without care or thought for others; `Let them eat cake'" "the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread" -
showing lack of careful thought "the debate turned into thoughtless bickering"
Deficient in reasoning power; stupid; dull. "Thoughtless as monarch oaks that shade the plain." -
Giddy; gay; dissipated. -
Lacking thought; careless; inconsiderate; rash; as, a thoughtless person, or act.
Devoid of or lacking capacity for thought. -
Unthinking; heedless; careless; giddy. -
Synonyms Heedless, Remiss, etc. (see negligent), regardless, inattentive, inconsiderate, unmindful, flighty, harebrained.
without thought or care: careless: inattentive: stupid: dull
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. ge-thóht; Ice. thóttr, Ger. bedacht. Cf. Think.
One who thoughtlessly serves the people, with little thought for their self.
Done thoughtlessly and in poor taste, it certainly can be.
Our friends and family members are seldom so thoughtless as to call at that particular time.
Once the fighting stopped, the major powers were content to pursue a thoughtless, hollow democratization.
A foolish or thoughtless young person.
Thoughtless retaining of judges can't be considered a success.
No scale exists for thoughtless cash gifts.
Reaction on Twitter at times emotional, thoughtless .
Thoughtless actions threaten peace of mind.
Two months ago, a lady thoughtlessly crashed into my car and created extensive damage to the left front fender and my body.
With bottles retailing in the $32,000 range, this was not a shot to be downed thoughtlessly.
With politicians saying really thoughtless and stupid things that spur outrage, not one has stepped down from office.
Gerould Kern didn't say anything thoughtless or unreasonable at Thursday's media forum at the Newberry Library, so why pick at nits.
Court Closure Called 'Thoughtless And Insensitive '.
Obama's Mideast strategy muddled , thoughtless.
Thus, should be taken only as a warning against thoughtless application of formal conclusions of the Davies theory to, e.g., diffusion flows where no such flows exist.
Stationary flows in quantum dissipative closed circuits as a challenge to thermodynamics
Epstein J M (2001) Learning to be thoughtless: Social norms and individual computation.
Cooperation, Norms, and Revolutions: A Unified Game-Theoretical Approach
Ferrero and Santos refer to Einstein’s words , according to whom physical ob jects are “thoughtless arranged in a space-time continuum.
A realistic interpretation for quantum mechanics
How I regretted my thoughtlessness in not having forestalled myself in the Sutherlands' barge. "Lords of the North" by
Forgive me, Edith, for being so thoughtless and impulsive; for being so selfish myself. "Ernest Linwood" by
Let her have two or three years, even if it was blissful thoughtlessness. "A Little Girl in Old Salem" by
She was beautiful and thoughtless; she appreciated her position as the daughter of a king. "Lucretia Borgia" by
Throughout the whole history of the race they have been kindly, thoughtless children. "The Girl in the Golden Atom" by
You can be happy without being thoughtless. "The Fortunes of the Farrells" by
It was only thoughtlessness. "The Heart of Una Sackville" by
It's right unthankful of her not to mend; but childre is that thoughtless! "All's Well" by
Many ignorant or thoughtless parents and nurses constantly use fear as a means of governing children. "Pushing to the Front" by
Oh, you thoughtless men! "In the Eastern Seas" by
Am but a thoughtless boy,
That warbles, like the forest birds,
From fullness of my joy.
If honor raise them high,
Live like the beast, a thoughtless race,
And like the beast they die.
His thoughtless offspring takes;
And seats his unoffending child
Amidst these angry Snakes!
Nor seek the fatal place,
Where thoughtless crowds expecting stand
To see thy child's disgrace.
Thy leaf without a care,
Perhaps will tread thee to the earth,
Nor heed that thou art there.
How unlike in all beside!
Lightly sped, and all uncounted,
Blithe I saw the moments glide.