the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear -
division of a usually pinnately divided leaf
(Bot) A leaflet of a pinnate leaf. See Illust. of Bipinnate leaf, under Bipinnate. -
(Zoöl) Any species of Pinna, a genus of large bivalve mollusks found in all warm seas. The byssus consists of a large number of long, silky fibers, which have been used in manufacturing woven fabrics, as a curiosity. -
(Zoöl) One of the divisions of a pinnate part or organ. -
(Bot) One of the primary divisions of a decompound leaf. -
(Anat) The auricle of the ear. See Ear.
In anat. and zoöl.: -
A feather. See penna. -
A bird's wing. See pinion. -
A fish's fin: the usual technical name. -
Some wing-like or fin-like part or organ, as the flipper of a seal or cetacean. -
The outer ear, which projects from the head; the auricle, or pavilion of the ear. See cut under ear. -
The nostril, or wing of the nose. -
One of the smaller branches of some polyps, as plumularians. -
In entomology, a small oblique ridge forming one of the lines of a pinnate surface. See pinnate. -
In botany, one of the primary divisions of a pinnate leaf: applied most commonly to ferns. In a simply pinnate leaf it is a single leaflet, in a bipinnate leaf it consists of a partial petiole or rachis with the leaflets arranged along the sides. See cut under Osmunda. -
the alæ nasi; the nostrils. -
A genus of bivalves, typical of the family Pinnidæ. They are commonly called sea-wings, and are remarkable for the size of the byssus by which they adhere to rocks. It is notably long and delicate, is very strong, has a beautiful silky luster, and is capable of being woven into cloth, upon which a very high value is set. This manufacture was known to the ancients, and is still practised in Italy. Some species of Pinna measure about two feet long, with a byssus of the same length. See also cut under byssus. -
[l. c] A bivalve mollusk of the genus Pinna.
pin′a a single leaflet of a pinnate leaf: a wing, fin, or the like: the auricle of the ear
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. pinna, akin to Gr.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. pinna, a feather, dim. pinnula.
The pinna is like a satellite dish on either side of the head.
Improv band Pinna to play Remy's on Saturday night.
Pinna of North Branch died tragically in an auto accident on Sept 1 at the age of 20.
Kristina was born June 4, 1991 in Chisago City to Anthony and Deb Pinna .
The folds of the outer ear--the pinna --seem gratuitous, a waste of cartilage and skin.
Ear mites, ticks (pinna, canal), or fleas (in ear area, not in canal).
The right pinna was entire, and the upper half of the left pinna had disappeared. "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine" by
These divisions of the pinnae are called pinnules. "The Fern Lover's Companion" by
Pinna dorsi anique radiis tribus, spinosis, ceteris articulatis. "Discoveries in Australia, Volume 1." by
Polypidom simply pinnate, about two inches high: longest pinnae about half an inch. "Narrative Of The Voyage Of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Commanded By The Late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., F.R.S. Etc. During The Years 1846-1850. Including Discoveries And Surveys In New Guinea, The Louisiade Archipelago, Etc. To Which Is Added The Account Of Mr. E.B. Kennedy's Expedition For The Exploration Of The Cape York Peninsula. By John Macgillivray, F.R.G.S. Naturalist To The Expedition. In Two Volumes. Volume 1." by
Goold Island : pinna. "Voyage Of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Vol. 2 (of 2)" by
In several cases, each pinna appears to have scales only which become barren lobes? "Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and TheNeighbouring Countries" by
It also sometimes happens that the same mass of pinna may be of different fineness in different parts. "A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 11" by
Pinna: a narrow wing; a feather. "Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology" by
After this failure another set of men tried to make silk by using the filament of the pinna. "The Story of Silk" by
My friend Pinna introduced me to his father. "Jewish Children" by