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Fine Dictionary


The bed is in a courtyard, surrounded by trees and shrubs. The woman is holding an umbrella over the girl. There is a dog and a backpack at the foot of the bed. After a painting by Nicolaas Pieneman.
The bed is in a courtyard, surrounded by trees and shrubs. The woman is holding an umbrella over the girl. There is a dog and a backpack at the foot of the bed. After a painting by Nicolaas Pieneman.
  1. (n) shrub
    a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems
Playing card depicting Pan chasing Syrinx between shrubs on the waterfront. Text and spades in the bottom margin.
Playing card depicting Pan chasing Syrinx between shrubs on the waterfront. Text and spades in the bottom margin.
Garden with central ground floor with trees and shrubs. The garden is laid out according to the Doric building order. The print is part of an album.
Garden with central ground floor with trees and shrubs. The garden is laid out according to the Doric building order. The print is part of an album.
Playing card depicting Pan chasing Syrinx between shrubs on the waterfront.
Playing card depicting Pan chasing Syrinx between shrubs on the waterfront.
View of a path lined with trees and shrubs. Sheet 22 verso from a sketchbook with 45 sheets.
View of a path lined with trees and shrubs. Sheet 22 verso from a sketchbook with 45 sheets.
Porcelain bowl with slightly flared sides, painted in underglaze blue. On the wall a band with a curly weave from which a stylized bush emerges eight times, each time a character between the bushes; on the bottom a flower in a medallion surrounded by a band of curling with five stylized bushes, in between a character; on the inner rim of the bowl a band of characters in Siddham script. Marked on the bottom with the six-character seal mark of Emperor Daoguang. Blue White.
Come with curls, shrubs and characters
A thatched house in open countryside with some trees and shrubs.
A thatched house in open countryside with some trees and shrubs.
Child sitting on the ground in front of a flowering shrub.
Child sitting on the ground in front of a flowering shrub.
The rear of Huis ten Bosch Palace and the surrounding garden with trees and shrubs in The Hague. A section of the pond is visible in the foreground.
The rear of Huis ten Bosch Palace and the surrounding garden with trees and shrubs in The Hague. A section of the pond is visible in the foreground.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The most widely accepted legend associated to the discovery of coffee is of the goatherder named Kaldi of Ethiopia. Around the year 800-850 A.D., Kaldi was amazed as he noticed his goats behaving in a frisky manner after eating the leaves and berries of a coffee shrub.
  1. Shrub
    A liquor composed of vegetable acid, especially lemon juice, and sugar, with spirit to preserve it.
  2. Shrub
    (Bot) A woody plant of less size than a tree, and usually with several stems from the same root.
  3. Shrub
    To lop; to prune.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
The the oldest living thing on earth is 12,000 years old. It is the flowering shrubs called creosote bushes in the Mojave Desert.
  1. (n) shrub
    A woody plant with stems branched from or near the ground, and, in general, smaller than a tree; a bush, or woody vine. The line which divides trees from shrubs is to a large extent arbitrary, and is often very unsatisfactory in application, but in general the name shrub may be applied to a woody plant of less size than a tree, with several permanent woody stems dividing from the bottom, more slender and lower than in a tree. The line between shrub and herb is also indistinct, as many herbaceous plants are more or less woody. For practical purposes shrubs are divided into the deciduous and evergreen kinds. There are many very ornamental flowering shrubs, among the best-known of which are those belonging to the genera Rosa, Rhododendron, Kalmia, Viburnum, Philadelphus, Vaccinium. Among evergreen shrubs are the box and various heaths. Compare tree, herb.
  2. (n) shrub
    Synonyms Bush, Herb, etc. See vegetable, n.
  3. shrub
    To prune down so that a shrubby form shall be preserved.
  4. shrub
    To reduce (a person) to poverty by winning his whole stock: a word used at play.
  5. (n) shrub
    A drink or cordial prepared from the juice of fruit and various other ingredients. A drink made by boiling currant-juice about ten minutes with an equal weight of sugar, and adding a little rum: it is also made with other fruits, and sometimes with brandy.
  6. (n) shrub
    A cordial or syrup consisting of the acid juice of some fruit, as the raspberry, cooked with sugar and vinegar, and diluted with water when used.
  7. shrub
    An obsolete form of scrub.
  8. shrub
    To clear land of small growth by cutting it off at the ground.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Shrub
    shrub a woody plant with several stems from the same root: a bush or dwarf tree
  2. (v.t) Shrub
    (prov.) to win all a man's money at play
  3. (n) Shrub
    shrub a drink prepared from the juice of lemons, currants, raspberries, with spirits, as rum.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Ar. shirb, shurb, a drink, beverage, fr. shariba, to drink. Cf. Sirup Sherbet

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A variant of shrab.

Usage in the news

Cloud Nothings , Shrub and More.

Maybe you want to install a new fence or plant some trees or shrubs.

Oily plants best shrubs for dry gardens.

They can be consumed on their own, or mixed with tonic, water or soda but, more often than not, most shrubs today are found as an ingredient in cocktails.

But if you want to bring some of that vivid beauty even closer to home, here are some tips for planting trees and shrubs to make your yard come alive in the fall.

Several shrubs offer glowing yellow foliage in fall.

This is not a story about a person or an event, there is but one star in the entire cast and that star is a bush, or a shrub .

4.3 million to be invested in shrub willow growth for renewable fuel.

Apply a 1-2 inch layer of mulch around all trees and shrubs .

Michael Dirr's new 'Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs ' is a must-own book for serious gardeners.

It's not always easy to learn the differences between various cultivars of shrubs .

A new book, 'Dirr's Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs ' makes it much easier.

Shrub -threatening disease discovered at Ohio farm.

LIBERTY, NY — The Sullivan County Soil & Water Conservation district has announced its annual spring tree and shrub program.

Free tree and shrub program.

Usage in scientific papers

When the surface is water,  = 0.1; when surface is shrubs and woodlands  = 0.25 .
Extraction of Freshwater and Energy from Atmosphere

Wildland fuel is composed of live and dead plant material consisting primarily of leaf litter, twigs, bark, wood, grasses, and shrubs. (Beall and Eickner, 1970), with a considerable range of physical structures, chemical components, age and level of biological decomposition.
A review of wildland fire spread modelling, 1990-present, 1: Physical and quasi-physical models

A later version of PIF97 (Morvan and Dupuy, 2004) was extended to multiple solid phases in order to simulate Mediterranean fuel complexes comprising live and dead components of shrub and grass species, including twigs and foliage.
A review of wildland fire spread modelling, 1990-present, 1: Physical and quasi-physical models

ROS was compared to other models and observations of shrub fires (Fernandes, 2001) and did not perform well.
A review of wildland fire spread modelling, 1990-present, 1: Physical and quasi-physical models

Fire spread prediction in shrub fuels in Portugal.
A review of wildland fire spread modelling, 1990-present, 1: Physical and quasi-physical models

Usage in literature

On this also I planted some flowering shrubs. "Twice Lost" by W.H.G. Kingston

As yet I had discovered nothing on the island but shrubs. "The Little Savage" by Captain Frederick Marryat

A low shrub grows in the karroo, called the ill-tempered thorn. "The Settler and the Savage" by R.M. Ballantyne

One narrow opening, marked by a few shrubs and palms on either side, formed the only portal to the calm lagoon. "Philosopher Jack" by R.M. Ballantyne

Shrubs; List of those most suitable for adorning a Yard. "A Treatise on Domestic Economy" by Catherine Esther Beecher

There was a kind of very small lodge among them, closely invested with ragged shrubs and overshadowed by heavier foliage. "The Sins of Séverac Bablon" by Sax Rohmer

All eat the young branches of trees, and shrubs, and grass. "Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals" by R. Lee

Wild flowers and shrubs are not wanting; and the former are often very fragrant. "Byeways in Palestine" by James Finn

It rolled down until it came to the shrub and vegetation, where its progress became slower. "In the Forbidden Land" by Arnold Henry Savage Landor

Shrubs of these two species are often seen growing together throughout the greater portion of the area under discussion. "Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Second Annual Meeting" by Northern Nut Growers Association

Usage in poetry
SIGISMUND. Pursue him then,
Leave no single shrub unrifled,
Nothing must escape your search,
Not a plant, and not a pine tree.
Of twisting vines and sturdy shrubs,
Scarlet and yellow, green and brown,
Falling, or swinging on their stalks,
Is Sorrow's crown.
And how has she ever dared
To greet, with air of springy queens,
The single blue-tit, in the bare
Shrubs fleshing in the orb of wings;
Two bubbles on a mountain stream,
Began their race one shining morn,
And lighted by the ruddy beam,
Went dancing down 'mid shrub and thorn.
And every flowerless shrub and tree
That takes the twinkling noontide heat,
Is dry and dusty as it can be;
There with his tired, sunburnt feet
Making thro' rain and wind
O'er the broken shrubs,
'Twixt the stems and stubs,
With a still, composed, strong mind,
Nor a care for the world behind—-