal subgroups of Soc G.
Second maximal subgroups of the finite alternating and symmetric groups

By 5.7.1, (Shoe H )e = dp : Al ee has exactly l imprimitivity systems of order m, the codirections of p.
Second maximal subgroups of the finite alternating and symmetric groups

These must be the l imprimitivity systems of order m of Shoe G = dq : (Sm )l e, which are indeed the codirections of q , as claimed.
Second maximal subgroups of the finite alternating and symmetric groups

B b ee 6 Shoe G: But Shoe G = dq : (Sma )b e \ U has exactly b imprimitivity systems of order ma which are the codirections of q .
Second maximal subgroups of the finite alternating and symmetric groups

It follows that Soc H is conjugate in Shoe N(G) to dr : =V=b e.
Second maximal subgroups of the finite alternating and symmetric groups

Usage in literature

Lying amidst the grass was a little shoe. "The Golden Shoemaker" by J. W. Keyworth

Since he was a skilled shoe maker his job was to make shoes in the winter. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States" by Work Projects Administration

We made a very high, cloth, buttoned shoe, called a snow shoe. "Old Rail Fence Corners" by Various

A crestfallen yesterday lurks in old shoes. "Erik Dorn" by Ben Hecht

Rubber boots or shoes of any kind are most uncomfortable things to travel in. "Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sled" by Hudson Stuck

We wored shoes wid wooden bottom in de winter an' no shoes in de summer. "Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States" by Various

The use of a high-heeled shoe is recommended by European veterinarians. "Special Report on Diseases of the Horse" by United States Department of Agriculture

Careless about changing shoes. "About Peggy Saville" by Mrs. G. de Horne Vaizey

Cameron's Shoe Store advertises shoes at forty-nine cents. "At the Little Brown House" by Ruth Alberta Brown

Me come fer git dem shoe; me come fer pay you fer fix dem shoe. "Nights With Uncle Remus" by Joel Chandler Harris

Usage in poetry
A fresh young man
With shoes of tan,
Looks spick and span--
When the shoe strings break
On both your shoes
And you're in a hurry-
That's the blues.
To-day? God knows where he may lie—
His Cross of weathered beads above him:
But one not worthy to untie
His shoe-string, prays you read—and love him!
They were equally wealthy and equally old,
They were equally timid and equally bold;
They were equally tall as they stood in their shoes -
Between them, in fact, there was nothing to choose.
My Black Slender Boy, as you step on your way
To the dewy-wet fields at the dawning of day;
My heart in my dreams hears the ring of your shoe,
And roams in the dawn through the clover with you.
So then he bought some new shoes which
Allowed his feet more ease—
They may have been large twelves. Perhaps
Eighteens, or twenty-threes.
(That’s rather large for shoes, I think—
Eighteens or twenty-threes!)