A fabulous herb of occult power, having a black root and white blossoms, said by Homer to have been given by Hermes to Ulysses to counteract the spells of Circe. -
(Bot) A kind of garlic (Allium Moly) with large yellow flowers; -- called also golden garlic.
Like a mole or its habits. -
A fabulous herb of magic power, represented as having a black root and the flower milk-white, said by Homer to have been given by Hermes to Odysseus (Ulysses) to counteract the spells of Circe. -
Wild garlic, Allium Moly. The moly of Dioscorides is said to have been Allium subhirsutum; the dwarf moly is
mō′li (Milt.) a magic herb given by Hermes to Odysseus as a counter-charm against the spells of Circe.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., fr. Gr.
Take the last holy-moly heehaw that ricocheted around the country last weekend.
Molière's 1673 comedy, "Imaginary Invalid," skewers quack doctors, exorbitant medical bills and gullible patients in ways that are relevant to today's health care issues.
Saturday's Festival was Colorful – Holi Moly .
Empire offers a proprietary hard-chrome process, PTFE-infused hard chrome, moly-difulside-infused hard chrome, tin and other processes.
Sione Moli 24 pass from Cooper Bateman (Bacerra kick failed).
Holy moly: Godparents' gift-giving should end.
Molière's 1673 comedy, "Imaginary Invalid ," skewers quack doctors, exorbitant medical bills and gullible patients in ways that are relevant to today's health care issues.
Holy moly, where do we start.
He added that certain chrome-moly applications require preheats of about 400 degrees F and a postweld holding temperature of about 600 degrees F prior to stress relieving .
Post-mining economy threatened by proposed moly mine.
Woodleigh Pictures, Bankside Filma, Limelight CTL, Hook Pictures of a Mischief Films and Moli-Mischief production.
The sampling of such calorimeters is determined by the required lateral size of electromagnetic shower, expressed by a Moli`ere radius RM , and the light yield provided by scintillator plates.
Performance of a fine-sampling electromagnetic calorimeter prototype in the energy range from 1 to 19 GeV
The compact electromagnetic calorimeter design being considered for sPHENIX has a Moli `ere radius of ∼ 15 mm, and with a calorimeter at a radius of about 100 cm, this leads to an optimal segmentation of ∆η × ∆φ = 0.024 × 0.024 in the electromagnetic section.
sPHENIX: An Upgrade Concept from the PHENIX Collaboration
These requirements lead to a calorimeter design that is compact (i.e. has a small Moli `ere radius and short radiation length), has a high degree of segmentation (0.024 × 0.024 in η and φ), and can be built at a reasonable cost.
sPHENIX: An Upgrade Concept from the PHENIX Collaboration
Finally, ‘Moli`ere’ is the full theory of the angular distribution.
Techniques of Proton Radiotherapy: Transport Theory
Most problems in proton radiotherapy are treated adequately in the Gaussian approximation, with a width parameter given by one or another version of Moli`ere theory.
Techniques of Proton Radiotherapy: Transport Theory
Then he called 'Moly! "The Wind in the Willows" by
There went with him his brother Moli, one Meisake, and one Alualu, half-caste German, to interpret. "A Footnote to History Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa" by
Safe thou art if thou but bear The least leaf of moly rare. "The Home Book of Verse, Vol. 3 (of 4)" by
The moly of the ancients is not all a fable. "Zanoni" by
Kol-kol-dong si gi-nol-bat nga ag-moli-moli-yat Mo-li-yat ta mo-li-yat ag-mo-li mo-li-yat. "The Tinguian" by
Doubtless the dispute is still being carried on between these chieftains from their beds of asphodel and moly in Elysium. "The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce" by
The mandrake, like the moly, the magical herb of the Odyssey, is 'hard for men to dig. "Custom and Myth" by
Safe thou art if thou but bear The least leaf of moly rare. "Modern Prose And Poetry; For Secondary Schools" by
Allium Moly, 6. neapolitanum, 6. "Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers" by
During the Norman period the castle was rebuilt by Brian de Molis. "Exeter" by