the enchanted realm of fairies -
a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers
(arch.) the world of fairies, fairyland: -
(obs.) a fairy.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A variant of fairy.
Television's "True Blood" returns: Vampires, faeries, werewolves are back with bevy of new cast members. denverpost.com
Have you noticed a media movement toward producing more entertainment based on faerie tales. mineralwellsindex.com
These are not Weed Faeries . thephoenix.com
"I have nothing to say about weed faeries ," a cop said, refusing to meet my eyes. thephoenix.com
But she paused at a table (even faeries like swag) and I grabbed her. thephoenix.com
Executive director of the William Way LGBT Community Center, radical faerie and past host of @TEDxPhilly. citypaper.net
I would like to try to answer specific questions about persons and things in my book, The Analogy of 'The Faerie Queene ', as put by your reviewer, R.M. nybooks.com
Stiefvater leaves the faeries of Lament and Ballad for a lyrical tale of alienated werewolves and first love. publishersweekly.com
Mentally wipe away the Faerie Tale cutesiness and these British freak-folk progenitors are revealed as uncompromising visionaries. spin.com
No, not Alan Lee and Brian Froud's classic tome Faeries, but Down East's own Fairy Houses of the Maine Coast. downeast.com
Enchanted Forest: The Bard's favorite faeries find the magic of movies irresistible. montereycountyweekly.com
We've been following Meghan Chase (through tears and laughter) ever since she discovered her secret destiny: that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king—which makes her, you guessed it, a fey . girlslife.com
Flo Gris revives a "Wee Faerie Village". theday.com
Matchbox monsters, clothespin faeries and a winter wonderland tea party. blog.oregonlive.com
Matchbox monsters, clothespin faeries and a winter wonderland tea party. blog.oregonlive.com
They shall lead her wild-rose feet all the faery paces, Danced along the road of love, the road such feet should go. "Overland Red" by
Queen of Elfin and Faery, 14, 44, 45, 47, 128, 189, 190, 241, 242, 244, 245. "The Witch-cult in Western Europe" by
Spenser's 'Faerie Queene,' 1590-96, early in the century could have been had for L3 12s. "The Book-Hunter in London" by
What sane man, reading 'The Faerie Queene,' could think that it purported to depict actual scenes or incidents? "The Book-Hunter at Home" by
Behind the creature towered the faery spires of the city they'd observed from the air. "Missing Link" by
Spenser's Faerie Queen is a notable example of this. "Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 379, May, 1847" by
The "Faerie Queen" was received with a burst of general welcome. "History of the English People, Volume V (of 8)" by
I am Painter to her Beauty Mab, Queen of the Faeries. "Seven Little People and their Friends" by
She was Pandora, she was Hope, she was Lady Hammerton, she was the Vampire, and she was the Queen of Faerie. "The Invader" by
In the same full volume, he gave the "Faerie Queene" from the first word to the last. "Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845" by
When, as she sports her in some happier mood,
Her many-colour'd robes
Dance varying to the Sun?
The friends I have without a peer
Beyond the western ocean’s glow,
Whither the faerie galleys steer,
They do not know: how should they know?
I knew when I was young,
And in my dreaming boyhood,
The wildwood flow'rs among,
Young face to face with Faery
Spoke in no unknown tongue.
Once more by tender wreaths of mist,
Until it seems that there must lie
The secret land of faery
Behind the rising wreaths of mist.
Winding down to Arcady?
Haunting is your verse and airy
With the grace and gleam of faery--
Dweller you must surely be
In the land of Arcady?"
Little men with leather hats
Mend the boots of Faery
From the tough wings of the bats.
So my mother told to me,
And she is wise you will agree. .