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Fine Dictionary


In front of a wall with a niche, flanked by two blind arcades, Christ sits with tied wrists on a bench between two soldiers, each standing on a platform. The soldier on the left has put one foot on the bench and is pressing a stick on the crown of thorns with both hands, while the other soldier has placed his foot against Christ's thigh and also presses a stick on Christ's head with both hands. They all wear long robes, the left soldier a beret, the other a pointed cap.
In front of a wall with a niche, flanked by two blind arcades, Christ sits with tied wrists on a bench between two soldiers, each standing on a platform. The soldier on the left has put one foot on the bench and is pressing a stick on the crown of thorns with both hands, while the other soldier has placed his foot against Christ's thigh and also presses a stick on Christ's head with both hands. They all wear long robes, the left soldier a beret, the other a pointed cap.
  1. (adj) blinded
    deprived of sight
The blind guide walks into the water instead of over the bridge, taking his blind followers into his trap. Imagination of the saying: if one blind man leads the other, they both fall into a pit. With the meaning: when the incompetent advise other incompetent, things go wrong. Reference to Mat. 15:14. In the background a village through which a river flows. Below the presentation the tenor of the proverb in three columns; in French, Latin and Dutch.
The blind guide walks into the water instead of over the bridge, taking his blind followers into his trap. Imagination of the saying: if one blind man leads the other, they both fall into a pit. With the meaning: when the incompetent advise other incompetent, things go wrong. Reference to Mat. 15:14. In the background a village through which a river flows. Below the presentation the tenor of the proverb in three columns; in French, Latin and Dutch.
Glass, stained in grisaille and silver-yellow, depicting The Healing of the Blind Man. Christ stands in front of a chapel-like building with behind him Peter, John and another disciple. Depicted is the moment when Christ rubs the mud into the eye of the blind man who kneels before him. The man has a stick and is accompanied by a dog showing his teeth. In the background to the right, the blind man washes the mud from his eyes, a scene that refers to his journey to Silóam. He has put the stick, which he no longer needs, next to him and the dog is relaxed with him. Standing on the bridge are the Pharisees who were called blind by Jesus as they questioned the miracle of healing the man born blind.
Glass, stained in grisaille and silver-yellow, depicting The Healing of the Blind Man. Christ stands in front of a chapel-like building with behind him Peter, John and another disciple. Depicted is the moment when Christ rubs the mud into the eye of the blind man who kneels before him. The man has a stick and is accompanied by a dog showing his teeth. In the background to the right, the blind man washes the mud from his eyes, a scene that refers to his journey to Silóam. He has put the stick, which he no longer needs, next to him and the dog is relaxed with him. Standing on the bridge are the Pharisees who were called blind by Jesus as they questioned the miracle of healing the man born blind.
Christ and his disciples in the bathhouse of Siloam. Christ is talking to a blind man.
Christ and his disciples in the bathhouse of Siloam. Christ is talking to a blind man.
Door of an oak cabinet, decorated with a ribbed circle, inside which blind traces of circles, circle segments and leaf ornament. There are rosettes in the corners. The batter is missing.
Door of an oak cabinet, decorated with a ribbed circle, inside which blind traces of circles, circle segments and leaf ornament. There are rosettes in the corners. The batter is missing.
The figure of the violinist heavily worked by unknown hand.
The figure of the violinist heavily worked by unknown hand.
Oval stained glass window in grisaille showing "Saul beaten blind and led away by two soldiers".
Oval stained glass window in grisaille showing "Saul beaten blind and led away by two soldiers".
Christ makes a blessing gesture to two blind and possessed man who is being held by two men.
Christ makes a blessing gesture to two blind and possessed man who is being held by two men.
The blind Samson is bound to a pillar on the left at the feast of the Philistines, after which he will destroy the pillars of the Philistine temple with his last strength, killing himself and the Philistines present. Below the picture the title in Latin, a four-line verse in Dutch, French, German and English and a reference to the Bible text in Ri. 16:23.
The blind Samson is bound to a pillar on the left at the feast of the Philistines, after which he will destroy the pillars of the Philistine temple with his last strength, killing himself and the Philistines present. Below the picture the title in Latin, a four-line verse in Dutch, French, German and English and a reference to the Bible text in Ri. 16:23.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
All babies are colour blind when they are born
  1. blinded
    Provided with blinds, blinders, or blindages: as, a blinded house; blinded batteries.
  2. blinded
    Having the window-shades drawn down; with the blinds closed.
  3. blinded
    In mining, not opposite, but nearly so, as two level drifts on either side of aslope.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The blind cavefish is born with eyes, but they fall off as the fish grows
  1. (adj) Blinded
    deprived of sight: without intellectual discernment
Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.
Source Unknown
A gift blinds the wise and perverts the words of the righteous.
Love blinds us to faults, but hatred blinds us to virtues.
Iba Ezra
Robert Burns
Had we never lov'd sae kindly, Had we never lov'd sae blindly, Never met -- or never parted -- we had never been broken-hearted.
Robert Burns
F. Scott Fitzgerald
No such thing as a man willing to be honest --that would be like a blind man willing to see.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
An idea ran back and forward in his head like a blind man, knocking over the solid furniture.
Source Unknown

Blind acceptance - If people accept thing blindly, they accept them without questioning them at all.

Blind as a bat - If you are in total darkness and can't see anything at all, you are as blind as a bat.

Blind leading the blind - When the blind are leading the blind, the people in charge of something don't know anything more than the people they are in charge of, when they should have greater knowledge.

Blind-sided - If you are blind-sided, an event with a negative impact takes you completely by surprise.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while - This expression means that even if people are ineffective or misguided, sometimes they can still be correct just by being lucky.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king - If surrounded by people less capable or able, someone who would not normally be considered special can shine.


Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. blind; Ice. blindr.

Usage in the news

The Left's Blind Spot with Julian Assange.

The Car Culture's Blind Spot s.

Alan Dershowitz and the Bias Blind Spot .

Obama's Nuclear Blind Spot .

Your Blind Spot in Economic Recovery.

Obama's Business Blind Spot .

The World's Women Stuck in the UN's Blind Spot The Nation.

Treasury Secretary's Blind Spot .

America's 'identity' blind spot .

Reeves's Blind Spot On Talent a Worry.

'The Blind Side' and obedience.

Mike Harris, protecting Rivers' blind side.

A blind tasting crowns Alexandria's Port City Brewing Company a winner.

Musician Linn Sorge is a full time instructor at the Hadley School for the Blind.


Usage in scientific papers

These values were chosen to be sufficiently different from the results of previous analyses to force internal reviewers to psychologically confront the blindness scheme while remaining close enough to the expected values that the resulting error contours were not overly distorted.
Measurement of \Omega_m, \Omega_{\Lambda} from a blind analysis of Type Ia supernovae with CMAGIC: Using color information to verify the acceleration of the Universe

Once the blindness was removed, the fits were redone without the secret offset step.
Measurement of \Omega_m, \Omega_{\Lambda} from a blind analysis of Type Ia supernovae with CMAGIC: Using color information to verify the acceleration of the Universe

Because of the way in which our blindness scheme is constructed, this comparison was possible before the final answer was known.
Measurement of \Omega_m, \Omega_{\Lambda} from a blind analysis of Type Ia supernovae with CMAGIC: Using color information to verify the acceleration of the Universe

We have carried out the first blind analysis of the cosmological parameters using SN data, developing a technique to prevent experimenter bias by hiding the final result until the data cuts and analysis procedures are finalized.
Measurement of \Omega_m, \Omega_{\Lambda} from a blind analysis of Type Ia supernovae with CMAGIC: Using color information to verify the acceleration of the Universe

The estimation error is on the order of 1, which is equivalent to the collector node blindly estimating S (t) = 0 for all t ∈ [0, T0 ].
Optimal Distortion-Power Tradeoffs in Sensor Networks: Gauss-Markov Random Processes

Usage in literature

It was a treasure to him; but to the poor wee blind lassie it was no better than an old copybook would have been. "Christie Redfern's Troubles" by Margaret Robertson

As for Edwin, Edwin was humbled that he should have been so blind to what Big James was. "Clayhanger" by Arnold Bennett

Even when totally blind, he kept constantly at work. "Pushing to the Front" by Orison Swett Marden

Once, a half hour after Conscience had gone in, her blind rose and she stood silhouetted against the lamp-light. "The Tyranny of Weakness" by Charles Neville Buck

It's the blind leading the blind. "The Trail of '98" by Robert W. Service

I make the blind statement that I love my wife, and to a man of your shrewdness that means nothing at all. "The Best Short Stories of 1920" by Various

Los Angeles has a blind anatomist at the head of its College of Osteopathy, and several blind osteopaths. "Five Lectures on Blindness" by Kate M. Foley

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. "Jesus the Christ" by James Edward Talmage

There was old Bevy Way and a lot of old people I knowed went blind and they died blind. "Patchwork" by Anna Balmer Myers

The unerring ear of the blind girl never deceived her. "Helen and Arthur" by Caroline Lee Hentz

Usage in poetry
I saw the fog grow thick,
Which soon made blind my ken;
It made tall men of boys,
And giants of tall men.
Sorrow wields huge hammer blows,
the rock of endurance cracks
blinding my eye with flashes
I catch in verse.
Ah! that yellow lamp,
the peace of the blind children,
the nostalgia of the widows,
the presence of the dead!
Fog, and a wind that blows the sea
Blindly into my eyes.
And I know not if my soul shall be
When the day dies.
"Tell him this, when you shall part
From a maiden pined;
That I see him with my heart,
Now my eyes are blind."
Here men shall grow up
Strong from self-helping;
Eyes for the present
Bring they as eagles',
Blind to the Past.