not penetrable by bullets "bulletproof glass","bulletproof vest" -
without flaws or loopholes "an ironclad contract","a watertight alibi","a bulletproof argument" -
make bulletproof "bulletproof the car"
Capable of resisting the force of a bullet; resistant to penetration by a bullet; armored; as, a bulletproof vest; a bulletproof window. -
designed so as to be resistant to abuse or misuse and incapable of malfunction under normal use; as, a bulletproof computer program. -
so well thought out as to be resistant to criticism or certain to succeed; as, a bulletproof plan.
Zimmerman Told Wife to Buy Bulletproof Vest. cjb.com
The former neighborhood watch volunteer who killed Trayvon Martin told his wife to buy bulletproof vests for them and for his attorney, according to jailhouse calls released Monday. cjb.com
The knife hit Trooper Eric Weingartner in his bulletproof vest, and the trooper was not injured. syracuse.com
Bulletproof vest drive will allow money for other needs. thestate.com
Bulletproof vests a cause Midlanders open wallets for. thestate.com
The top truism in TV sports: NFL TV ratings are bulletproof . usatoday.com
Firearms industry's immunity may not be bulletproof . buffalonews.com
Tenelle Living Like She's Bulletproof : A Journey to Pop Stardom. randomlengthsnews.com
2008 Toyota Tundra Bulletproof Upper Control Arm. truckinweb.com
(AP) — The former neighborhood watch volunteer who killed Trayvon Martin told his wife to buy bulletproof vests for them and for his attorney, according to jailhouse calls released Monday. monroenews.com
'I Hope Obama's Teleprompters Are Bulletproof '. usnews.com
There are many ways to test bulletproof technology. 1063thebuzz.com
Homer business, ' Bulletproof ,' nets quite a catch. juneauempire.com
In this Jan 23, 2012 photo, Matt Alward, owner of Bulletproof Nets, and Jud Hancock repair nets in one of Bulletproof 's two seine alleys in Homer, Alaska. juneauempire.com
Fishing business mixes 'old world art' with technological advances to build Bulletproof Nets. homernews.com
To tolerate incorrect behaviors of the NoC, BulletProof and Vicis are proposed to detect and recover from the transfer loss.
RepTFD: Replay Based Transient Fault Detection
Some is "robust," even "bulletproof. "Hacker Crackdown" by
Inside the glass wool was a layer of material serving exactly the function of the coating of a bulletproof gasoline tank. "Space Platform" by
She's rayproof and bulletproof and bombproof. "Empire" by
And he's bulletproof too. "Arm of the Law" by
The operation could be watched through a heavy pane of bulletproof glass. "The Foreign Hand Tie" by
Shall I wear my bulletproof clothes? "The Man Who Staked the Stars" by
I was willing to bet it was bulletproof and also that it belonged to the Major. "The Knights of Arthur" by
He could see the weapons-system operator inside the lower bulletproof bubble. "Project Cyclops" by