moor at a wharf "The ship was wharfed" -
come into or dock at a wharf "the big ship wharfed in the evening" -
discharge at a wharf "wharf the passengers" -
store on a wharf "Wharf the merchandise" -
provide with a wharf "Wharf the mouth of the river" -
a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access to ships and boats
The bank of a river, or the shore of the sea. "The fat weed that roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf ." -
To guard or secure by a firm wall of timber or stone constructed like a wharf; to furnish with a wharf or wharfs. -
To place upon a wharf; to bring to a wharf.
A platform of timber, stone, or other material built on a support at the margin of a harbor or a navigable stream, in order that vessels may be moored alongside, as for loading or unloading, or while at rest. A wharf may be parallel with and contiguous to the margin, when it is more especially called a quay; or it may project away from it, with openings underneath for the flow of water, when it is distinctively called a pier. (See cuts under pilework.) In England wharves are of two kinds: -
The bank of a river, or the shore of the sea. -
To guard or secure by a wharf or firm wall of timber or stone. -
To place or lodge on a wharf.
hworf a bank of timber or stone on the shore of a harbour or river for lading and unlading vessels: -
to secure by a wharf: to place on a wharf -
hworf (Shak.) the bank of a river
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. hwerf, hwearf, a returning, a change, from hweorfan, to turn, turn about, go about; akin to D. werf, a wharf, G. werft, Sw. varf, a shipbuilder's yard, Dan. verft, wharf, dockyard, G. werben, to enlist, to engage, woo, OHG. werban, to turn about, go about, be active or occupied, Icel. hverfa, to turn, Goth. hwaírban, hwarbōn, to walk. Cf. Whirl
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. hwerf, a dam; prob. conn. with hweorfan (Ice. hverfa), to turn.
Between the Pacific Coast's bounty and San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf, it's no surprise that the Bay Area would be home to so many terrific seafood restaurants. mercurynews.com
Occupy the Hamptons is returning to Sag Harbor this weekend with a second gathering at the Long Wharf at 3 pm on Sunday. danshamptons.com
A Wharf Shop at the Heart of Sag Harbor. sagharboronline.com
BEACH WALK INFORMATION Distance -1.25 miles east to Stearns Wharf. independent.com
Hot rods, antiques, custom jobs and classics, plus motorcycles, too, will strut their stuff at the Tisbury wharf on Beach Road in Vineyard Haven. mvgazette.com
Beer drinkers in the Canary Wharf business and shopping district in London. businessweek.com
100 Aquarium Wharf Charleston, SC. charlestonmag.com
F&W Best New Chef 2000 Amanda Lydon and her husband, chef Gabriel Frasca—the couple behind the island's Straight Wharf restaurant – Nantucket Restaurants. foodandwine.com
Proposal Giving Long Wharf to Sag Harbor Makes it Back to the Suffolk County Legislature. sagharboronline.com
Wharf Tavern Surrounded by Water. 2.turnto10.com
Water surrounds the Wharf Tavern in Warren, Tuesday, Oct 30, 2012. 2.turnto10.com
Amigo's, Lahaina Wharf Center, Lahaina, 661-0210 1 Lengua taco and 1 tacos al pastor, $6. mauitime.com
PETA goes topless at Fisherman's Wharf. krmg.com
On Saturdays we'd either drive to the wharf, or put him in an aluminum-framed backpack and walk downtown for breakfast. gtweekly.com
For example, Fisherman’s Wharf and San Francisco are connected through geographical containment.
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But I rely on you to be here on this wharf not later than midnight. "Edward Barry" by
Foremost in the crowd on the wharf was Bangs, the senior member of the firm that kept the fish market. "The Coming Wave" by
It blew so hard I feared it would blow us over onto the wharf. "Between the Lines" by
My men broke into a run for the scene of the fire; but I moved more slowly, and studied the situation as I walked up the wharf. "Down South" by
I left the wharf feeling very lonely and miserable. "Bidwell's Travels, from Wall Street to London Prison" by
When I reached Market Wharf I found that the Islander had hauled out into the stream from the wharf where she had been undergoing repairs. "Up the River" by
Nal Gerda, Officer of the Guard, stood on the small wharf below the old watchtower. "Millennium" by
And I saw men hurrying on the wharf, as though about to put out a boat. "The Lady and the Pirate" by
Four canoes lay beside the wharf, and the campers were taking their places. "The Merryweathers" by
At the wharf they were greeted by a chorus of exclamations from a large group of people. "The Adventures of Bobby Orde" by
From meadow and wharf and wave,
And sang through the gathering night,
As we turned to leave the grave.
The anchored ships are lost. The climbing town
Fades out. The narrows close. The cliffs retire.
The green hill-pastures blur against the brown.
And then once more with him I went
Thro' field and wharf and town;
And love caught up the flying hours,
And eyes that were not calm as yours
Were imaged in my own.
To the grace and the glory, the strength and the pride,
That all were her portion who once had the name
In a day that's gone by, of a clipper of fame.
Or the footsteps of a comrade out of long ago?
Did I hear the wave lap and the light wind sigh, —
Or the voices of my shipmates in the years gone by?
Here's many a trusty vassal is yours when you shall bid,
With the strength of English rivers to push the wheels along,
And the roar of many a mill-race to join the victory song."