Not with; otherwise than with; in absence of, separation from, or destitution of; not with use or employment of; independently of; exclusively of; with omission; as, without labor; without damage. "I wolde it do withouten negligence.", "Wise men will do it without a law.", "Without the separation of the two monarchies, the most advantageous terms . . . must end in our destruction.", "There is no living with thee nor without thee." -
On or art the outside; not on the inside; not within; outwardly; externally. "Without were fightings, within were fears." -
Out of the limits of; out of reach of; beyond. "Eternity, before the world and after, is without our reach." -
Outside of the house; out of doors. "The people came unto the house without ." -
Unless; except; -- introducing a clause.☞ Now rarely used by good writers or speakers. "You will never live to my age without you keep yourselves in breath with exercise, and in heart with joyfulness."
On or as to the outside; outwardly; externally. -
Out of doors; outside, as of a room or a house. -
As regards external acts or the outer life; externally. -
Outside of; at or on the exterior or outside of; external to; out of: opposed to within: as, without the walls. -
Out of the limits, compass, range, reach, or powers of; beyond. -
Lacking; destitute of; exempt or free from; unconnected with; independent of: noting loss, absence, negation, privation, etc.: as, to be without money; to do without sleep; without possibility of error; without harm. -
In colloquial language the object is frequently omitted after this preposition, especially in such phrases as to do without, to go without: as, they can give me no assistance, so I must do without. -
Without is sometimes used to govern a substantive clause introduced by that, without that thus signifying unless, except; and then, the that being omitted, it obtains the value of a conjunction (like because, while, since, etc.) in the same sense; but it is now rarely, if ever, used thus by careful and correct speakers and writers.
with-owt′ outside or out of: beyond: not with: in absence of: not having: except: all but -
on the outside: out of doors -
Go down without a fight - If someone goes down without a fight, they surrender without putting up any resistance.
Never a rose without the prick - This means that good things always have something bad as well; like the thorns on the stem of a rose.
No smoke without fire - This idiom means that when people suspect something, there is normally a good reason for the suspicion, even if there is no concrete evidence. ('Where's there's smoke, there's fire' is also used.)
Up a river without a paddle - If you up a river without a paddle, you are in an unfortunate situation, unprepared and with none of the resources to remedy the matter.
Without a hitch - If something happens without a hitch, nothing at all goes wrong.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs - This idiom means that in order to achieve something or make progress, there are often losers in the process.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. withoute, withouten, AS. wiðtan,; wið, with, against, toward + tan, outside, fr. t, out. See With (prep.) Out
Some of the Southwest Florida candidates running without party affiliation this election season. naplesnews.com
Highmark said affiliation agreement 'was history' without bankruptcy. post-gazette.com
Who was the last GOP president to win without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket. ashingtonpost.com
No other uses are authorized without securing prior permission from the copyright owner. ket.org
The New York Yankees begin life without Derek Jeter on Sunday when they play. 11alive.com
Jordan Marie Shaver was charged Monday in 4th District Court, and is being held in the Ada County Jail without bond. kivitv.com
At least 34 dead, 8.2M without power. ashingtontimes.com
Enjoy Live Plants without the Maintenance. yankeemagazine.com
Without proper equipment adjustment, the benefits of the air door/curtain will be lost. hpac.com
Everyone wants to get up the grades first without sacrificing mileage. trailerlife.com
He saw a future without slavery. pbs.org
You can hardly change channels without seeing another commercial paid for by a group other than the candidate's campaign. philly.com
There's no getting around it: You can't have a parade without these guys. marshallindependent.com
Celebrating Halloween just wouldn't be the same without gathering at Patten Parkway. chattanoogapulse.com
A Super Bowl party without beer is like New Year's Eve without champagne. shape.com
In the sequel, the graphs we shall consider are always transitive, row-finite, without multiple edges and without loops (of length 1).
On the physical relevance of random walks: an example of random walks on a randomly oriented lattice
FIG. 2: Eigenfunctions of map without noise and without holes.
Lifetimes of noisy repellors
Now in the present example, we consider the flow V generated by a closed 1-form ω without any non-degeneracy condition, even without a Bott-type condition.
Conley Index Theory and Novikov-Morse Theory
Note that in Deutsch-Hayden we have a formalism without collapse and without the addition of determinate values.
Nonlocality and information flow: The approach of Deutsch and Hayden
Thus if one is considering the question of locality in this context, the crucial factor is the assumption of quantum mechanics without a real process of collapse, and without additional variables, rather than anything distinctive about the Deutsch-Hayden approach.
Nonlocality and information flow: The approach of Deutsch and Hayden
He remains without moving, without unclosing his eyelids. "The Lone Ranche" by
That it would come with no ordinary strength, and without further warning, there was every reason to believe. "The Three Admirals" by
Perhaps I caused crosses to her without intending it, and she to me without knowing it. "The Autobiography of Madame Guyon" by
Good Lord, what do you think about all day without ideals to guide you? "Erik Dorn" by
I must be left without the possibility of restoration, without a defender, without an organ. "A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3" by
Over twenty in all, without counting their own; some of them shod, but most without iron on the hoof. "The Death Shot" by
I loved without reason; but I loved now without hope. "The War Trail" by
You cannot be a Crusoe without a canoe coming to your island, without cannibals appearing one day or another! "Godfrey Morgan" by
Life without love is worse than death; a world without a sun. "Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners" by
His reputation at this time was almost without a parallel: his glory was without a cloud. "Fragments of science, V. 1-2" by
Folk of mud and name-
I that had my name of
Them without a name.
Gone without avail!
All his labour never would
Find the Holy Grail!
Embrace me close.
Yes, heaven does bless us,
And now you have won
My love without end.
Without desert is poor;
And every deed of former worth
Is but a claim for more.
Or planning how,
Bore the fair letters of a deathless fame
Upon his brow.
Without shade I withered, without repose, faded.
Would you welcome this stranger among your emerald leaves,
I know many stories of wonder and wisdom."