nocturnal badger-like carnivore of wooded regions of Africa and southern Asia
rā"tĕl (Zoöl) Any carnivore of the genus Mellivora, allied to the weasels and the skunks; -- called also honey badger.☞ Several species are known in Africa and India. The Cape ratel (Mellivora Capensis ) and the Indian ratel (Mellivora Indica ) are the best known. The back is gray; the lower parts, face, and tail are black. They are fond of honey, and rob the nests of wild bees.
A carnivorous quadruped of the family Mustelidæ and subfamily Mellivorinæ as Mellivora capensis or M. ratellus. the honey-ratel of the Cape of Good Hope, and M. indica, that of India; a honey-badger. See Mellivora, and cut in next column. -
See rotl.
rā′tel a genus of quadrupeds of the bear family, nearly allied to the gluttons, and very like the badgers.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr., dim. of rat.
Halbwachs, N., Lagnier, F., and Ratel, C. 1992.
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The woman Bryond starts on horseback, disguised as a man, accompanied by Ratel, Mallet, and the girl Godard. "The Brotherhood of Consolation" by
The Zibu or mbuide flies at the tendon Achilles; it is most likely the Ratel. "The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death, Volume II (of 2), 1869-1873" by
If he had done with the ratel, the ratel had not done with him. "The Way of the Wild" by
Some years ago, before I knew exactly what they were, the Ratels in the London Zoological Gardens used to interest me greatly. "Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon" by
The Ratels Hoek drift will be running twelve feet deep before we get there if we don't look smart. "Aletta" by
WHY THE RATEL IS SO KEEN ON HONEY. "Old Hendrik's Tales" by
But the deep boom of new-comers swept the earlier songsters out of the field: "Ik rammel, ik ratel en ik scheur". "The Further Adventures of O'Neill in Holland" by
She went there a great deal to study the animals, and was particularly fond of the "poor dear ratel" that used to turn somersaults. "George Eliot" by