effortless and unstudied "an impression of careless elegance","danced with careless grace" -
marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful "careless about her clothes","forgotten by some careless person","a careless housekeeper","careless proofreading","it was a careless mistake","hurt by a careless remark" -
(usually followed by `of') without due thought or consideration "careless of the consequences","crushing the blooms with regardless tread"
Free from care or anxiety. hence, cheerful; light-hearted. "Sleep she as sound as careless infancy." -
Having no care; not taking ordinary or proper care; negligent; unconcerned; heedless; inattentive; unmindful; regardless. "My brother was too careless of his charge.", "He grew careless of himself." -
Not receiving care; uncared for. "Their many wounds and careless harms." -
Without thought or purpose; without due care; without attention to rule or system; unstudied; inconsiderate; spontaneous; rash; as, a careless throw; a careless expression. "He framed the careless rhyme."
Free from care or anxiety; hence, undisturbed; cheerful. -
Giving no care; heedless; negligent; unthinking; inattentive; regardless; unmindful. -
Done or said without care; unconsidered: as, a careless act; a careless expression. -
Not receiving care; uncared for. -
Synonyms and Supine, Indolent, etc. (see listless); incautious, thoughtless, remiss, forgetful, inconsiderate.
without care: heedless, unconcerned
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. cearleás,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. caru; Goth. kara, sorrow; Ice. kæra, to lament; Celt. car, care; allied to L. carus, dear.
He calls the media a "monster," the police "careless," and the prosecution "scheming, ruthless".
She won't listen to me about her weight or the careless way she dresses.
Published Thursday, Dec 13, 2012, at 7:04 p.m. Carelessly discarded smoking materials sparked a fire that consumed a deck and destroyed two bedrooms of a Wichita house late Thursday morning, a Wichita fire investigator said.
Carelessly discarded cigarette caused Katama house fire.
The newly incorporated city of Jurupa Valley may be gone by the end of September 2013, the victim of a careless state Legislature.
The consequences of careless coverage of Friday's unemployment numbers.
He's hardwired to seek the angle, an overlooked clause in a contract that allows him to transform a company's carelessness into a personal windfall.
Reasons for the injuries and deaths included discharging a firearm inside a vehicle, careless handling of a firearm and victims moving into the line of fire.
The fire in the basement was sparked by the careless disposal of smoking materials in a trash receptcale, said Syracuse Fire Investigator Ken Heffernan.
While the economy appears to be, we hope, rebounding, the financial thrillers thrive, illustrating how lives are devastated by careless greed .
A disappointing retread of the Philip Marlowe genre (1966), with Paul Newman a bit too sassy and self-consciously virile for Chandler's knight and the plot conventions a bit too carelessly used by director Jack Smight.
So how careless does a quarterback have to be with the ball in the NFL before he gets benched.
I had carelessly dropped my wallet as I was getting into my car and didn't realize it until I was in the Kaimuki area.
The Dallas City Council is expected to approve new rules Wednesday to protect bicyclists from hostile and careless motorists.
Desperation leads to careless and costly decisions in Chan-Wook Park's 2002 Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, the first of a trilogy.
Hence the chiral condensate, i.e., the trace of the full fermion propagator, calculated in a certain truncation of the SD equations (be it consistent or not) is inevitably gauge dependent if one simply takes the trace naively and carelessly.
Comment on "Truncated Schwinger-Dyson Equations and Gauge Covariance in QED3"
Apart from the logarithmic corrections, this returns the familiar condition traditionally written in a careless form Mw(E ) ≃ 1 in which units do not match.
Heteropolymer Sequence Design and Preferential Solvation of Hydrophilic Monomers: One More Application of Random Energy Model
The original solution was published almost 100 years ago, so to ignore it would be careless.
A fresh look at some questions surrounding black holes
For ease of exposition, we are being a bit careless here in the case of the root system of type Dn but this is taken care of later in the paper.
Prime Representations from a Homological Perspective
From the consistent history perspective, this is somewhat careless terminology; what the writers have in mind is, typically, a situation in which a macroscopic apparatus can be set to produce a spin half particle either in the state Sx = 1/2 or in the state Sz = 1/2.
Choice of Consistent Family, and Quantum Incompatibility
The poet no longer conversed; he declaimed, leaning against the chimney, and careless who heard either his voice or his words. "Jack" by
Jack was all a-flutter again but he managed to imitate Joe's careless swagger. "Blackbeard: Buccaneer" by
Yet, careless as he seemed, the frantic prayers of his mother were not altogether without their effect upon Eric. "A Collection of Stories, Reviews and Essays" by
You know you are taking advantage of the careless wording of an old charter. "Desert Conquest" by
It's sort of green with a reddish thread wandering carelessly through it. "Left Guard Gilbert" by
Only upon a close look was the loveliness a little marred by evidences of the Fish-Eaters' careless housekeeping. "The Huntress" by
Beyond a doubt her French maid was becoming careless, very careless. "Madeline Payne, the Detective's Daughter" by
Indeed I smiled at them, carelessly, as one that deprecated so much ado about nothing. "A Daughter of Raasay" by
Do not make letters in a careless slipshod manner. "Manual of Military Training" by
They began to question him, at first casually and carelessly, so it seemed to Curly. "Crooked Trails and Straight" by
Never mean what I say,
For my thoughts and my eyes
Look the opposite way!
Side by side,
Leaving door and windows wide.
Careless tenants they!
Or carelessness, or jest,
Flung from the turbid water,
Mud, on the lily's breast.
Of a dream, the forward curse
Of a cold particular eye
In the headlong hearse.
Nor labour to possess
The only riches that shall gain
Eternal happiness?
May not those beauties see,
And wonder to behold the power
Belinda has with me.