Of or resembling the moon; symbolized by the moon. "Sharpening in mooned Mooned Ashtaroth."
Having the moon as symbol; identified with the moon. -
Marked or spotted as with moons. -
Resembling the moon; crescent-shaped. -
Furnished with a moon; bearing the Turkish symbol of the crescent.
of or like the moon: having the figure of the moon marked upon it
Don't know whether to wind a watch or bark at the moon - If you don't know what to do, you don't know whether to wind a watch or bark at the moon.
Hung the moon - If you refer to someone as having hung the moon, you think they are extremely wonderful, or amazing, or good.
Many moons ago - A very long time ago.
Once in a blue moon - If something happens once in a blue moon, it happens very rarely indeed.
Over the moon - If you are over the moon about something, you are overjoyed.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. móna; cf. Ger. mond, L. mensis, Gr. mēnē.
Fort Greene musician celebrates release of his near-Big Band's jazz CD, 'Underneath a Brooklyn Moon.
On a balmy summer day 10 years ago, President Bill Clinton announced an accomplishment that was likened to landing men on the moon: The sequencing of a nearly complete human genome.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft is always taking beautiful pictures of Saturn and its moons -- the JPL team even won the NASM Trophy award this year for their work.
Regulus, Antaries & the October moon.
12 attorneys apply to fill General Sessions Court judge vacancy since Judge Bob Moon's passing.
To celebrate the release of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Chevrolet will build a 2012 Camaro Bumblebee Edition.
Joshua Berman is the author of "Moon Nicaragua" and "Moon Belize".
2008 Valley of the Moon Cabernet Sauvignon .
Winemaker Introduces 'Dark Side of the Moon' Cabernet Sauvignon .
The half moon has been nice and orange the past few nights as we head into yet another full moon this coming Friday.
This will be a "blue moon" as we enjoyed a full moon on Aug 1.
Saturn's moon Calypso sports that Ore-Ida look.
New Close-Ups of Saturn's Moons Mimas and Calypso .
Took Over Bastrop Texas of moon.
A group of surfers, mountain bikers and auto racers are turning Half Moon Bay into "Silicon Bay.".
Then, any other space-time event, on Earth, on the Moon, anywhere in the Solar system or in the solar systems in this part of the Galaxy, has its own coordinates attributed.
Using pulsars to define space-time coordinates
Note that these results hold for tournaments of arbitrary cardinality, though they were originally proved for finite tournaments by Moon .
Simple extensions of combinatorial structures
This scenario is substantially different from any of the solar system planets, but could be thought of as a class of bigger, hotter versions of Jupiter’s icy moons.
Three Possible Origins for the Gas Layer on GJ 1214b
The laser pulse was reflected back to the observatory by a reflector on the Moon, which was moving toward the emitter and detector in frame O with a speed v0 due to the rotation of the Earth.
The invariance of the speed of light
This single time of flight measurement was then analyzed in two separate Lorentz frames, O, and a frame S in which the center of the Earth and the center of the Moon were each at rest, but in which the emitter and detector were moving with speed v0 .
The invariance of the speed of light
We were off Brighton when the moon rose. "A Boy's Voyage Round the World" by
The moon was risen and full. "Harbor Tales Down North" by
The Big Half Moon is miles from anywhere, except the Little Half Moon. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903" by
In time the moons of Saturn, and the twilight zone of Mercury, and some day the moons of Jupiter. "Space Platform" by
Clifford, who had first landed on the far side of the Moon. "The Planet Strappers" by
Now, I've heard my Granny say that a long time before her day the Moon got trapped and buried in the bog. "Edmund Dulacs Fairy-Book" by
I shall go when the moon comes up, when the moon comes up into the shady sky. "In The Boyhood of Lincoln" by
The moon rose higher and higher. "As We Sweep Through The Deep" by
The brief epithet for the method of finding the longitude by the moon and sun or moon and stars. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by
There was no moon visible, but the moon's light was behind the clouds. "A Son of Hagar" by
Where a cloud and a cloud goes by:
Silently rocking and rocking,
The moon-cradle out in the sky.
Dance on the sea with silver shoon;
But with the Queen Moon I will keep
My tryst when all the world's asleep.
The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.
They fled the hall to dying fall
Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.
They go and, chill, a moon-soft music draw
From wan leaf-cricket flutes--the sweet,
Sad dirge of Autumn dying in the shaw.
In a false and cold and constant noon:
Surely in conflict fell
The true, lost sun of noon;
The golden night of Uriel
Met some white demon of the moon.
Bloom, verdure, springtime, all things, call thee now.
Not of the moon so wistful is the sea
As sea and moon and earth and air of thee!