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Fine Dictionary


Kolder of Hendrik Casimir I, Stadtholder of Friesland
Kolder of Hendrik Casimir I, Stadtholder of Friesland
Leather stunt from Hendrik Casimir I, Count of Nassau-Dietz. Yellow leather jacket, without sleeves, with a bullet hole on the left at the level of the loins.
  1. (v) stunt
    perform a stunt or stunts
  2. (v) stunt
    check the growth or development of "You will stunt your growth by building all these muscles"
  3. (n) stunt
    a difficult or unusual or dangerous feat; usually done to gain attention
  4. (n) stunt
    a creature (especially a whale) that has been prevented from attaining full growth
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
When stuntman and parachutist Dar Robinson leaped from the ledge of the 1,170 foot high CN Tower in Toronto, he was paid $150,000, the most ever for a single stunt.
  1. Stunt
    A check in growth; also, that which has been checked in growth; a stunted animal or thing.
  2. Stunt
    Specifically: A whale two years old, which, having been weaned, is lean, and yields but little blubber.
  3. Stunt
    To hinder from growing to the natural size; to prevent the growth of; to stint, to dwarf; as, to stunt a child; to stunt a plant. "When, by a cold penury, I blast the abilities of a nation, and stunt the growth of its active energies, the ill or may do is beyond all calculation."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Halle Berry?s stunt double, in the movie ?Catwoman?, is a man.
  1. stunt
    Dull; obtuse; stupid; foolish.
  2. stunt
    Fierce; angry.
  3. stunt
    To make a fool of.
  4. stunt
    To check; cramp; hinder; stint: used of growth or progress.
  5. stunt
    To check the growth or development of; hinder the increase or progress or; cramp; dwarf: as, to stunt a child by hard usage.
  6. (n) stunt
    An animal which has been prevented from attaining its proper growth; a stunted creature; specifically, a whale of two years, which, having been weaned, is lean, and yields but little blubber.
  7. (n) stunt
    A check in growth; a partial or complete arrest of development or progress.
  8. (n) stunt
    A feat; a performance of more or less difficulty, especially in athletics.
  9. stunt
    An assistant; assistant.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Stunt
    stunt to hinder from growth, to dwarf, check
  2. (n) Stunt
    a check in growth: an animal whose growth is stunted
Arthur Schopenhauer
Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary See Stint

Usage in the news

Mostly because it's the only pie-in-the-face stunt of note in the history of the NFC North blog.

Illusionist David Blaine's Electrifying Stunt Is Shockingly Safe.

Why David Blaine's million-volt stunt is shockingly safe.

David Blaine's electrifying stunt is shockingly safe.

Illusionist David Blaine's Electrifying Stunt is Shockingly Safe.

Santa and his elf seem to have problems right off the bat, but still decide to go forward with the stunt.

Gary Powell is the guy you call when a movie stunt enters ""death-defying"" territory.

Daredevil stuntman Blaine goes for shock-factor with latest stunt.

Daredevil stuntman David Blaine goes for shock-factor with latest high voltage stunt.

Stunt-man , free-runner, parkour specialist.

A Stuntman 's Guide to the Most Exciting Stunts in Film History.

He's a stunt man in the film and even supplied some key props.

I've met my craft match in stunt man Rocky Hardcore.

A stunt pilot died when he crashed his plane into the Gulf of Mexico north of Tampa.

Stunt pilot knows the drill.

Usage in scientific papers

Similarly we see this where the sharing is stunted in irregular mobility between 700 and 800 seconds.
Content Sharing for Mobile Devices

Star formation may be triggered by supernovae shock waves in neighboring clouds (Elmegreen & Lada 1977) but, at closer quarters, it may be stunted by photoionization and evaporation of molecular clumps within HII regions (Hester et al. 1996).
The Masses of the Orion Proplyds from Submillimeter Dust Emission

This is because it enables perturbations to grow on all distance scales, whereas relativistic hot dark matter escapes from small-scale perturbations, whose growth via gravitational instabilities is thereby stunted 137 .
The Strange Spin of the Nucleon

Hence we obtain the stunted growth (stagnation) of Raman transformation once again.
A simple theory for the Raman spike

Note that periodic orbits orb(p) that avoid int(∪iZi ) are the same as periodic orbits of the non-stunted map S .
Monotonicity of entropy for real multimodal maps

Usage in literature

Your creative tract is prepared for action and has been doing a little stunt all by itself. "Black Oxen" by Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton

The stunt did more than earn the boys a large share of fame. "Radio Boys Loyalty" by Wayne Whipple

Also, small stunted trees unfit for timber. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by William Henry Smyth

That was a stunt that stuck, though. "Odd Numbers" by Sewell Ford

Sapwood of old and stunted pines is composed of more rings than that of young and thrifty specimens. "Seasoning of Wood" by Joseph B. Wagner

Carmeau will never show me new stunts again. "The Trail of the Hawk" by Sinclair Lewis

I remember the stunt myself. "A Pirate of Parts" by Richard Neville

Matter fact, I worked out the right stunt, coming down. "Free Air" by Sinclair Lewis

What about your little stunt? "Crooked Trails and Straight" by William MacLeod Raine

Have any idea what they'd pay for a stunt like that? "Summer Snow Storm" by Adam Chase

Usage in poetry
When some must go to bear the brunt,
And check the German Kaiser's stunt,
We still can brag, and wave the flag,
But send the British to the front.
Leaning in mute expectancy,
Beneath a stunted sycamore,
She added darkness utterly,
To the dim light, the shrouded tree,
By her hands held her face before.
It was scattered and stunted, and told me
That soon even that would be gone:
It whispered, "The grim walls enfold me,
I have bloomed in my last summer's sun."
And near the cottage door there was an elm tree;
But that stunted elm tree she never did see,
Yet her little heart sometimes felt gay
As she listened to the thrushes that warbled the live-long day.
'Twas 'ard! But sternly I pursoo'd
Me course; an' wore a frown
Thro' swallerin' me speech unchewed,
An' chokin' curse-words down.
Oh, dear! It was a dreadful stunt!
Then, gracious me, I hit the Front!
"He is the warrior supreme,
The Super-caveman, one might say;
The pride of youth, the maiden's dream,
And in the chase the first to slay.
Where we are stunted he is tall:
In short, a menace to us all.