fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh -
native Eurasian tree widely cultivated in many varieties for its firm rounded edible fruits
(bot) Any tree genus Pyrus which has the stalk sunken into the base of the fruit; an apple tree. -
Anything round like an apple; as, an apple of gold. -
The fleshy pome or fruit of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus malus) cultivated in numberless varieties in the temperate zones. -
ăp"p'l To grow like an apple; to bear apples.
The fruit of a rosaceous tree, Pyrus Malus, a native probably of central Asia. The tree is now cultivated in nearly all temperate regions, in numerous varieties, and its fruit is in universal use. It was introduced into America from England in 1629, by the governor of Massachusetts Bay. It is scarcely known in its wild state, but as an escape from cultivation its fruit becomes small, acid, and harsh, and is known as the crab. The cultivated crab-apple is the fruit of other species of Pyrus. See crab. -
The tree itself, Pyrus Malus. -
A name popularly given to various fruits or trees having little or nothing in common with the apple. Among them are: Adam's apple (the lime, a variety of Citrus medica, and the plantain, Musa paradisiaca); the alligator-apple, Anona palustris; the balsamapple, Momordica Balsamina; the wild balsam-apple, Echinocystis lobata; the beef- or bull-apple, Sideroxylon rugosum; the bitter apple or colocynth, Citrullus Colocynthis; the apple of Cain. A rbutus Unedo; the cedar-apple, an excrescence upon the juniper caused by a fungus (Gymnosporangium macropus); the custard-apple, species of Anona, especially, in the West Indies, A. reticulata, and, in the East Indies, A. squamosa; the devil's or mandrake apple, Mandragora offcinalis; the egg-apple, or Jew's or mad apple, Solanum esculentum; the elephant-or wood-apple, Feronia elephantum; the golden apple of Bengal, Ægle Marmelos; the kangaroo-apple, Solanum laciniatum; the Kei apple, Aberia Caffra; the love-apple or tomato, Lycopersicum esculentum; the mammee-apple, Mammea Americana; the May or Indian apple, Podophyllum peltatum; the monkey-apple, Clusia flava; the Otaheite apple, Spondias dulcis; the apple of Peru, Nicandra physaloides; the Persian apple (an early name for the peach); the pineapple, Ananas sativa; the pond-apple, Anona laurifolia; the prairie-apple, the root of Psoralea esculenta; the rose-apple, species of Eugenia, especially E. Jambos; the seven-year apple, Genipa clusiæfolia; the star-apple, Chrysophyllum Cainito; the sugar-apple, Anona reticulata; the thorn-apple, Datura Stramonium and other species. The wild apples of Queensland are the drupaceous fruit of a species of Owenia. -
Figuratively, some fruitless thing; something which disappoints one's hopes or frustrates one's desires. -
Hence— Something very important, precious, or dear. -
To give the form of an apple to. -
To grow into the form of an apple. -
To gather apples. -
and The apple thrives under a very wide range of conditions, and in practically all temperate regions. In North America the chief regions in which it is produced commercially are the Eastern Canadian region, comprising parts of Ontario, Quebec, and the maritime provinces; the New England and New York region; the Piedmont region of Virginia; the Michigan-Ohio region; the prairie-plains region, from Indiana and Illinois to Missouri and Kansas, in which the Ben Davis variety is the leading factor; the Ozark region, comprising part of Missouri and Arkansas, often known as “the land of the big red apple”; and the rapidly developing regions of the Rocky Mountain States and the Coast States. In all these sections there are certain dominant varieties, which are usually less successful in other localities. As a country grows older, it usually, happens that the list of desirable apples increases in length, because of the choosing of varieties to suit special localities and special needs. It is impossible to give lists of varieties for planting in all parts of the country, either for market or home use. The number of varieties of apples runs into the thousands. A generation and more ago, the great emphasis in apple-growing was placed on varieties, and the old fruit-books testify to the great development of systematic pomology. The choice of varieties is not less important now; but other subjects have greatly increased in importance with the rise of commercial fruit-growing, such as the necessity and means of tilling the soil, fertilization and cover-cropping, the combating of insects and diseases (especially by means of spraying), and revised methods of handling, storing, and marketing. The result is the transfer of the emphasis to scientific and commercial questions. The apple has been generally referred to the rosaceous genus Pyrus, although some recent authors reinstate the old genus Malus. Under the former genus it is known as Pyrus Malus; under the latter as Malus Malus. The nearest generic allies are the pears, comprising the typical genus Pyrus. The pears are distinguished, among other things, by having the styles free to the base; the apples by having the styles more or less united below. The species Malus Malus has run into almost numberless forms under the influence of long domestication. These forms are distinguished not only by differences in fruit, but by habit of tree and marked botanical characteristics. Thus the bloomless apple (see seedless apple) has more or less diclinous flowers, and it was early described as a distinct species under the name of Pyrus dioica. There are many forms of dwarf apple-trees, the best-known of which is the paradise or garden-apple. On this and similar stocks any variety of apple may be grafted or budded if very small or dwarf trees are desired. There are apple-trees with variegated foliage, others with double flowers, and others with a weeping or drooping habit. In China and Japan there is a double-flowered and showy-flowered apple of a very closely allied but apparently distinct species, Malus spectabilis. See also crab-apple.
ap′l the fruit of the apple-tree
Adam's apple - The Adam's apple is a bulge in the throat, mostly seen in men.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away - Eating healthy food keeps you healthy.
Apple of your eye - Something or, more often, someone that is very special to you is the 'apple of your' eye.
Apple pie order - Everything is in perfect order and tidy if it is in apple pie order.
Apples and oranges - 'Apples and oranges' used when people compare or describe two totally different things. ('Apples to oranges' is also used.)
Apples for apples - An apples for apples comparison is a comparison between related or similar things. ('Apples to apples' is also used.)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. appel, eppel, AS. æppel, æpl,; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. äple, Dan. æble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. obůlys, Russ. iabloko,; of unknown origin
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. æppel; cf. Ger. apfel, Ice. epli, Ir. abhal, W. afal.
CARAMEL APPLE PIE 6 baking apples (such as Fuji or Gala), peeled, cored and sliced.
Quick & Easy: A no-bake apple pie inspired by caramel apples.
Brown-bag apple pie : The bag serves as steamer and shield, ushering the apples from crisp to tender and the pastry from tender to crisp — without scorching.
This apple pie is inspired by the classic treat of autumn - the caramel apple.
A no-bake apple pie recipe inspired by caramel apples.
A no-bake apple pie inspired by caramel apples.
Apple Pie Baked in an Apple is so easy the kids can help out.
Apple pie baked in an apple.
When I saw Apple Pie Baked In An Apple posted on my cousin Gail's Facebook page, I was a little surprised.
Brown-bag apple pie: The bag serves as steamer and shield, ushering the apples from crisp to tender and the pastry from tender to crisp — without scorching.
The Exeter Area Chamber is inviting all bakers in the Seacoast region to showcase their best apple pie recipe for the Apple Pie Contest at Swasey Parkway as part of the 14th annual Fall Festival to be held on Sat.
Apple's iTunes 11 / Apple.
Apple CEO Tim Cook and Google chief Larry Page conducted at least one 'behind-the-scenes conversation' last week, shortly before a California jury issued a verdict in a major copyright infringement lawsuit filed by Apple.
It's a patent of Apple, and while Apple will authorize and approve such companies and products, it's not proceeding at "lightning" rate.
Fill the center of each apple with the SPAM filling and place any extra filling around the apples.
Shahshahani, On the eigenvalues of random matrices, Studies in Appl.
Determinantal random point fields
Shahshahani, On the eigenvalues of random matrices, Studies in Appl.
Gaussian limit for determinantal random point fields
Meurman, Vertex Operator Algebras and the Monster, Pure and Appl.
Generalized vertex algebras generated by parafermion-like vertex operators
Appl., vol. 96, Birkh¨auser Verlag, Basel, 1997. , Realization and factorization in reproducing kernel Pontryagin spaces, preprint, 1998. , Reproducing kernel Pontryagin spaces, Holomorphic Spaces (S.
A note on interpolation in the generalized Schur class
Okounkov, A characterization of interpolation Macdonald polynomials, Adv. in Appl.
Combinatorial formula for Macdonald polynomials, Bethe Ansatz, and generic Macdonald polynomials
Then there were the "Noyes Apple" and the "Hobbs Apple. "When Life Was Young" by
The apples were beginning to roast! "What the Moon Saw: and Other Tales" by
She said that an apple-branch was a most lovely object, and an emblem of spring in its most charming aspect. "Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen" by
Eggs or Nuts, Apples, Green Leaves. "Food for the Traveler" by
She wanted the deep apple-green jade, the royal, translucent stone. "The Pagan Madonna" by
Perhaps you can have a nice red apple, too. "Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades" by
My ambitions lead me toward apple pie, and if it doesn't come out well I can blame your apples. "Otherwise Phyllis" by
Have you any idee as to the size of the apple crop in this neighbourhood last summer and fall, Harry? "Anderson Crow, Detective" by
Place yourself at the window with your sisters; I will ride by and throw you the silver apple. "The Yellow Fairy Book" by
But I won't have them to tea, mind you; I'd rather throw apples and all into the fire at once. "The Wide, Wide World" by
Mellowing one by one;
Strawberries upturning
Soft cheeks to the sun;
In his topless flight,
The apple wormed, blown up
By shells of light;
It is here where the apples are:
Here in the stars,
In the quick hour.
Where pale stars shine
On apple-blossoms
And dew-drenched vine,
Be yours and mine!
It was the Spring;
And proud was I of my petals,
Nor dreamed this thing:
I see nor sky nor sun;
I only know the apple-buds
Are opening one by one.