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Fine Dictionary


Raphicerus melanotis (Gray Goat)
Raphicerus melanotis (Gray Goat)
  1. (n) goat
    any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns
  2. (n) Goat
    the tenth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about December 22 to January 19
  3. (n) Goat
    (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Capricorn
  4. (n) goat
    a victim of ridicule or pranks
Shepherdesses with cattle in an Italian landscape. A shepherdess kneels and milks a goat.
Shepherdesses with cattle in an Italian landscape. A shepherdess kneels and milks a goat.
Italian landscape with a shepherdess milking a goat, goats and a calf around her. A ruin on the left, a lake on the right.
Italian landscape with a shepherdess milking a goat, goats and a calf around her. A ruin on the left, a lake on the right.
Herd by a river. Italian landscape with a shepherd driving his cows and goats through a shallow water. On the right a steep rock wall with a house on top. Pendant to SK-A-339.
Herd by a river
Italian landscape with shepherds. On a country road, a spinning shepherdess with goats and a shepherd with a donkey and sheep pass each other.
Italian landscape with shepherds
Barnyard with cattle. In the center is a cow, next to her is a white goat. On the left a farmer's wife next to a horse, on the right a man is milking sheep.
Barnyard with cattle
Head of a land goat
Landscape in the vicinity of Hilversum. Meadow with grazing cow, sheep and goats. High trees on the right.
Landscape in the vicinity of Hilversum
Landscape with cattle. On the right cows, sheep and a goat. On the left a river where a man is fishing with a fishing rod.
Landscape with cattle. On the right cows, sheep and a goat. On the left a river where a man is fishing with a fishing rod.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Goats do not eat tin cans, as lampooned in cartoons. They nibble at the cans because they're after the glue on the labels.
  1. Goat
    gōt (Zoöl) A hollow-horned ruminant of the genus Capra, of several species and varieties, esp. the domestic goat (Capra hircus), which is raised for its milk, flesh, and skin.☞ The Cashmere and Angora varieties of the goat have long, silky hair, used in the manufacture of textile fabrics. The wild or bezoar goat (Capra ægagrus), of Asia Minor, noted for the bezoar stones found in its stomach, is supposed to be one of the ancestral species of the domestic goat. The Rocky Mountain goat (Haplocercus montanus) is more nearly related to the antelopes. See Mazame.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Goats' eyes have rectangular pupils.
  1. (n) goat
    A horned ruminant quadruped of the genus Capra (Or Hircus). The horns are hollow, erect, turned backward, annular, scabrous, and anteriorly ridged. The male is generally bearded under the chin. Goats are nearly of the size of sheep, but stronger, less timid, and more agile. They frequent rocks and mountains, and subsist on scanty coarse food. They are sprightly, capricious, and wanton, and their strong odor (technically called hireine) is proverbial. Their milk is sweet, nourishing, and medicinal, and their flesh furnishes food. Goats are of several species, and it is not certainly known from which the domestic goat (C. hircus) is descended, though opinion favors the Persian paseng, C. œgagrus, (See cut under œgagrus.) It is quite likely that more than this one feral stock has contributed to the domestic breeds. Goats are all indigenous to the eastern hemisphere, though now raised in all parts of the world, and many varieties are valued for their hair or wool, as the Cashmere goat, the Angora goat, the dwarf or Guinean goat, the Egyptian or Nubian, the Maltese, the Nepȧl, the Syrian, etc. Some of them are hornless. The nearest wild relative of the goat is the ibex. The so-called Rocky Mountain goat belongs to a different group (see below). The name goat is often extended to some goat-like antelopes, as the dzeren. The male of the goat is called a buck, and the young a kid. The sexes are distinguished as ha-goats and she-goats, or colloquially as billy-goats and nanny-goats.
  2. (n) goat
    plural In zoology, the Caprinœ as a subfamily of Bovidœ or Antilopidœ. There are several genera and species. See Ægocerus, Capra, Hemitragus, Kemas.
  3. (n) goat
    Same as goatskin, 2.
  4. (n) goat
    A stepping-stone.
  5. (n) goat
    Another spelling of gote.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Goat milk is used to produce Roquefort cheese.
  1. (n) Goat
    gōt the well-known quadruped, allied to the sheep
Don't approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side.
Jewish Proverb
Marcus T. Cicero
Every man can tell how many goats or sheep he possesses, but not how many friends.
Marcus T. Cicero

Get your goat - If something gets your goat, it annoys you.

Separate the sheep from the goats - If you separate the sheep from the goats, you sort out the good from the bad.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE goot, got, gat, AS. gāt,; akin to D. geit, OHG. geiz, G. geiss, Icel. geit, Sw. get, Dan. ged, Goth. gaits, L. haedus, a young goat, kid

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. gát; Ger. geiss, Dut. geit.

Usage in the news

The Chicago Department of Aviation is looking for a few good goats.

A local television station reports that Chicago recently put out a bid for someone to supply goats to trim the grass at O'Hare International Airport.

The family's goats are living the high life.

Stubborn goat spotted in park.

I'D been in Guadeloupe only 48 hours and already I had attended a birthday party where I ate curried goat with wild peas (pois des bois, greatly prized) and drank the local rum punch.

A Strawberry, Hazelnut, and Goat Cheese Salad Drizzled with a Bit of Balsamic Vinaigrette.

The $25,000 donation pays for herds of heifers , llamas, and goats.

He became my partner-in-crime in February because he wasn't confident enough to herd the goats at his farm.

(Host) Herding goats has Commentator Stephanie Greene, a freelance writer who lives with her family on a farm in Windham County, considering that humans and goats have quite a lot in common.

(March 13, 2008) CD by The Mountain Goats.

Heretic Pride by The Mountain Goats.

The King goat, stealth Selke guy and highway robbery .

File photo from Jeremiah Farm & Goat Dairy Farms.

Roots Defeat the Rain, Mountain Goats Go Metal.

Goats often butt heads to determine who's the alpha male in the herd.

Usage in scientific papers

The second problem is the well-known Wolf-goat-cabbage problem.
Multi-valued Action Languages in CLP(FD)

The constraint-based encodings perform well in solving the instances of the Wolf-goat-cabbage problem.
Multi-valued Action Languages in CLP(FD)

Experimental results for instances of the Wolf-goat-cabbage problem.
Multi-valued Action Languages in CLP(FD)

A) eq 0, is in(B) eq 0], alive eq 0) :obj(A), obj(B), diff(A,B,man). caused([is in(wolf) eq is in(goat), is in(man) neq is in(wolf)], alive eq 0). caused([is in(cabbage) eq is in(goat), is in(man) neq is in(cabbage)], alive eq 0).
Multi-valued Action Languages in CLP(FD)

Bengt Gustafsson described the activities of ‘sheep’ (who follow the crowd) and ‘goats’ (who like to put a spanner in the works, but not too big a one). I believe the comparison with emission lines from H I I regions is a good check (see Table 1.1).
Summary Talk

Usage in literature

I now made the acquaintance of goat as an article of food. "An African Adventure" by Isaac F. Marcosson

King Kitticut walked beside the goat and the Prince followed after, the men coming last with the boxes of sandalwood. "Rinkitink in Oz" by L. Frank Baum

He landed a ram and a sheep, a goat and a she-goat, a pig and a sow. "Celebrated Travels and Travellers" by Jules Verne

He's got goats," said Tommy, "and he let me drive them. "Tommy Trots Visit to Santa Claus" by Thomas Nelson Page

Bible says, 'Whah at de goat, dere is Ah also goat. "Lady Luck" by Hugh Wiley

Upon this roof there walked about a little goat, which belonged to Oeyvind. "The Book of Stories for the Storyteller" by Fanny E. Coe

And then the pigs and sheep and goats! "Lisbeth Longfrock" by Hans Aanrud

Because the house stood alone, in the middle of the street, there was no getting rid of the goats. "Jewish Children" by Sholem Naumovich Rabinovich

In the court-yard sheep and goats were penned at night. "An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet" by A. Henry Savage Landor

Often the Northwest Wind shook the tin brass goat and shook the tin brass goose on top of the skyscrapers. "Rootabaga Stories" by Carl Sandburg

Usage in poetry
The herd of goats for us
Turns the hillside to a scene
From Theocritus.
Slim Lacon keeps a goat for thee,
For thee the jocund shepherds wait;
O Singer of Persephone!
Dost thou remember Sicily?
Slim Lacon keeps a goat for thee,
For thee the jocund shepherds wait;
O Singer of Persephone!
Dost thou remember Sicily?
His dying groans, his living songs,
Shall better please my God
Than harp or trumpet's solemn sound,
Than goat's or bullock's blood.
Where clouds are so white and close,
Where only goats run the dales,
To seek forever faded roses,
And hark to lifeless nightingales.
You whispered monstrous oracles into the
caverns of his ears:
With blood of goats and blood of steers you
taught him monstrous miracles.