bind with grout "grout the bathtub" -
a thin mortar that can be poured and used to fill cracks in masonry or brickwork
A thin, coarse mortar, used for pouring into the joints of masonry and brickwork; also, a finer material, used in finishing the best ceilings. -
Coarse meal; ground malt; -
Formerly, a kind of beer or ale. -
Lees; dregs; grounds. "Grouts of tea." -
To fill up or finish with grout, as the joints between stones.
Coarse meal; pollard; in the plural, groats; also, porridge made of such meal. -
Wort when first prepared, and before it has begun to ferment. -
Lees; grounds; dregs. -
Mud; dirt; filth. -
A thin coarse mortar poured into the joints of masonry and brickwork. -
A finishing or setting coat of fine stuff for ceilings. -
Made with or consisting of grout. -
To fill up or form with grout, as the joints or spaces between stones; use as grout. -
To bore with the snout, or dig up like a hog. -
A dialectal form of great, seen in composition, as in grouthead, groutnoll.
growt coarse meal: the sediment of liquor: lees: a thin coarse mortar: a fine plaster for finishing ceilings
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. grūt,; akin to grytt, G. grütze, griess, Icel. grautr, Lith. grudas, corn, kernel, and E. groats,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. grút, coarse meal; cog. with Dut. grut, Ice. grautr, porridge, Ger. grütze, groats.
" Grouts typically are cement-based products and are available as sanded or unsanded," said Levinson.
Quartz-Lock grout is an excellent replacement product for epoxy and cement grouts .
A Tile Grout That Works.
The next step was to develop a grout that is as easy to clean as the tile.
PumpMaster Grout Pump Airplaco Equipment Company Cincinnati.
Airplaco's PumpMaster grout pump is used for masonry block fill.
The PumpMaster PG-25, known as P-Rock, was developed after refining the PumpMaster model PG-21 grout pump.
Memorial services for Rosa (Moehring) Grout , 95, of Sault St Marie, Mich. And formerly of Glencoe, will be held at 11 am, Thursday, March 25, from the First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Glencoe.
Grout 's benefactor this year was Cook Security Group of Milwaukie.
In the 1970s, he advocated for what was then a controversial change in the water-cement ratio for structural grout .
( photo by Phil Grout / November 10, 2012 ).
The Shenendehowa boys cross country team lived up to the preseason hype at last Saturday's Grout Run at Schenectady's Central Park.
( Photo by Phil Grout / August 22, 2012 ).
Gently rub grout off seashells , too.
( photo by Phil Grout / July 29, 2012 ).
Bill Blume, Rudolf Eigenmann, Keith Faigin, John Grout, Jay Hoe, David Padua, Paul Petersen, Bill Pottenger, Lawrence Rauchwerger, Peng Tu, and Stephen Weatherford.
The Multi-Core Era - Trends and Challenges
SiD expects to move on hardened steel rails, grouted and locked to the floor.
SiD Letter of Intent
The last hunt-morning you breakfasted here you threw the coffee-grouts into the sugar-basin, when I let you help me. "The Kellys and the O'Kellys" by
Another method, which has rather fallen into disuse, is grouting. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887" by
They should continue to be carefully grouted and faced until settlement is complete. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888" by
This was done by drilling into the rock holes from 6 to 15 ft. in depth, and grouting into each hole a 1-1/2-in. "Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910" by
Except as previously noted, the voids outside of the tunnel lining were filled with grout ejected through the grout holes in each segment. "Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910" by
As a partridge grouts with her wings in a dusty furrow, so he worked in the powdered snow to make her a nest. "Lore of Proserpine" by
Grout pipes were built into the masonry and later all voids were filled with grout. "Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910" by
The patriots and sages who framed our Constitution grouted it with this principle. "The Arena" by
Princeton, Mrs. L. M. Grout, 2. "The American Missionary -- Volume 54, No. 4, October, 1900" by
After the pavement has been grouted, the wooden strip is pulled out and the joint is filled with a suitable bituminous filler. "American Rural Highways" by
Striding down the planks blood-grouted—
Into his beard fell something light,
And he spat, and swooned with fright.