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Fine Dictionary


Hyperion a romance
Hyperion a romance
  1. (adj) Romance
    relating to languages derived from Latin "Romance languages"
  2. (v) romance
    tell romantic or exaggerated lies "This author romanced his trip to an exotic country"
  3. (v) romance
    talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries","My husband never flirts with other women"
  4. (v) romance
    have a love affair with
  5. (v) romance
    make amorous advances towards "John is courting Mary"
  6. (n) romance
    an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)
  7. (n) romance
    a novel dealing with idealized events remote from everyday life
  8. (n) romance
    a story dealing with love
  9. (n) Romance
    the group of languages derived from Latin
  10. (n) romance
    a relationship between two lovers
Bibliomania, or book-madness a bibliographical romance
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Women who read romance novels have sex twice as often as those who don't.
  1. Romance
    a love affair, esp. one in which the lovers display their deep affection openly, by romantic gestures.
  2. Romance
    (Mus) A short lyric tale set to music; a song or short instrumental piece in ballad style; a romanza.
  3. Romance
    A species of fictitious writing, originally composed in meter in the Romance dialects, and afterward in prose, such as the tales of the court of Arthur, and of Amadis of Gaul; hence, any fictitious and wonderful tale; a sort of novel, especially one which treats of surprising adventures usually befalling a hero or a heroine; a tale of extravagant adventures, of love, and the like. "Romances that been royal.", "Upon these three columns -- chivalry, gallantry, and religion -- repose the fictions of the Middle Ages, especially those known as romances . These, such as we now know them, and such as display the characteristics above mentioned, were originally metrical, and chiefly written by nations of the north of France."
  4. Romance
    Of or pertaining to the language or dialects known as Romance.
  5. Romance
    The languages, or rather the several dialects, which were originally forms of popular or vulgar Latin, and have now developed into Italian. Spanish, French, etc. (called the Romanic languages).
  6. Romance
    To write or tell romances; to indulge in extravagant stories. "A very brave officer, but apt to romance ."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) romance
    Originally, a tale in verse, written in one of the Romance dialects, as early French or Provencal; hence, any popular epic belonging to the literature of modern Europe, or any fictitious story of heroic, marvelous, or supernatural incidents derived from history or legend, and told in prose or verse and at considerable length: as, the romance of Charlemagne; the Arthurian romances.
  2. (n) romance
    In Spain and other Romanic countries—either a short epic narrative poem (historic ballad), or, later
  3. (n) romance
    a short lyric poem.
  4. (n) romance
    A tale or novel dealing not so much with real or familiar life as with extraordinary and often extravagant adventures, as Cervantes's “Don Quixote,” with rapid and violent changes of scene and fortune, as Dumas's “Count of Monte Cristo,” with mysterious and supernatural events, as R. L. Stevenson's “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” or with morbid idiosyncrasies of temperament, as Godwin's “Caleb Williams,” or picturing imaginary conditions of society influenced by imaginary characters, as Fouqué's “Undine.”
  5. (n) romance
    special forms of the romance, suggested by the subject and the manner of treatment, are the historical, the pastoral, the philosophical, the psychological, the allegorical, etc. See novel, n., 4.
  6. (n) romance
    Others were much scandalized. It [“The Pilgrim's Progress”] was a vain story, a mere romance, about giants, and lions, and goblins, and warriors.
  7. (n) romance
    An invention; fiction; falsehood: used euphemistically.
  8. (n) romance
    A blending of the heroic, the marvelous, the mysterious, and the imaginative in actions, manners, ideas, language, or literature; tendency of mind to dwell upon or give expression to the heroic, the marvelous, the mysterious, or the imaginative.
  9. (n) romance
    In music: A setting of a romantic story or tale; a ballad.
  10. (n) romance
    Any short, simple melody of tender character, whether vocal or instrumental; a song, or song without words. Also romanza.
  11. (n) romance
    [capitalized] A Romance language, or the Romance languages. See II.
  12. (n) romance
    Synonyms Tale, etc. See novel.
  13. romance
    Pertaining to or denoting the languages which arose, in the south and west of Europe, out of the Roman or Latin language as spoken in the provinces at one time subject to Rome. The principal Romance languages are the Italian, French, Provencal, Spanish, Portuguese, Wallachian, and Rhæto-Romanic. Also Romanic. Abbreviated Roman
  14. romance
    To invent and relate fictitious stories; deal in extravagant, fanciful, or false recitals; lie.
  15. romance
    To be romantic; behave romantically or with fanciful or extravagant enthusiasm; build castles in the air.
  16. romance
    To treat, present, or discuss in a romantic manner.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Romance
    rō-mans′ a general name for those modern languages in southern Europe which sprang from a corruption of the Roman or Latin language—Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Provençal, French, Roumanian, Romansch, &c.: a tale written in one of these dialects: any fictitious and wonderful tale: a fictitious narrative in prose or verse which passes beyond the limits of real life: a ballad
  2. (adj) Romance
    belonging to the dialects called Romance
  3. (v.i) Romance
    to write or tell romances: to talk extravagantly: to build castles in the air
Oscar Wilde
While we look to the dramatist to give romance to realism, we ask of the actor to give realism to romance.
Oscar Wilde
Lord Byron
Romances I never read like those I have seen.
Lord Byron
In a great romance, each person plays a part the other really likes.
Elizabeth Ashley
Oscar Wilde
When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.
Oscar Wilde
Honore De Balzac
Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, romance and art would be useless.
Honore De Balzac
Thomas Carlyle
No age seemed the age of romance to itself.
Thomas Carlyle

May-December romance - When one person in a relationship is a lot older than the other, it is a May-December romance ('May-December love affair' is also used).


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. romance, romant, romaunt, OF. romanz, romans, romant, roman, F. roman, romance, fr. LL. Romanice, in the Roman language, in the vulgar tongue, i. e., in the vulgar language which sprang from Latin, the language of the Romans, and hence applied to fictitious compositions written in this vulgar tongue; fr. L. Romanicus, Roman, fr. Romanus,. See Roman, and cf. Romanic Romaunt Romansch Romanza

Usage in the news

Sparks do not fly in this muted French romance.

Memphis Movies 'Daylight Fade' and 'The Romance of Loneliness' Debut on DVD.

Authorities have arrested a 24-year-old Quincy woman who they allege disguised herself as a 17-year-old male in striking up an interstate Internet romance with a West Virginia minor.

Romance package at Rosalie Bay.

'Hope Springs': Jones and Streep put their hearts into this romance.

'Suits' star Patrick J Adams talks office romances, Dustin Hoffman .

"Bellflower" an artful dystopian romance yearning for the apocalypse.

Carmen Electra 's ex-husband approves of her romance with Simon Cowell.

Romance genre at the Fall for the Book Festival in Fairfax, sponsored by George Mason University (GMU).

Sex, Romance, and Relationships: AARP Survey of Midlife and Older Adults.

Ethan Allen Romances Soft Side in NYC.

Maria Bello has joined the cast of Paul Haggis ' ensemble romancer "Third Person," which begins shooting Wednesday in Rome.

I take up a station near Romance and Mystery in the Denver Public Library, Central Branch.

EVERYONE who knows Lydia Child Peelle and Jay Ketcham Miller Secor agrees that their romance could come right from an episode of "Dawson's Creek," the high school television drama.

There's a bit of romance and chivalry on view, yes.

Usage in scientific papers

In multi-relational databases, users and applications access the data via queries. E.g., a query can be made to check the average age of directors of history movies, or the average age of directors of romance movies.
Query Significance in Databases via Randomizations

Usually, the answer returned by the query is assumed as a fact, thus implying some conventional wisdom —for this toy example we might be tempted to believe that directors of romance movies are younger than directors of history movies.
Query Significance in Databases via Randomizations

Another twotailed hypothesis is whether that average is significantly d ifferent from the average age of directors of romance movies.
Query Significance in Databases via Randomizations

For the particular case of romance movies with the hypothesis of having small age, we would obtain a p-value close to 0.5 (i.e. 50% of the randomized samples would have the same value as the original).
Query Significance in Databases via Randomizations

Indeed these relationships convey some structure on the data: the relation MD shows that all history movies are also drama movies; the relation MD shows that all movies from Drama and Romance have been directed by the same person.
Query Significance in Databases via Randomizations

Usage in literature

He wanted the plants, but he wanted to think, for he was curious about the French romance. "Partners of the Out-Trail" by Harold Bindloss

A picturesque romance of Utah of some forty years ago when Mormon authority ruled. "Whispering Smith" by Frank H. Spearman

Why, it might develop into a romance. "The Bondwoman" by Marah Ellis Ryan

If there is no romance there, you do not know romance when you see it! "The American Mind" by Bliss Perry

There had been a romance, a very interesting romance; but the fact remained. "Marion Fay" by Anthony Trollope

Has the rise of realism made romance impossible? "A Manual of the Art of Fiction" by Clayton Hamilton

Such is the Romance of the Bible Devil. "Bible Romances" by George W. Foote

A Romance of the times of Henry the Eighth, By G. W. M. Reynolds. "The Humors of Falconbridge" by Jonathan F. Kelley

I am stripped of romance as bare as the white tenters in that field are of cloth. "Shirley" by Charlotte Brontë

It proved to be quite otherwise: a mere dumb piece of boyish romance, that I had lacked penetration to divine. "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume 9" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Usage in poetry
It lured me with a singing tone,
And many a sunny glance,
To a green spot of beauty lone,
A haunt for old romance.
Then spoke a gallant gentleman,
A lover of romance:
“Remain I for the ladies’ sake,
For I’m a son of France!”
And if, in tales our fathers told, the songs our
mothers sung,
Tradition wears a snowy beard, Romance is always
Joy goes where she goes, and good dreams—
Her smile is tender as an old romance
Of Love that dies not, and her soft eye’s glance
Like sunshine set to music seems.
The first dance of all when they danced heart to heart
They knew, they both knew, it was only the start
Of something more wonderful that a mere dance
More than a thrill of a passing romance.
There is no path. The saplings choke
The trunks they spring from. There an oak
Lies rotting; and that sycamore,
Which lays its bulk from shore to shore,--
Uprooted by the floods,--perchance,
May be the bridge to some romance.