given as an honor without the normal duties "an honorary degree"
A fee offered to professional men for their services; as, an honorarium of one thousand dollars. -
(Law) An honorary payment, usually in recognition of services for which it is not usual or not lawful to assign a fixed business price. -
Conferring honor, or intended merely to confer honor without emolument; as, an honorary degree. "Honorary arches." -
Done as a sign or evidence of honor; as, honorary services. -
Holding a title or place without rendering service or receiving reward; as, an honorary member of a society.
Done or made in token of honor; honoring. -
Conferring honor, or intended merely to confer honor, without customary requirements or obligations: as, an honorary degree or title. -
Holding a title or place conferred as an honor. An honorary member of a society or an institution may or may not take an active part in its proceedings or the promotion of its objects, but has no share in its management. An honorary officer, as distinguished from the regular officers of the same body, renders services without compensation, or without the full power or obligations of the office. -
Synonyms and Honorary, Honorable. Honorary refers to that which exists or is done for the sake of conferring honor: as, an honorary degree, honorary membership; honorable, to that which is worthy of honor, confers honor, or is consistent with the sentiment of honor: as, an honorable man (in two senses); an honorable alliance; an honorable motive. -
Same as honorarium.
on′or-ar-i conferring honour: holding a title or office without performing services or receiving a reward -
a fee
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. honorarium,sc. donum,), fr. honorarius,. See Honorary (a.)
President John F Kennedy, who was fascinated by his writings, bestowed upon him honorary US citizenship. nypost.com
From 1965 to 1969 Miss Syrkin was on the executive body of the World Zionist Movement and during that period was honorary president of the Labor Zionist Movement in the United States. nytimes.com
I talk with honorary Clevelander Meat Loaf about the 35th anniversary of Bat Out of Hell and his upcoming show at the State Theatre. mysunnyfm.com
Englert, outgoing acting president at Temple University, was given the honorary title of chancellor by the university's board of trustees on Tuesday. philly.com
UAF to give honorary doctorates to Banarsi Lal, Katie John and Adm . newsminer.com
UAF is to give honorary doctorates to Banarsi Lal, Katie John and Navy Rear Adm . newsminer.com
Dr Anthony Piana, honorary chairman for the campaign. littlefallstimes.com
Tufts rescinds Lance Armstrong 's honorary degree. timesleader.com
Since 2009, Boyle has sold 18 million records, write an autobiography and now has an honorary doctorate. nbcsandiego.com
Honorary pallbearers will be Carl Passman, Rudy Krueger, Harold Jefcoat, Brian Distefano, Victor Sarris, Ken Hungerford, Bill Skinner and Archie Clark. natchezdemocrat.com
TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS Veterans enjoy their food as part of the third annual Veteran Honorary Brunch and Entertainment Gala held recently at the Village at Palmerton. tnonline.com
Elvis to be named honorary citizen of Budapest . sbt.com
SKorea strips socialite in Petraeus scandal of ' honorary consul' title. dcexaminer.com
South Korea says US socialite, Petraeus friend to be ousted as country's honorary consul. ashingtonpost.com
We would like to thank the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow, for hosting one of us (H.Y.) as a Honorary Research Fellow during Summer 2010 and Summer 2011.
Laplace Invariants for General Hyperbolic Systems
He holds honorary doctorates from a number of universities, including Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, and ETH, Z ürich.
Connectivity of Large Wireless Networks under A Generic Connection Model
Work done while a recipient of an Honorary Fellowship of the Belgian American Educational Foundation, while visiting the Princeton University Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
A simple mechanism for balancing at the border of instability with applications to persistent neural activity
Invited contribution to the special issue of honorary series of ”Annals of Louis de Broglie Foundations”, dedicated to E.
Mirror particles and mirror matter: 50 years of speculation and search
For display purposes, I have added +1 to the number of citations for each paper (“an honorary citation”), to avoid the log citations = −∞ problem (log citations = +∞ is not yet a problem, even for WMAP papers).
How long should an astronomical paper be to increase its Impact?
Honorary degrees, such as "M.D.," "Ph.D.," "M.A.," "B.S.," "LL.D.," follow the name of the person addressed. "How to Write Letters (Formerly The Book of Letters)" by
He was rewarded by General Jackson with the honorary title of Major. "Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence" by
I would like to move that Mr. Henry Hales of Ridgewood, New Jersey, be elected an honorary member of this Association. "Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Second Annual Meeting" by
For the same reason that temporary or technical titles are not used, honorary titles are omitted. "The Etiquette of To-day" by
Originally the Attorney-General was little but an honorary officer. "History of the United States, Volume 2 (of 6)" by
Honorary members shall be exempt from dues. "Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943" by
Oxford gave him the honorary degree of Doctor of Music. "The Standard Oratorios" by
Usually, it's just an honorary job, any way. "The Best Made Plans" by
He and Dante became fast friends, and it seems Dante became a kind of honorary member of his court. "Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 13" by
It is only popular in the sense that the prices are small and the performers' services are honorary. "Nights in London" by