any of numerous perennial bulbous herbs having linear or broadly lanceolate leaves and usually a single showy flower
tū"lĭp (Bot) Any plant of the liliaceous genus Tulipa. Many varieties are cultivated for their beautiful, often variegated flowers.
A plant of the genus Tulipa, of which several species are well-known garden bulbs with highly colored bell-shaped flowers, blooming in spring. The common garden tulips are derived chiefly from T. Gesneriana, a native of central and southern Europe and adjacent parts of Asia, having shining scarlet flowers with purple-black spots at the base of the divisions, or a partly yellow claw. Varieties of this species have been developed with great care, especially in the Netherlands, the seat at one time of a “tulipomania.” The catalogue of a Haarlem florist of recent date offered 1,800 varieties. They are divided into four classes: namely, “breeders” or “self-flowers,” with the natural plain color; “bizarres,” having a dear yellow ground with red, brownish, maroon, or purple markings; “byblœmens,” with a white background marked prevailingly with red or shades of purple; and “roses,” with white background variegated with shades of rose-color, deep-red, or scarlet. It is said that when a self-tulip once “breaks,” the new variety remains always the same. Another long-cultivated tulip is the Duc Van Thol, T. suaveolens, with fragrant scarlet, yellow, or variegated flowers, early, and especially suited for pot-culture and forcing. T. præcox, having scarlet flowers with large black-purple spots surrounded with yellow near the base, also affords varieties. Less conspicuous or less known species are T. Oculus-solis, the sun's-eye tulip, with a brilliant scarlet perianth, having black spots at the base of the segments; T. australis (T. Celsiana) with bright-yellow flowers smaller than the common kinds; T. Clusiana, low and delicate, having the three inner divisions pure-white, the three outer stained with pink; T. pulchella, type of a group of very pretty dwarf species; and T. Greigi, the Turkestan tulip, one of the most showy and desirable of all known tulips, bearing goblet-shaped flowers, commonly of a vivid orange-scarlet hue, also purple or yellow, from 4 to 6 inches broad when fully expanded. -
In ordnance, a bell-shaped outward swell of the muzzle of a gun, as a rule abandoned in modern ordnance. -
A liliaceous plant, Bæometra columellaris (Tulipa Breyniana) of the Cape of Good Hope. -
In California, same as butterfly-tulip: see above.
tū′lip a genus of bulbous plants of the order Liliaceæ, with over forty species, having highly-coloured bell-shaped flowers
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. tulipe, OF. also tulipan, It. tulipano, tulipa, from Turk. tulbend, dulbend, literally, a turban, Per. dulband,; -- so called from the resemblance of the form of this flower to a turban. See Turban
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. tulipe, tulippe, tulipan—Turk. tulbend, a turban.
Yesterday, I found three deep, very round holes dug about 6 inches apart at the edge of my raised garden where I have had tulips planted for years. lvrj.com
Dirt was kicked out, and baby tulip bulbs were scattered. lvrj.com
It was in Holland, however, that the passion for tulips found its most fertile ground, for reasons that had little to do with horticulture. businessweek.com
Planting tulips in this garden is nothing short of a party. sunset.com
A scene from "The Black Tulip ," a movie filmed entirely in Afghanistan. latimes.com
This will encourage your tulips to come back, keep the soil temperature more consistent, and discourage squirrels from digging up a tasty organic snack. organicgardening.com
Albany's Tulip Queen Finalists have been announced. q103albany.com
The Tulip Queen will serve as Albany's Ambassador for a year. q103albany.com
At Pink Tulip we produce hand-sewn, custom, full body baby bibs. indyschild.com
Cute-as-a-button Mint Tulip 's menu reads the way you'd expect in a non-veggie café. alibi.com
Or at least of selected American cities -- here's one for you: My Dog Tulip . kcrw.com
Spring has sprung at the West Side Community Garden where thousands of tulips are on display. nypress.com
In vivid and sometimes startling detail, Ackerley tells of Tulip 's often erratic behavior and very canine tastes, and of his own fumbling but determined efforts to ensure for her an existence of perfect happiness. nybooks.com
Right, photographs tulips during Tulip Festival on Saturday, May 12, 2012, at Washington Park in Albany, N.Y. timesunion.com
Laughs while a friend takes their picture with the tulips during Tulip Festival on Saturday, May 12, 2012, at Washington Park in Albany, N.Y. timesunion.com
At the digging site in the woods there is an enormous old tulip tree.
Trigonometry of The Gold-Bug
The tree is an enormously tal l tulip tree, which stood, with some eight or ten oaks, upon the level, and far surpassed them al l, and al l other trees which I had then ever seen, in the beauty of its foliage and form, in the wide spread of its branches, and in the general majesty of its appearance.
Trigonometry of The Gold-Bug
For there to be a branch at that height substantial enough to hold a man’s weight, r must be at least 2 inches and could easily be 6 inches or more. (A tulip tree on my campus was recently cut down.
Trigonometry of The Gold-Bug
Poppies, cornflowers, lilies, tulips whose colours are those of the rainbow. "Gallipoli Diary, Volume I" by
We shall tend the young tulips together never again. "Plays of Near & Far" by
There were tulips, red, yellow, pink, and white. "Tell Me Another Story" by
He was stooping over his tulips when Miss Marty told him of the Millennium. "The Mayor of Troy" by
They looked like a gay tulip-bed out of which the gardener has rooted every sober-colored flower. "Debit and Credit" by
Little Tilda Tulip had two lips as pretty as any little girl might want. "Queer Stories for Boys and Girls" by
But there can be no question that it must be so treated in a boy's study of a tulip or a trout. "A Joy For Ever" by
Then follow the tulips, in all their gorgeous and splendid variety of single, double, and fringed. "Rural Architecture" by
Just like tulips and roses and several brands of perfume jumbled together. "Pearl and Periwinkle" by
Suffice it to say that the tulips were boiled, but not eaten. "Major Vigoureux" by
of all colors and forms
its vine, verve and valentine curves
No lily-maidens yet had birth;
No turban'd tulips round her throne
Bow'd with their foreheads to the earth.
That flames in glory for an hour,--
Behold it withering,--then look up,--
How meek the forest monarch's flower!
Frail emblems of regret;
The lowly wind—flower, tulip tall,
The iris mantling wayside wall,
And weeping violet.
That grow more rosy as their petals fade;
Such is the splendour of my evening hours
Whose time of youth was wasted in the shade.
Perhaps you will not now regret
The shining gardens, jewel set,
Of your first home in Paradise
Nor fret
Because you might not quite forget.