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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) casualty
    a decrease of military personnel or equipment
  2. (n) casualty
    an accident that causes someone to die
  3. (n) casualty
    someone injured or killed in an accident
  4. (n) casualty
    someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Casualty
    (Mil. & Naval) Numerical loss caused by death, wounds, discharge, or desertion.
  2. Casualty
    That which comes without design or without being foreseen; contingency. "Losses that befall them by mere casualty ."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) casualty
    Chance, or what happens by chance; accident; contingency.
  2. (n) casualty
    An unfortunate chance or accident, especially one resulting in bodily injury or death; specifically, disability or loss of life in battle or military service from wounds, etc.: as, the casualties were very numerous.
  3. (n) casualty
    In Scots law, an emolument due from a vassal to his superior, beyond the stated yearly duties, upon certain casual events.
  4. (n) casualty
    plural In the military service, the losses in a command due to any cause whatsoever, as resignation, discharge, dismissal, desertion, capture, wounds, or death.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Casualty
    that which falls out: an accident: a misfortune:
  2. (n) Casualty
    (pl.) losses of a military force by death, desertion, &c.: an incidental charge or payment
In the war for individual rights, common sense becomes the first and major casualty.
Source Unknown
John Irving
Writing a novel is actually searching for victims. As I write I keep looking for casualties. The stories uncover the casualties.
John Irving
All of life is a risk; in fact we're not going to get out alive. Casualness leads to casualties. Communication is the ability to affect other people with words.
Jim Rohn

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. casualité, LL. casualitas,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. casualiscasus. See Case.

Usage in the news

There was no immediate word on casualties or damage from Wednesday's blast.

Two local hospitals wrapped up their training for mass burn casualties Tuesday at Marquette General Hospital.

Bernard of Charlton has been promoted to senior vice president in the property and casualty division.

Notable deaths in news 2012-N to Z. Scatchard the latest casualty in NHL's Concussion Era.

Placer County emergency services agencies work together in Multi- Casualty Incident drill.

Fort Jackson conducts mass casualty exercise.

Iranian electrorock group The Casualty Process will be in the KCSB studio to chat and play some tunes LIVE tonight (Wed. Nov 2) on the show Kittens VS Godzilla.

Church's 'Charlie Brown' Christmas play a casualty of culture wars.

More than 1,000 rockets have been fired at Israel, but a combination of their own imprecise targeting systems, Israel's missile-defense program and coordinated evacuations of civilians have kept casualties to a minimum.

All-Star game latest casualty of labor strife.

NJ Transit Puts Repair Shop, Parts on Sandy Casualty List.

Kraft's Hockeyville a lockout casualty .

Third casualty of the season overall.

State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. (Lawyers Weekly No 02-80185 – 11 pages).

Sandy has claimed its first casualty in Canada.

Usage in scientific papers

The heavy tails have been observed in a wide diversity of phenomena ranging from the statistics of solar flares to t he one of casualties of wars and from market price fluctuations to fluid dynamics .
Tails of probability density for sums of random independent variables

Impact [factor]: target [academic career] destroyed!”: just another statistical casualty.
Deep Impact: Unintended consequences of journal rank

The only casualty to the currently accepted system is that Pluto must go the way of Ceres and be likewise reassigned.
Planetesimals To Brown Dwarfs: What is a Planet?

Include details of the causes and casualties of the riots and government and police responses.
Improving Update Summarization by Revisiting the MMR Criterion

For instance, in the specific domain of news on the topic of terrorist attacks, summaries can be constructed by first describing the place of the attack, followed by the number of casualties, who the possible perpetrators are, etc.
Inferring Strategies for Sentence Ordering in Multidocument News Summarization

Usage in literature

The "Hiyei" came next in the casualty list, with 56 killed and wounded. "Famous Sea Fights" by John Richard Hale

We had some twenty casualties. "With the Naval Brigade in Natal (1899-1900)" by Charles Richard Newdigate Burne

A company of the West Yorkshire Mounted Infantry only twenty strong had sustained, in storming a kopje, no less than ten casualties. "With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back" by Edward P. Lowry

This gain cost the Australasians 18,000 casualties. "The 28th: A Record of War Service in the Australian Imperial Force, 1915-19, Vol. I" by Herbert Brayley Collett

On Sunday and Monday they had 286 casualties, including most of their officers. "The Incomparable 29th and the "River Clyde"" by George Davidson

At first it was ill-directed, but very soon casualties occurred in our ranks from it. "Khartoum Campaign, 1898" by Bennet Burleigh

I have nothing now to give as an estimate of the casualties, except the officer casualties of the 7th N.F. "Q.6.a and Other places" by Francis Buckley

The Dublin Fusiliers suffered many casualties in this first assault. "The Second Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers in the South African War" by Cecil Francis Romer and Arthur Edward Mainwaring

Sectarian violence causes the largest number of Iraqi civilian casualties. "The Iraq Study Group Report" by United States Institute for Peace

We both accomplished our objectives, without casualties and with bonuses. "The Alembic Plot" by Ann Wilson

Usage in poetry
Go and help to swell the names
In the casualty lists.
Help to make a column's stuff
For the blasted journalists.
The fruit has fallen, the flower is long forgotten,
only leaves remain.
One day a storm will rage and they will fall,
casualties, to earth.