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Fine Dictionary


  1. (adj) sessile
    attached directly by the base; not having an intervening stalk "sessile flowers","the shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate"
  2. (adj) sessile
    permanently attached to a substrate; not free to move about "sessile marine animals and plants"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Sessile
    Attached without any sensible projecting support.
  2. Sessile
    (Zoöl) Permanently attached; -- said of the gonophores of certain hydroids which never became detached.
  3. Sessile
    (Bot) Resting directly upon the main stem or branch, without a petiole or footstalk; as, a sessile leaf or blossom.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. sessile
    In botany, attached without any sensible projecting support; sitting directly on the body to which it belongs without a support; attached by the base: as, a sessile leaf, one issuing directly from the main stem or branch without a petiole or footstalk; a sessile flower, one having no peduncle; a sessile stigma, one without a style, as in the poppy.
  2. sessile
    In zoöl. and anatomy:
  3. sessile
    Seated flat or low; fixed by a broad base; not stalked or pedunculated.
  4. sessile
    Fixed; not free; sedentary.
  5. sessile
    Specifically, in Crustacea: Having no peduncle, as a cirriped; belonging to the Sessilia. Having no stalk or ophthalmite, as an eye.
  6. sessile
    In conchology, having no stalk or ommatophore, as an eye.
  7. sessile
    In entomology, not petiolate, as an abdomen.
  8. sessile
    In Hydroida, not detachable or separable, as a gonophore.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Sessile
    ses′il (bot.) growing directly from the stem, without a foot-stalk, as some leaves.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. sessilis, low, dwarf, from sedere, sessum, to sit: cf. F. sessile,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. sessilis, low—sedēre, sessum, to sit.

Usage in the news

Toadshade or Sessile trillium ( Trillium sessile ) has a stalkless flower of three, small, dark red petals that always remain in the closed position.

Usage in scientific papers

A, B and C, very close to results obtained by the sessile drop method (tab. 1).
Capillary Bridge Formation and Breakage: A Test to Characterize Antiadhesive Surfaces

Usage in literature

The =pileus= is elongated and attached at one side by being sessile, or it is narrowed into a very short stem. "Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc." by George Francis Atkinson

This is quite a large, massive plant, growing in a sessile and imbricated manner. "The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise" by M. E. Hard

Pods nearly sessile, 3 to 4 in. "Trees of the Northern United States" by Austin C. Apgar

I am not by nature sessile. "Miss Cayley's Adventures" by Grant Allen

This unique form is near the fuligos which it resembles, especially when sessile, in its intricate sporangia. "The North American Slime-Moulds" by Thomas H. (Thomas Huston) MacBride

Leaves sessile, 15-30 mm. "The Plants of Michigan" by Henry Allan Gleason

How he gets his teeth under the broad bases of the sessile cones, I don't know. "My First Summer in the Sierra" by John Muir

Whole plant woody, sessile. "Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous" by Thomas Taylor

The leaves of Mosses are always simple, distinct, and sessile on the stem. "The Elements of Botany" by Asa Gray

The apricot is a low tree, of rather crooked growth, with somewhat heart-shaped leaves and sessile flowers. "The New Gresham Encyclopedia. Vol. 1 Part 2" by Various

Usage in poetry
The leaves were succulent, thick, and green,
And, sessile, out of the snakelike stem
Rose spine-like fingers, alert and keen,
To catch at aught that molested them.