hit on the head, especially with a pitched baseball -
informal terms for a human head -
any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food -
any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods -
any of various seeds or fruits that are beans or resemble beans
The popular name of other vegetable seeds or fruits, more or less resembling true beans.
Originally and properly, a smooth kidney-shaped seed, flattened at the sides, borne in long pods by a leguminous plant, Vicia Faba; now extended to include the seed of the allied genus Phaseolus, and, with a specific epithet, of other genera. -
The plant producing beans. The bean known to the ancients from prehistoric times was the Vicia Faba (or Faba vulgaris), a native of western Asia, and the same as the field-, horse-, or tick-bean, and the broad or Windsor bean, still largely cultivated in the fields and gardens of the old world. It is used when green as a table-vegetable, and when dry as feed for horses and sheep. The numerous other kinds of cultivated beans are of American origin, and belong chiefly to the genus Phaseolus. To P. vulgaris belong the common kidney-bean, and the haricot and French beans, the string-bean, and the pole-bean; to P. lunatus, the Lima and Carolina beans, the sugar-bean, and the butter-bean; and to P. nanus, the dwarf, field-, bush-, navy-, pea-, and six-weeks beans. To the same genus belong the wild kidney-bean, P. perennis; the scarlet-runner bean, P. multiflorus, cultivated for its scarlet flowers; and the prairie-bean of Texas, P. retusus. The asparagus-bean, Dolichos sesquipedalis, with very long cylindrical pods, frequently cultivated in Europe, is a native of tropical America. Beans as an article of food are very nutritious, containing much starch and a large percentage of a nitrogenous compound called legumin, analogous to the casein in cheese. The name bean is also given to many leguminous seeds which are not cultivated or used as food, such as the algarroba, Calabar, and coral beans, and to certain other plants and their seeds which are not leguminous at all, as the coffee-bean. -
A small oval or roundish seed, berry, nut, or lump: as, a coffee-bean. -
plural In coal-mining, small coals; specifically, coals which will pass through a screen with half-inch meshes. -
plural Money. -
See bein. -
The seed of the bean-tree or Moreton Hay chestnut, Castanospermum australe, which, though poisonous when green, is rendered harmless by cooking and forms part of the diet of the aborigines.
bēn the name of several kinds of leguminous plants and their seeds: applied also to the seeds of some other plants, from their bean-like form, as the Calabar bean, &c
Bean counter - A bean counter is an accountant.
Easy as beans - Something that is so easy that anyone can do it is easy as beans.
Full of beans - If someone's full of beans, they are very energetic.
Not know beans about - (USA) If someone doesn't know beans about something, they know nothing about it.
Spill the beans - If you spill the beans, you reveal a secret or confess to something.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. bene, AS. beán,; akin to D. boon, G. bohne, OHG. pōna, Icel. baun, Dan. bönne, Sw. böna, and perh. to Russ. bob, L. faba,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. béan; Ger. bohne, W. ffäen; L. faba.
The product is made with cream and Arabica coffee beans, shade-grown in the Veracruz region of Mexico.
It was a novelty product, really, aimed at the tourist market, distilled from a generic mix of beans.
Similar to the Roo Cup, the Roo Mug is a reusable Bean Street Coffee mug available in Kangaroo Express stores starting Oct 3.
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at Venetian.
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at the Palms.
Green Coffee Bean Extract by Top Brand - 72 Hour Limited Time Special.
The top brand for Green Coffee Bean Extract is offering its best-selling product on Amazon for a 50% off 72-hour limited time special starting today.
Green Coffee Bean Extract Taking Over the Diet World.
A new study suggests a particular type of coffee bean extract could be a safe and effective way to drop extra weight.
Coffee Bean Opens and Toki Pops Up at Montserrat House.
Falco shares a recipe for Chicken With Green Rice, which she likes to serve with green beans.
A rural worker collects Arabica coffee beans at a farm in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
As I used a wooden spoon to mix up a big bowl full of bright-colored ingredients for bean salad, I thought of what my mom would say if she was with me.
After all, as the saying goes, politics ain't bean bag.
Some of the results in this paper have bean obtained using the HEALPix package.
Test for anisotropy in the mean of the CMB temperature fluctuation in spherical harmonic space
This unconventional subtraction procedure is in line with the observation of other authors (e.g., Lepage 1997; Richardson et al. 1997; Beane et al. 1998) that standard dimensional regularization is not well adapted to the problem at hand.
Chiral symmetry
The authors thank Silas Beane and Daniel Phillips for interesting discussions.
Testing Low Energy Theorems in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
Here I talk mostly of the Weinberg approach, with of course no intention to minimize the achievements made in PDS (see, Beane et al. ).
Electroweak Probes and Nuclear Effective Field Theory
Since then this concept has been used to investigate several situations involving the interaction of atoms and electromagnetic fields, as for instance, atoms embedded in a strong radiofrequency field background and atoms in intense resonant laser beans.
Time evolution of quantum systems in microcavities and in free space -- a non-perturbative approach
King Bean has only two hours to live. "Italian Popular Tales" by
Mrs. Lupo was quietly stringing beans on a bench by the door of the lean-to which served the camp as a kitchen. "The Motor Maids at Sunrise Camp" by
The bargain was struck, and the cow exchanged for a few paltry beans. "Children's Rhymes, Children's Games, Children's Songs, Children's Stories" by
Maunders, who was slightly drunk, ate ravenously and directly began to sing the praises of the beans. "Roosevelt in the Bad Lands" by
Add salt, if the beans have not been seasoned. "365 Luncheon Dishes" by
Another species (the crax globicera) inhabits the Upper Amazon, and possesses a round instead of a bean-shaped excrescence on the beak. "The Western World" by
A bean bag is placed on each front desk. "Games and Play for School Morale" by
Old, decomposed red lavas produce the choicest beans. "Commercial Geography" by
In the kitchen department, kidney-beans may be sown, and at the latter end of the month scarlet-runners and French-beans may be planted. "The Book of Sports:" by
Composition of Common Beans, Foreign Beans, Peas. "The Stock-Feeder's Manual" by
Two of curly-greens
Two rows of early peas,
Two of kidney beans.
Two of curly-greens
Two rows of early peas,
Two of kidney beans.
And melt it down for oil.
And so replace the colza bean
(A product of the soil).
Of sprawling green mesquite
Turned into sheaves of dusky beans
Served condiment to meat.
He saw were only means,
And, for his urgent purpose now,
Were worth - a row of beans.
When every pod spills two or three),
Then I forget the thou and thee
And pray with total fervency: