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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) sumac
    a shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non-poisonous members of the genus)
  2. (n) sumac
    wood of a sumac
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Sumac
    (Bot) Any plant of the genus Rhus, shrubs or small trees with usually compound leaves and clusters of small flowers. Some of the species are used in tanning, some in dyeing, and some in medicine. One, the Japanese Rhus vernicifera, yields the celebrated Japan varnish, or lacquer.
  2. Sumac
    The powdered leaves, peduncles, and young branches of certain species of the sumac plant, used in tanning and dyeing.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) sumac
    One of numerous shrubs or small trees of the genus Rhus. See def. 2, and phrases below.
  2. (n) sumac
    A product of the dried and ground leaves of certain shrubs or trees of the genus Rhus or of other genera, much used for tanning light-colored leathers and to some extent for dyeing. The leading source of this product is the tanners' or Sicilian sumac, Rhus Coriaria, of southern Europe, cultivated in Sicily and also in Tuscany. The Venetian sumac, smoke-tree, or wig-tree, R. Cotinus, is grown in Tyrol for the same purpose. (See smoke-tree and scotino.) In Spain various species supply a similar substance, and in Algeria the leaves of R. pentaphylla, five-leaved or Tezera sumac, are applied to the manufacture of morocco. In France a tree of another genus, Coriaria myrtifolia, myrtle-leaved sumac, furnishes a similar product. (See Coriaria.) In the United States, particularly in Virginia, the leaves of several wild sumacs are now gathered as tan-stock—namely, of the dwarf, the smooth, the stag-horn, and perhaps the Canadian sumac. These contain more tannin than the European, but, at least with careless gathering, they make an inferior leather.
  3. sumac
    In leather manufacturing, to treat with sumac.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Sumac
    sū′mak a genus of small trees and shrubs of the natural order Anacardiaceæ—the leaves of some species used in dyeing.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. sumac, formerly sumach,cf. Sp. zumaque,), fr. Ar. summāq,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. sumac—Sp. zumaque—Ar. summāq.

Usage in the news

The nightly whine of pickup trucks Bouncing through the sumac.

Baby Artichokes With Capers, Sumac and Pine Nuts.

Leg of Lamb with Sumac Rub and Grilled Eggplant.

Yma Sumac, 'Peruvian songbird' with multi- octave range, dies at 86.

Q&A: Controlling Staghorn Sumac .

Kym Pokorny 'Tiger Eye' sumac growing in the broken-concrete wall where hardly anything catches on.

Grilled eggplant with feta, mint & sumac .

Leg of Lamb with Sumac Rub and Grilled Eggplant.

Yma Sumac RIP 1922-2008 Published November 4, 2008 By Stella Katsipoutis.

Yma Sumac , the enigmatic Peruvian singer famous for her four-octave voice and wildly exotic look, passed away on November 1 in Los Angeles after a year-long battle with colon cancer.

Yma Sumac , 'Peruvian songbird' with multi-octave range, dies at 86.

It's an overcast, blustery Saturday, but Tracy Parker and Jimmy White are intent on getting a sumac sapling into the ground.

Grilled eggplant with feta, mint & sumac.

Gospel singer Tamela Mann will perform at 6:30 pm Dec 1 at Christian Joy Center, 1208 Sumac.

Dave "Big Owl" McSurdy of Schuylkill County gives talks about the plants American Indians used for medicinal purposes, such as staghorn sumac.

Usage in literature

I don't like murky skies, worn-out grass, skeleton hedge-rows, muddy lanes, lonesome sumacs and cold winds. "Grace Harlowe's Golden Summer" by Jessie Graham Flower

Sumacing: A liquor is made from 12 lb. "The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics" by Franklin Beech

She watched the placid fields, the wooded hill-tops, the lanes that wound away between walls of sumac. "Sacrifice" by Stephen French Whitman

Now let us get a branch of live elderberry and one or two limbs of the low red sumac. "Woodland Tales" by Ernest Seton-Thompson

The sumac bushes burned like fire. "The Eyes of the Woods" by Joseph A. Altsheler

The goat-skins are sumac-tanned and are still used in making the best book-binding leather. "Commercial Geography" by Jacques W. Redway

The sumac flamed everywhere, and bronze oak trees smouldered in the sun. "The Cricket" by Marjorie Cooke

Sicilian sumac makes better leather than does the American variety, which comes chiefly from Virginia. "The Story of Leather" by Sara Ware Bassett

It was the day we climbed the Sumac Hill that we got our Idea! "Fairy Prince and Other Stories" by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott

On one side a stone wall, half hidden by the grass and by a sumac hedge in full bloom, curved over the sky-line. "Shapes that Haunt the Dusk" by Various

Usage in poetry
Where the wahoo reds
And the sumac spreads
Tall plumes o'er the purple privet,
I beg a kiss
Of the wind, tho I wis
Right well he never will give it.
Its rotting fence one scarcely sees
Through sumac and wild blackberries,
Thick elder and the bramble-rose,
Big ox-eyed daisies where the bees
Hang droning in repose.
She sees fawn-colored backs among
The sumacs now; a tossing horn
Its clashing bell of copper rung:
Long shadows lean upon the corn,
And slow the day dies, scarlet stung,
The cloud in it a rosy thorn.
Adown the brook the dead leaves whirling go;
Above the brook the scarlet sumacs^ burn;
The lonely heron sounds his note of woe
In gloomy forest-swamps, where rankly grow
The crimson cardinal and feathery fern.