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Fine Dictionary


Sheet with 20 scenes from the fairy tale of the yellow dwarf. A caption below each image. Numbered top right: No 61.
Sheet with 20 scenes from the fairy tale of the yellow dwarf. A caption below each image. Numbered top right: No 61.
  1. (v) dwarf
    check the growth of "the lack of sunlight dwarfed these pines"
  2. (v) dwarf
    make appear small by comparison "This year's debt dwarfs that of last year"
  3. (n) dwarf
    a plant or animal that is atypically small
  4. (n) dwarf
    a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure
  5. (n) dwarf
    a person who is markedly small
Two dwarfs for the month of July (Hay month). A landowner and a farmer. In the caption verses in German, French and Dutch. Part of part III (a series of twelve months) in the second Dutch hardback edition from 1720 (and related to the Windhandel in that year) of a series of caricatures with dwarfs, known as Het Dwergentooneel.
Two dwarfs for the month of July (Hay month). A landowner and a farmer. In the caption verses in German, French and Dutch. Part of part III (a series of twelve months) in the second Dutch hardback edition from 1720 (and related to the Windhandel in that year) of a series of caricatures with dwarfs, known as Het Dwergentooneel.
The Swiss dwarf Hans Worrenbergh draws his sword. Next to him is a normal sized man.
The Swiss dwarf Hans Worrenbergh draws his sword. Next to him is a normal sized man.
Four glasses with dwarfs in a wooden mount with handle. Far left: a female dwarf in a red dress seen from the front. To the right of it: a dwarf standing wide-legged with a hat, reaching for his saber. To the right of that: dwarf with hat, saber and pointed mustache makes a pass. Far right: a female dwarf with a hat and a handkerchief in her hand is making a dance step. All but the rightmost copied to The Dwarf Scene.
Four glasses with dwarfs in a wooden mount with handle. Far left: a female dwarf in a red dress seen from the front. To the right of it: a dwarf standing wide-legged with a hat, reaching for his saber. To the right of that: dwarf with hat, saber and pointed mustache makes a pass. Far right: a female dwarf with a hat and a handkerchief in her hand is making a dance step. All but the rightmost copied to The Dwarf Scene.
Sheet with caricatures of dwarfs in the wind trade. Four separate plates numbered 1-4 printed on one sheet. Plate 1: Emblem with Bombario in a frame with the devil and goat's feet, surmounted by a basket full of fools. Picture 2: a dwarf as a night watchman with a magic lantern on his back. Picture 3: a dwarf as a doctor with a bird on his hand. Picture 4: a dwarf like an old woman with a dog on her arm. Sheets 2-4 are captioned in two columns. Print in the hardback first edition (304 B 11) of Het Groote Tafereel der Fwaasheid with cartoons on the Windhandel or Actiehandel from 1720.
Sheet with caricatures of dwarfs in the wind trade. Four separate plates numbered 1-4 printed on one sheet. Plate 1: Emblem with Bombario in a frame with the devil and goat's feet, surmounted by a basket full of fools. Picture 2: a dwarf as a night watchman with a magic lantern on his back. Picture 3: a dwarf as a doctor with a bird on his hand. Picture 4: a dwarf like an old woman with a dog on her arm. Sheets 2-4 are captioned in two columns. Print in the hardback first edition (304 B 11) of Het Groote Tafereel der Fwaasheid with cartoons on the Windhandel or Actiehandel from 1720.
Four glasses in wooden mount with handle. Far left: dwarf with walking stick, wide hat and long hair. To the right of it: dwarf with a big nose, leaning on a wide stick. To the right of it: dwarf with turban. Far right: pipe-smoking dwarf with beard and crooked staff.
Four glasses in wooden mount with handle. Far left: dwarf with walking stick, wide hat and long hair. To the right of it: dwarf with a big nose, leaning on a wide stick. To the right of it: dwarf with turban. Far right: pipe-smoking dwarf with beard and crooked staff.
In a pub interior, a crippled man and a dwarf watch a man vomiting. In the background a man urinates into a bowl. There is an owl in the room.
In a pub interior, a crippled man and a dwarf watch a man vomiting. In the background a man urinates into a bowl. There is an owl in the room.
Four glass plates in wooden mount with handle. Far left: dwarf plays from a leaf on a horn, in the background is a cat and mice dancing. To the right of that: dancing dwarf couple. To the right of that: dancing dwarf couple. Far right: dancing dwarf with a very large collar.
Four glass plates in wooden mount with handle. Far left: dwarf plays from a leaf on a horn, in the background is a cat and mice dancing. To the right of that: dancing dwarf couple. To the right of that: dancing dwarf couple. Far right: dancing dwarf with a very large collar.
Sheet with 20 scenes from the tale of the three dwarfs. A caption below each image. Numbered top right: No. 61.
Sheet with 20 scenes from the tale of the three dwarfs. A caption below each image. Numbered top right: No. 61.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Midgets and dwarfs almost always have normal-sized children, even if both parents are midgets or dwarfs.
  1. Dwarf
    A diminutive human being, small in stature due to a pathological condition which causes a distortion of the proportions of body parts to each other, such as the limbs, torso, and head. A person of unusually small height who has normal body proportions is usually called a midget.
  2. Dwarf
    (Folklore) A small, usually misshapen person, typically a man, who may have magical powers; mythical dwarves were often depicted as living underground in caves.
  3. Dwarf
    An animal or plant which is much below the ordinary size of its species or kind.
  4. Dwarf
    To become small; to diminish in size. "Strange power of the world that, the moment we enter it, our great conceptions dwarf ."
  5. Dwarf
    To hinder from growing to the natural size; to make or keep small; to stunt. "Even the most common moral ideas and affections . . . would be stunted and dwarfed , if cut off from a spiritual background."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
The 1st feature-length animated film, released by Disney Studios in 1937, was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
  1. (n) dwarf
    A person of very small size; a human being much below the ordinary stature. True dwarfs (some of the most celebrated of whom have teen from 3 to less than 2 feet in height) are usually well formed; but dwarfishness is often accompanied by deformity or caused by disproportion of parts. In ancient, medieval, and later times, dwarfs have been in demand as personal attendants upon ladies and noblemen; and the ancient Romans practised methods of dwarfing persons artificially.
  2. (n) dwarf
    An animal or a plant much below the ordinary size of its species.
  3. (n) dwarf
    In Scand. myth., a diminutive and generally deformed being, dwelling in rocks and hills, and distinguished for skill in working metals.
  4. dwarf
    Of small stature or size; of a size smaller than that common to its kind or species: as, a dwaf palm; dwarf trees. Among gardeners dwarf is used to distinguish fruit-trees of which the branches spring from the stem near the ground from riders or standards, the original stocks of which are several feet in height.
  5. dwarf
    To hinder from growing to the natural size; make or keep small; prevent the due development of; stunt.
  6. dwarf
    To cause to appear less than reality; cause to look or seem small by comparison; as, the cathedral dwarfs the houses around it.
  7. dwarf
    To become less; become dwarfish or stunted.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Attila the Hun was a dwarf. Pepin the Short, Aesop, Gregory the Tours, Charles 3 of Naples, and the Pasha Hussein were all less than 3.5 feet tall.
  1. (n) Dwarf
    dwawrf an animal or plant that does not reach the ordinary height: a diminutive man
  2. (v.t) Dwarf
    to hinder from growing: to make to appear small
  3. (adjs) Dwarf
    like a dwarf: very small: despicable
Bigotry dwarfs the soul by shutting out the truth.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin
David Ogilvy
If each of us hires people smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs.
David Ogilvy
John Greenleaf Whittier
How dwarfed against his manliness she sees the poor pretension, the wants, the aims, the follies, born of fashion and convention!
John Greenleaf Whittier
George Herbert
A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees the further of the two.
George Herbert

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. dwergh, dwerf, dwarf, AS. dweorg, dweorh,; akin to D. dwerg, MHG. twerc, G. zwerg, Icel. dvergr, Sw. & Dan. dverg,; of unknown origin

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. dweorg; Dut. dwerg, Ice. dvergr, Ger. zwerg.

Usage in the news

Dwarf planet puzzles astronomers.

National Debt Interest Payments Dwarf Other Government Spending.

A prince, a dwarf and a birthday.

Prince Charles, Prince of Wales meets Peter Hambleton, who plays the Dwarf Gloin in the new 'Hobbit' film, at Weta Workshop on November 14, 2012 in Wellington, New Zealand.

Q&A With the Team Behind Red Dwarf X.

Red Dwarf X Premiere in London's Leicester Square.

Incumbents' fundraising continues to dwarf foes'.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.—An organization that supports dwarfs is scheduled to hold a conference in Albuquerque.

Cargo flights will dwarf old military flights at Mather.

Dwarf tears up men's basketball league.

Dwarf Tossing for the Reality Show Age.

There are 13 dwarfs to choose from in "The Hobbit," which hits theaters in December.

What scientists have not fully understood is the identity of the white dwarf 's partner.

Some have suggested that mergers between white dwarfs can lead to these explosions.

But according to a new paper in the journal Science, the aged, puffy stars called red giants can also feed white dwarfs and cause supernovas.

Usage in scientific papers

If more material is ejected from the white dwarf (via e.g. nova explosions or other outflows) than accreted, then clearly the white dwarf mass cannot increase.
A radio jet in the prototypical symbiotic star Z And?

While we did not find any unambiguous young clusters in the halo, we did discover lowredshift emission-line galaxies, metal-poor dwarf stars, white dwarfs and QSOs.
The Globular Cluster System of NGC 5128 I. Survey and Catalogs

Moreover, hydrodynamical simulations of dwarf galaxies moving through the hot, thin intergalactic medium in clusters (Mori & Burkert 2000) or groups (Marcolini et al. 2003) show that ram-pressure stripping can completely remove the ISM of a dwarf galaxy less massive than 109 M⊙ within a few 100 Myr.
Evidence for a warm ISM in Fornax dEs - II. FCC032, FCC206 and FCCB729

Yet another possibility is that dEs are related to other dwarf galaxies such as Blue Compact Dwarfs (BCDs).
Evidence for a warm ISM in Fornax dEs - II. FCC032, FCC206 and FCCB729

Also meeting these criteria are an additional white dwarf pair found recently by Scholz et al. (2001), and a red dwarf found by Pokorny et al. (2003), bringing the total sample to 25 ob jects.
The Solar Neighborhood X: New Nearby Stars in the Southern Sky and Accurate Photometric Distance Estimates for Red Dwarfs

Usage in literature

Standing against the wall and blinking at the rutilant glare of the room, Goliath the dwarf waited nervously. "Fantazius Mallare" by Ben Hecht

The dwarf stands staring at the gold, dreaming what it would be to own the world. "The Wagnerian Romances" by Gertrude Hall

The dwarf grinned with delight, but, pointing a pistol at his head, I bade him be silent, and asked who was without. "My Sword's My Fortune" by Herbert Hayens

Thus I and the dwarf had to battle with the three. "The Birthright" by Joseph Hocking

Brandilancia started, although he knew that it was the custom of Italian princes to maintain dwarfs in their households. "Romance of Roman Villas" by Elizabeth W. (Elizbeth Williams) Champney

Johnson & Stokes say, in their catalogue for 1890, that their extra selected Early Dwarf Erfurt is distinct from the Early Dwarf Erfurt. "The Cauliflower" by A. A. Crozier

The dwarf was the only one who deigned rejoinder. "The Free Lances" by Mayne Reid

Oh, you wretched dwarf, I will never, never forgive you! "The Lilac Fairy Book" by Andrew Lang

It was a full two hours before the hunter stopped and then they stood on a low hill covered but thinly with the dwarfed trees of that region. "The Great Sioux Trail" by Joseph Altsheler

Some dwarfing process is employed, as they do not exceed ten inches in length when full grown. "Due West" by Maturin Murray Ballou

Usage in poetry
He bids the boy in slumber
"O dwarf, go up this hour,
And see if still the ravens
Are flying round the tower;
My parents bow, and lead them forth,
For all the crowd to see—
Ah well! the people might not care
To cheer a dwarf like me.
O Deep whose very silence stuns!
Where Light is powerless to illume
Lost in immensities of gloom
That dwarf to motes the flaring suns.
Oh, my youth was hot and eager,
And my heart was burning, burning,
And the present joy seemed meagre,
Dwarfed by that perpetual yearning.
The dwarfed Zacchaeus climbed a tree,
His humble stature set him high;
The Lord the little man did see
Who sought the great man passing by.
With Dwarf and Hobbit, Elves and Men,
with mortal and immortal folk,
with bird on bough and beast in den,
in their own secret tongues he spoke.