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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) morph
    change shape as via computer animation "In the video, Michael Jackson morphed into a panther"
  2. (v) morph
    cause to change shape in a computer animation "The computer programmer morphed the image"
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. morph
    An abbreviation of morphology, morphological, etc.
Usage in the news

The massive storm that started out as Hurricane Sandy slammed into the East Coast and morphed into a huge and problematic system affecting millions of people.

In 2014, we will have 63 schools spread among five major conferences, the Big East having morphed into Conference USA.

Why in the world does 30th Street morph into Fern Street between Juniper and Ash streets.

Stoner Punk Morphs Into Honky-Tonk Crooner .

The leaves are morphing into such amazing colors.

It began as a news report, quickly spreading to social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter and by last Thursday afternoon concerns about a gas shortage on Long Island had morphed into the real thing.


Wal-Mart's disclosure of lobbying activities morphs into talk of bribery in India.

'Lame duck' Congress morphed into Energizer Bunny.

Over the years, the term " environmentalism " has morphed through various phases and subcategories, creating a whole new paradigm that confuses most of the general population.

We just implemented this quarterly process called Morph.

Like a lot of Tacoma institutions, Art on the Ave has morphed over the years.

Rabbi's hopeful fiscal cliff morphs 'into a cloud' and the economy remains unbowed.

Impromptu bash morphs into yearly Cooley Lake fest.

What started out as a way for like-minded folks to meet and former colleagues and classmates to reconnect has morphed into a tech phenomenon.

Usage in scientific papers

The MORPHS study also concludes that star formation in clusters is truncated relatively quickly (∼ 1 Gyr).
Multi-wavelength Surveys for Distant Clusters

Following the refurbishment of the HST, the two groups combined their efforts in the MORPHS collaboration (Smail et al. 1997).
At the Vigintennial of the Butcher-Oemler Effect

Stanghellini et al. (2003) finds similar statistics on morph ology between the LMC, SMC and the Galaxy.
The Planetary Nebula population of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

The encounters are untwisted to become roundabout nodes, the links edges and the channels leaves, so Fig. 1(b) morphs to Fig. 1(c).
Universality in chaotic quantum transport: The concordance between random matrix and semiclassical theories

Web 2.0 has been defined according to the statement “the Web of documents has morphed into a Web of data…we’re looking to a new set of tools to aggregate and remix microcontent in new and useful ways” (MacManus & Porter, 2005).
In the Face (book) of Social Learning

Usage in literature

We constantly find in the Greek pantheon beings who can be described as +pollon onomaton morphe mia+, 'one form of many names'. "Five Stages of Greek Religion" by Gilbert Murray

Ein Beitrag zur Morph. "The Nature of Animal Light" by E. Newton Harvey

JICKELI, "Der Bau der Hydroidpolypen," Morph. "Freshwater Sponges, Hydroids & Polyzoa" by Nelson Annandale