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Fine Dictionary


Rectangle, subdivided into ten planes, which themselves are subdivided into ten small planes. Fourteen of these small boxes have been left empty (seven of them have cut-out pictures from another sheet pasted), eighty-six are filled with small representations of a legal nature. For example, short legal spells ('Iudicatum solvi'), transactions, contracts, etc. are depicted. This magazine is part of a series of magazines with (space for) ten times ten small legal representations. It may be illustrations for a book.
Rectangle, subdivided into ten planes, which themselves are subdivided into ten small planes. Fourteen of these small boxes have been left empty (seven of them have cut-out pictures from another sheet pasted), eighty-six are filled with small representations of a legal nature. For example, short legal spells ('Iudicatum solvi'), transactions, contracts, etc. are depicted. This magazine is part of a series of magazines with (space for) ten times ten small legal representations. It may be illustrations for a book.
  1. (adj) plane
    having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another "a flat desk","acres of level farmland","a plane surface","skirts sewn with fine flat seams"
  2. (v) plane
    cut or remove with or as if with a plane "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood"
  3. (v) plane
    make even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter's plane "plane the top of the door"
  4. (v) plane
    travel on the surface of water
  5. (n) plane
    an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane"
  6. (n) plane
    a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood "the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work"
  7. (n) plane
    a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood
  8. (n) plane
    (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane","any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane"
  9. (n) plane
    a level of existence or development "he lived on a worldly plane"
A number of men working on a small plane in a hangar.
A number of men working on a small plane in a hangar.
In the plane of the saucer, where the center point is visible in the middle, are punched with the help of stamping shapes: a depiction of Saint George on horseback fighting the dragon and the king's daughter in the left background, derived from the Legenda Aurea, and a rib wrapped in stylized leaf ornament. In between is a punched ornament of leaf motifs. The collar has punched leaf ornament in the center and punched finials on the edge. The edge is wrapped around an iron wire. The hanging rings at the back and the hole in the rim were added later.
In the plane of the saucer, where the center point is visible in the middle, are punched with the help of stamping shapes: a depiction of Saint George on horseback fighting the dragon and the king's daughter in the left background, derived from the Legenda Aurea, and a rib wrapped in stylized leaf ornament. In between is a punched ornament of leaf motifs. The collar has punched leaf ornament in the center and punched finials on the edge. The edge is wrapped around an iron wire. The hanging rings at the back and the hole in the rim were added later.
Angled aerial view of Red Square during a military parade with planes and motorized infantry. In the middle in the background the Kremlin.
Angled aerial view of Red Square during a military parade with planes and motorized infantry. In the middle in the background the Kremlin.
Ceiling with four planes, the plane on the left and the circle in the middle are cut out. In the other areas are depictions of women, on the right three women are seated next to three putti, the middle one is breastfeeding a baby.
Ceiling with four planes, the plane on the left and the circle in the middle are cut out. In the other areas are depictions of women, on the right three women are seated next to three putti, the middle one is breastfeeding a baby.
Square glass plate in wooden mount. Snow star in a black plane: six lines from the center with bow-shaped crosspieces on them.
Square glass plate in wooden mount. Snow star in a black plane: six lines from the center with bow-shaped crosspieces on them.
Two bronze drill shafts, one finished, the other rough. The top part is an ordinary auger without a handle. The finished model has a small iron chisel and a plane: the chisel cuts a circle, which is then planed out by the plane.
Two drill planes
Bronze medal. Front: plane (de Uiver) in relief, flying to the right, including the world map showing the route of the flight from London to Melbourne, with emblem (of the KLM), lettering, inscription and signature. Reverse: palm branch with bow behind which the sun with inscription.
Bronze medal. Front: plane (de Uiver) in relief, flying to the right, including the world map showing the route of the flight from London to Melbourne, with emblem (of the KLM), lettering, inscription and signature. Reverse: palm branch with bow behind which the sun with inscription.
The scene is divided into two horizontal planes, the bottom half is a dark space in a palace with in the middle a young woman leaning on a platform against a large roller cushion, she is pushing flowers into her hair, on the left is a servant with a large mirror, on the right one with a torch; the top half consists of planes of the palace roof with rounded roofs on the left and right and in the middle four pillars with a round head; on the right side of a flat roof is a large yellow bird. At the top and bottom of the scene two red stripes, the bottom one heavily damaged and almost colorless; an inscription on the black sky at the top.
The scene is divided into two horizontal planes, the bottom half is a dark space in a palace with in the middle a young woman leaning on a platform against a large roller cushion, she is pushing flowers into her hair, on the left is a servant with a large mirror, on the right one with a torch; the top half consists of planes of the palace roof with rounded roofs on the left and right and in the middle four pillars with a round head; on the right side of a flat roof is a large yellow bird. At the top and bottom of the scene two red stripes, the bottom one heavily damaged and almost colorless; an inscription on the black sky at the top.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
In 1946, the New York Yankees became the first baseball team to travel by plane
  1. Plane
    (Mech) A block or plate having a perfectly flat surface, used as a standard of flatness; a surface plate.
  2. Plane
    (Geom) A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface; or a surface, any section of which by a like surface is a straight line; a surface without curvature.
  3. Plane
    Figuratively, to make plain or smooth. "What student came but that you planed her path."
  4. Plane
    Of a boat, to lift more or less out of the water while in motion, after the manner of a hydroplane; to hydroplane.
  5. Plane
    To efface or remove. "He planed away the names . . . written on his tables."
  6. Plane
    To make smooth; to level; to pare off the inequalities of the surface of, as of a board or other piece of wood, by the use of a plane; as, to plane a plank.
  7. Plane
    Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface.☞ In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost exclusively used to designate a flat or level surface.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
There are an estimated 2,500 collisions between birds and planes each year in the US
  1. plane
    Having the character of a plane; contained within a plane: as, a plane mirror; a plane curve. In n-dimensional geometry, sometimes applied to a linear manifold of any number of dimensions, for which fiat is generally used.
  2. plane
    In botany, having a flat surface or surfaces.
  3. plane
    In entomology, flat and not deflexed; flat at the margins: as, plane elytra.
  4. (n) plane
    A geometrical surface such that if any two points in it are joined by a straight line, the line will lie wholly on the surface; a surface such that two of them which have any three points in common must coincide over their whole extent; hence, a real surface having (approximately) this form. It is thus the simplest of all geometrical surfaces. A plane may also be defined as a surface of the form which is the ideal limit toward which the surfaces of three rigid solids, A, B, C, approximate, if these are ground together in successive pairs, AB, BC, CA, AB, and so on indefinitely. In higher geometry a plane is considered as unlimited; but in elementary geometry a part of such a surface is also called a plane.
  5. (n) plane
    Specifically In biology: An ideal surface of extension in any axis of an organism: as, the vertical longitudinal plane of the body.
  6. (n) plane
    A surface approximately flat or level; a “horizon” : as, the plane of the teeth or of the diaphragm.
  7. (n) plane
    In coal-mining, any slope or incline on which coal is raised or lowered, but usually applied to self-acting inclines, or those on which the coal is lowered by gravity. [Pennsylvania anthracite region.] In England any main road, whether level or inclined, may be called a plane
  8. (n) plane
    In crystallography, one of the natural faces of a crystal.
  9. (n) plane
    Figuratively, a grade of existence or a stage of development: as, to live on a higher plane.
  10. plane
    To make plane or smooth; make clear.
  11. plane
    To make smooth, especially by the use of a plane: as, to plane wood.
  12. plane
    To rub out; erase.
  13. (n) plane
    A tool for paring, smoothing, truing, and finishing woodwork. The essential parts of a plane are a stock or frame of wood or metal bering a smooth, concave, or convex base or sole, and a throat in which is placed a steel cutter called the plane-iron or bit. Various devices are used to keep the bit in position in the stock, the most simple and common being a wedge of wood. Planes are made in a great variety of shapes and sizes, and range from 1 to 72 inches in length. Nearly all are distinguished by names having reference to the particular kind of work for which they are designed, as the edge-plane, molding-plane, and smoothing-plane. Planes are also used for truing soft metal surfaces. Plane-irons are inserted in their stocks at various pitches or angles, according to the duty they are to perform. Common pitch, or 45' from the horizontal line, is used in all bench-planes for soft woods. The pitch is increased with the hardness of the material to be worked. See pitch and plane-stock, and cut in next column.
  14. (n) plane
    A metallic gage or test for a true surface; a true plane or plane surface; a surface-plate.
  15. (n) plane
    An instrument, resembling a plasterers' trowel, used by brickmakers for striking off clay projecting above the top of the mold.
  16. (n) plane
    The plane-tree.
  17. (n) plane
    In geometry, a plane through the center of a sphere.
  18. (n) plane
    In linegeom., one of the planes of which two are determined by each straight of the congruence taken with each of the two straights consecutive to it by which it is intersected.
  19. (n) plane
    A wood-working plane having a stock resting on adjustable slides which take the place of the sole, and having adjustable fences on each side of the stock, so as to admit, by the use of various attachments, of the use of a great variety of bits. It can thus be used in molding, matching, beading, reeding, aud fiuting, as a hollow, chamfer-, fillister-, dado-, and slitting-plane, and as a plow. Also called universal plane.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
In the United States birds and planes collided more than 22,000 times between the years of 1990 and 1998
  1. (n) Plane
    plān (geom.) a surface on which, if any two points be taken, the straight line joining them will lie entirely on the surface:
  2. (adj) Plane
    having the character of a plane: pertaining to, lying in, or forming a plane
  3. (v.t) Plane
    to make plane or smooth
  4. (v.t) Plane
    to survey with a plane-table
  5. (n) Plane
    plān a carpenter's tool for producing a level or smooth surface
  6. (v.t) Plane
    to make a surface (as of wood) level by means of a plane
  7. (n) Plane
    plān (astron.) a surface thought of as bounded by the line round which a heavenly body moves: any flat or level surface: any incline on which coal is lowered by the effect of gravity: any grade of life or of development
The atom, being for all practical purposes the stable unit of the physical plane, is a constantly changing vortex of reactions.
Charlie Chaplin
I remain just one thing, and one thing only -- and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician.
Charlie Chaplin
In all planing you make a list and you set priorities.
Alan Lakein

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F., fr. L. platanus, Gr. , fr. broad; -- so called on account of its broad leaves and spreading form. See Place, and cf. Platane Plantain the tree

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. planus, plain.

Usage in the news

Where do Air Force planes go when they die.

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov Mitt Romney boards his campaign charter plane in Jacksonville, Fla.

They can rappel down skyscrapers, rescue plane-crash survivors from an icy river, and go toe-to-toe with terrorists.

3, 1959, the man who changed the face of popular music tragically died in a plane crash at age 22.

What should you do if you're on a plane that has been threatened with a bomb.

Why Can't I Use My Cell Phone on a Plane.

Area man wants planes to buzz off .

Robotics engineers at MIT were able to program this plane to fly by itself in a parking garage, at speeds of up to 22mph, for almost 3 miles while it came within centimeters of obstacles.

AMARILLO, Texas — A federal judge in Texas says a JetBlue Airways pilot who disrupted a flight by running through the plane and yelling about terrorists can go free.

Military aircraft have intercepted two small planes in restricted airspace around Camp David , where world leaders are gathering for an economic summit.

Matt Bickford is a Connecticut based woodworker who produces a remarkable line of wooden rabbet and molding planes.

More passengers and fuller planes are giving airlines the opportunity to raise ticket prices.

"A lot of times with curveballs , more than any other pitch, it will go above the fastball plane," House said.

Turkey grounds Armenian plane in growing de facto air blockade of Syria.

Hobbits keep plane passengers safe.

Usage in scientific papers

The answer appears to lie in the complex plane and the types of singularities the equations can have when analytically continued in the complex time plane.
Is Nature Generic?

Say one of the images of ¯θs is at ¯θ on the lens plane, and that the image-plane region ¯θ + ∆θ corresponds to the source-plane region ¯θs + ∆θs .
Beware the Non-uniqueness of Einstein Rings

Next, extending integral Eq. (7) into the plane of complex ξ , note that the for f (ξ ) given by Eq. (15) integrand has l simple poles in the upper half-plane.
Tails of probability density for sums of random independent variables

Alexandroff: every embedded surface in RN with constant mean curvature must be a sphere) of moving planes to a critical position and then showing that the solution is symmetric about the limiting plane.
Two symmetry problems in potential theory

Of course, the appearence of this singularity, concentrated in the plane Z=0, reflects the fact that this real gravitational field has like source a system of masses distributed on the respective plane.
Can the notion of a homogeneous gravitational field be transferred from classical mechanics to the Relativistic Theory of Gravity ?

Usage in literature

Study it as you will you can find little resemblance in those rectangular rigid planes to the wings of a bird. "Aircraft and Submarines" by Willis J. Abbot

My attention was on managing the plane. "Astounding Stories, March, 1931" by Various

The nest referred to is on a plane entirely outside of Nature and her processes. "Ways of Nature" by John Burroughs

He sat there nearly all that night; and near dawn, an official plane carried him in a flight over the city. "Astounding Stories, April, 1931" by Various

The green plane dipped, dived under him, and Larkin noticed another plane flash past him, bent on other game. "Aces Up" by Covington Clarke

The planes of it cross the plane of the canvas, recede from it, cross behind, and return. "The Painter in Oil" by Daniel Burleigh Parkhurst

The nose of the plane went up in obedience to his own desire. "The People of the Crater" by Andrew North

The sound seemed to indicate that the planes were flying low. ""And they thought we wouldn't fight"" by Floyd Gibbons

As we have already noted, the gifts of Froebel are thus far solids, divided solids, planes and divided planes. "Froebel's Gifts" by Kate Douglas Wiggin

The man from the plane had not gone more than fifty yards when he halted sharply. "Astounding Stories, July, 1931" by Various

Usage in poetry
The highway, like a beach,
Turns whiter, shadowy, dry:
Loud, pale against the sky,
The bombing planes hold speech.
Another morning comes: I see,
Dwindling below me on the plane,
The roofs of one more audience
I shall not see again.
Oh, there were fifteen men in green,
Each with a tommy-gun,
Who leapt into my plane at dawn;
We rose to meet the sun.
Upon the lofty spirit-plane,
Where all lies open to their sight,
The Masters know that not in vain
They left the Hills of Light.
Life softly clanging cymbals were
Plane-trees, poplars Autumn had
Arrayed in gloriously sad
Garments of beauty wind-astir;
It was the day of all the dead —
William Leachman, I can see you jest as plane as I could then;
And your hand is on my shoulder, and you rouse me up again,
And I see the tears a-drippin' from your own eyes, as you say:
"Be rickonciled and bear it--we but linger fer a day!"