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Fine Dictionary


Pelargonium blade-hardtense Knuth
Pelargonium blade-hardtense Knuth
Geranium (Pelargonium klinghardtense Knuth) with root and tuber.
  1. (n) Tuber
    type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles
  2. (n) tuber
    a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage
Herbs and tubers on Java, 1596. Printing of the reprocessed plates for the original illustrations in the travelogue of the Eerste Schipvaert by Cornelis de Houtman to the East Indies in 1595-1597. No. 37.
Herbs and tubers on Java, 1596. Printing of the reprocessed plates for the original illustrations in the travelogue of the Eerste Schipvaert by Cornelis de Houtman to the East Indies in 1595-1597. No. 37.
Tray with 36 representations of food, such as rye bread, cheese, pear and tuber. A caption under each performance. Marked top right: X.
Tray with 36 representations of food, such as rye bread, cheese, pear and tuber. A caption under each performance. Marked top right: X.
Tray with 36 representations of food, such as rye bread, salmon, pear and tuber. A caption under each performance. Numbered top right: No. 28.
Tray with 36 representations of food, such as rye bread, salmon, pear and tuber. A caption under each performance. Numbered top right: No. 28.
View of a market in Paramaribo, August 25, 1908. A Hindustani man sells bananas and tubers. Part of the photo album of the Boom-Gonggrijp family in Suriname and Curaçao.
View of a market in Paramaribo, August 25, 1908. A Hindustani man sells bananas and tubers. Part of the photo album of the Boom-Gonggrijp family in Suriname and Curaçao.
Herbs and tubers in Java, 1596. Galanga (lancuas) and turmeric. Printing of the reprocessed plates for the original illustrations in the travelogue of the Eerste Schipvaert of Cornelis de Houtman to the East Indies in 1595-1597. No. 38B.
Herbs and tubers in Java, 1596. Galanga (lancuas) and turmeric. Printing of the reprocessed plates for the original illustrations in the travelogue of the Eerste Schipvaert of Cornelis de Houtman to the East Indies in 1595-1597. No. 38B.
A man and woman are playing music on a farm cart full of tubers or turnips. Behind the cart a procession of men and women trying to get as many turnips as possible. In the center of the foreground two fighting men. On the right in the foreground a clergyman is presented with the tubers. Allegory of greed.
A man and woman are playing music on a farm cart full of tubers or turnips. Behind the cart a procession of men and women trying to get as many turnips as possible. In the center of the foreground two fighting men. On the right in the foreground a clergyman is presented with the tubers. Allegory of greed.
A smoking set consisting of a very luxurious pipe holder and a tobacco bag, with two turnips behind it. With three poems.
Smoking utensils and tubers
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Tuber
    (Bot) A fleshy, rounded stem or root, usually containing starchy matter, as the potato or arrowroot; a thickened root-stock. See Illust. of Tuberous.
  2. Tuber
    (Bot) A genus of fungi. See Truffle.
  3. Tuber
    (Anat) A tuberosity; a tubercle.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) tuber
    In botany, a subterranean body, usually of an oblong or rounded form, consisting morphologically of a stolon-like branch of a rhizome, much thickened, commonly at the end, and beset with “eyes,” which are properly modified axillary buds. Some of these buds normally sprout the second season, giving rise to a new plant, for the nourishment of which the tuber is richly stored with starch. Typical examples are the common potato and the Jerusalem artichoke (see Helianthus, with cut); less familiar are the tubers of the dwarf dandelion (Krigia Dandelion), the American ground-nut (Apios tuberosa) and the ground-nut of Great Britain, Conopodium denudatum (Bunium flexuosum). Moniliform tubers occur, as in Equisetum fluviatile (see moniliform) and Hydrocotyle Americana (see Hydrocotyle). Strictly, the tuber is to be distinguished from the tubercle (see tubercle ) and the tuberous root (see tuberous); but the term often embraces these, especially the former.
  2. (n) tuber
    A genus of subterranean discomycetous fungi, the truffles, having the peridium warty or tubercled, without definite base, the asci ovoid or globose, and one- to three- or (rarely) four-spored. About 50 species are known. T. æstivum is the common truffle. See truffle (with cut).
  3. (n) tuber
    In pathol., anat., and zoology, some rounded swelling part; a tuberosity; a tubercle; a knot or swelling which is not the result of disease: used chiefly as a Latin word (with Latin plural tubera).
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Tuber
    tū′bėr a knob in roots: a rounded, fleshy underground stem, as in the potato, formed by a part of the stem becoming thick and fleshy: a swelling

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., a hump. knob; probably akin to tumere, to swell. Cf. Tumid

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. tuber, a swelling, from root of L. tumēre, to swell.

Usage in the news

The Tuber that Flavors Horchata.

After teaching us how to plant dahlias , she returns to to show us how to dig up and store dahlia tubers for the winter.

The abdominal angiographic spectrum of tuberous sclerosis.

Jicama Tuber Juice for Skin Care.

Whether you buy them at the farmers' market or the supermarket, be sure the tubers are superhard.

The Alabama Cooperative Extension Service says the tubers are edible, but you probably don't want to eat them.

He said there have been some near drownings, and many tubers have had to be rescued from danger.

In the tropics, this plant can produce underground tubers up to 3 feet long, but in our cooler climate, its tubers are likely to be much smaller, restricting its value as a food source.

Sheriff's Office calls off search for Puyallup River inner tuber .

Search called off for missing Puyallup River inner tuber .

Inner tuber swept away, missing on Puyallup River.

If you do, you may have run across a You Tuber by the name of Flula.

It is in these lowly tubers , scientists at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture say, that the continent will find a way to feed itself no matter what.

Tuber troubles on city schools test.

Thursday's Child: Meet Andrew the Winter Tuber.

Usage in literature

Tubers large, and often irregular in form; skin and flesh white; quality watery, and somewhat insipid. "The Field and Garden Vegetables of America" by Fearing Burr

Bulbs and Tuberous Roots. "A Treatise on Domestic Economy" by Catherine Esther Beecher

Messrs. Tuber, Root and Co. Price 3s. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, March 18, 1914" by Various

The tubers are far larger. "In the Wilds of Africa" by W.H.G. Kingston

As we advanced we looked out anxiously for the tuber-bearing plants, but not one could we see. "Adventures in Africa" by W.H.G. Kingston

A brief examination of some of the tubers showed us that they were full grown. "Yorke The Adventurer" by Louis Becke

It is found in the tuber of the dahlia, in the dandelion, and some other plants. "Elements of Agricultural Chemistry" by Thomas Anderson

The nutritious qualities of the tubers of the potato had been discovered. "Sir Walter Ralegh" by William Stebbing

TRAIL, R., on the union of half-tubers of different kinds of potatoes, i. "The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Volume II (of 2)" by Charles Darwin

There on a patch of soil where some bear had been grubbing for tubers he detected a strange footprint. "In the Morning of Time" by Charles G. D. Roberts

Usage in poetry
'Listen, now, verse should be as natural
As the small tuber that feeds on muck
And grows slowly from obtuse soil
To the white flower of immortal beauty.'